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Need a Home Remedy (female content)

Crimson Wife

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So it's day 2 of AF and the blood has a really nasty odor. Dr. Google tells me that it's probably the result of a bacterial or yeast infection. I washed my bits with plain water and put on clean 100% cotton undies & loose-fitting cotton pants (not warm enough for a skirt unless I wear tights). Due to my schedule I cannot get to the gyno until Monday at the earliest.


What can I take or do that doesn't require going in to see the gyno?

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I was under the impression that yeast infections don't cause an odor, but maybe I'm wrong. I'd go with bacterial issue. There's a home vaginal health test by Monistat that you can use to see if the acidity level is high enough to point to a bacterial infection or not. I'm not sure of any home remedy for a bacterial issue. 

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This may sound really gross, but garlic has excellent anti-bacterial properties, and a peeled clove of garlic inserted like a tampon and kept in overnight can cure most yeast infections in the earlier stages.  Just remember to take it out in the morning.  I only mentioned this as you were looking for a home remedy, and I find this is more gentle than the creams that are available at the drug store.

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Do you have any other signs of infection?  Is your temperature and heart rate normal? Do you have any pain?  If not normal in every way except scent, go to the doctor and forget home remedies.


If it's normal, go to the grocery store and get get 3 or more bottles of fruit-flavored kefir, new hydrogen peroxide solution, and some Fage plain greek yogurt (or any kind without fruit and MORE probiotic strains than that one).  Drink some Kefir 3 times per day for the next 3+ days, a bottle per day.   First peroxide. Soak a tampon in a bit of NEW hydrogen peroxide solution and insert for 20 minutes. ETA:  the kind with applicators make this easiest- you can just pour a bit into the top of the applicator.  Another option is an oral syringe or a small funnel.  Put a towel under yourself and consider staying in bed for 20 minutes, because it might bubble and foam and feel strange in addition to making a huge mess. When you're done, follow up with some plain yogurt.  Again, a tampon coated in it is probably the easiest way.  In theory a probiotic supplement inserted as a vaginal suppository might work too, but yogurt is cheap, widely available, and you can be certain has living probiotics in it. If you already have probiotics, you could try that first, and do the other thing tomorrow if there isn't a big improvement.


Peroxide and yogurt will help with both minor bacteria and yeast infections.  Again, if you have any other signs of infection go to the doctor now though.

Edited by Katy
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