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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Tidied up before cleaner arrived


Pack lunch and walk new arrival to bus stop


Didn't get all the tidying up done so I keep a room ahead of cleaner.


5 loads of laundry washed , hung out , dried and mostly folded


Do some schoolwork with a very reluctant ds13


Take twins to GP for a mental health plan


Finish off assisting reluctant ds13 with schoolwork


Pick up new arrival from bus stop. See something didn't go well at school and have a little discussion with him. He told me a big pack of lies


Dh took new arrival and twin1 to the beach.


School ring and tell me that new arrival assaulted the teacher today, shoving her into a door. As I am no longer able to talk to case manager ( she doesn't want to talk to me) I sent her a email with brief details and suggest she ring school.


Cook pasta for tea


Pack off younger 3 to bed

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Oh my goodness, Melissa.  I hope things smooth out with new arrival.  Wonder what the teacher did that made him loose it?  My dd works with LD kids and has had to deal with kids who act out; no emotional control.


It snowed!  Our first snow; bit it is not a nice snow.  Mixed with freezing rain, very heavy and people are losing power.  Please, please don't let us lose power!


The teens co-op was cancelled for today.  15 yo who dreads biology every week, is very happy.  Plus both kids had group projects due in Government (I love their teacher but she does have a thing about group projects which I personally can't abide).  Anyway, teens were scrambling on that so they are relieved.


I think we might use the extra time to 

1) sleep in (I already did, letting the teens sleep in longer)

2) study and then maybe take the NLE to get it over with.  I was going to wait until Thursday.

3)  Try my hand at making cheddar cheese crackers.

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Morning all!


•get tax stuff ready to mail

•get bank deposits ready



•make a big bowl of salad for fridge

•take dog to vet for checkup & shots, pick up food while I'm there

•go to bank & post office

•maybe stop & buy a pi day pie

•dinner=cajun cod & veggies

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! So many dumb little things to do today. I am leaving super early tomorrow and will be chaperoning a bunch of teens at a swim meet until Monday. So have a great week and weekend!


To do: 

dd2 off to school

ds2 and ds3 up and working

get headlight fixed (again)


buy bus passes for ds2



print out paperwork for trip

other random things

PM practice swim/swim

dh takes judo run


Have a great rest of week!

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Kids have a "snow day" today.  Personally I think the school system is a bunch of wimps, but at least I got to sleep in.


Theoretically I am working.  I don't know what the kids are doing.  Probably watching TV somewhere, or reading up on Pokemon.  Slackers.


Today is the "grand opening" for a historic building we bought and rehabbed.  This means I have to dress in a suit and be on stage.  BLAH.  My kids do too.  But unlike me, they are excited to cut the ribbon with the golden scissors.  :P  We are hoping the snow out east won't prevent some of the important people from coming.


Other than that, the usual stuff.  March 15 deadlines and a few other things.

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Happy Birthday to your ds, myblessings4!  


While some of you are having snow days, today will be in the high 80s/low 90s in our area.  Sigh.  Not ready for this heat.



Market for coffee creamer (a top priority in my opinion)

chicken in crockpot

clean out freezer and fridge 

library for returns/might stay and catch up on grading

make space and start setting up crafting table in garage (this will be an ongoing project for the next week)

vacuum and dust downstairs/upstairs


Have a great day, all!

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Daughter to school DONE

School DONE

Youngest enrichment DONE

Grocer for pie DONE

Errand with oldest? Nope

Pick up youngest DONE

Then pick up daughter DONE

Oldest to work? Off today

Dinner pie:pot pies, coconut cream pie, blueberry pie

They were bogo's so I had to get 2 pies ;)

Pizza for youngest

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Made two mini pies, cherry and apple, with filling I made and froze months ago


Cooked shepherd's pie instead of greek burgers..


Made kids clean the bathrooms and do their other housekeeping chores. Oh my, but there was weeping and gnashing of teeth!


Took a shower.

Did some work on the budget.


Pouring a small glass of wine now.

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