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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yesterday was not good.  I was so tired from waking up so early.  I couldn't shake it.  I spent the morning lying in bed wondering if I was coming down with something.  Finally in the afternoon I had to get up because I promised this lady whose husband is so ill I'd make her dinner.  So I did get that done and delivered.  But that was pretty much it for the whole entire day!  Argh!


So today, I had better get cracking!




Get teens up 

Take 15 yo to biology

I am going to do some anti-plastic sleuthing at an organic store that I seldom go to.

Take 18 to gov't class

Buy milk and bread; walk

home again for lunch

study Latin with kids


Dinner is chicken breasts cooked somehow (haven't decided yet)


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Good morning! I'm chugging coffee in an attempt to get my act together and have energy to face the day. My migraine is still lingering on and I got very little sleep last night because we had severe storms and were under a tornado watch. Dh can sleep through anything, so while he was snoring away, I was the one anxiously pacing and trying to decide if we should head to the basement.   




•fix fence that was damaged by storm & pick up garbage that blew all over the place

•go through amazon subscribe and save list for next month

•go to bank

•take 2 cats to vet for checkups and shots

•order yoga mat (decided I was going to start doing yoga last May, bought a dvd, and then promptly forgot about it. Realized the other day that it has been sitting by the tv unopened for 10 months  :huh: )

•look into getting one of those SAD lights

•dinner=salmon fried rice

Edited by Selkie
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  • Did not get up early as planned.  :/

Kids off to the school bus.

Check social media stuff.

Work.  I have to finish stuff I promised yesterday.

A little reading, housework, exercise.

Kids' work.

AHG God and Family lesson.

I promised to play a board game with my kids tonight.


Kids to bed.


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Good morning.  Between somehow losing the diamond and prongs off of my engagement ring (just discovered yesterday), tearing my house apart in an attempt to find it, and planning for a spring break "vacation" (ha ha ha) to see the in-laws in PA next week, I am ready to lose it.


ETA:  I found my diamond!!  It was in the pocket of the shorts I was wearing on Sunday.  We had been out at Carmax that day looking at cars for my oldest and I must have been in and out of a dozen cars so it could have been much worse.


-tear remainder of house apart looking for diamond

-attempt to get school work finished


-pick up oldest from school and take him to 3 hour travel baseball practice

-see what the status of my kids winter wardrobe is for trip to PA (we live in FL, where it is 80 degrees.  It will be 30 when we arrive in PA)

-look for place to stay while in PA (I am trying to persuade husband to stay on an Amish farm rather than some generic hotel room)

-wring hands over oldest son's recent grades in high school and bite my tongue every time he tells me he doesn't need to study for his three tests this week

-put house back together enough so cleaning people can clean tomorrow


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Thunderstorms and wind, great day to stay home




Grocer #1 and maybe #2

Pick up taxes, pay accountant

Consolidate vocabulary flashards

Pick up youngest

Oldest to work??



Eta: clean kitchen how could I forget?

Edited by MooCow
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Pink and Green Mom, I hope you find that diamond! I had a friend lose her diamond (she thought at a soccer field) only to have it reappear 6 months later underneath her refrigerator. Regular day here. 


To do:

boys up and educated

ds2 to aikido

hang out with dd1



check bills

jen things

PM practice swim/swim

dh takes ds2 to judo


Have a great day!


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Good morning.  Between somehow losing the diamond and prongs off of my engagement ring (just discovered yesterday), tearing my house apart in an attempt to find it, and planning for a spring break "vacation" (ha ha ha) to see the in-laws in PA next week, I am ready to lose it.


-tear remainder of house apart looking for diamond

-attempt to get school work finished


-pick up oldest from school and take him to 3 hour travel baseball practice

-see what the status of my kids winter wardrobe is for trip to PA (we live in FL, where it is 80 degrees.  It will be 30 when we arrive in PA)

-look for place to stay while in PA (I am trying to persuade husband to stay on an Amish farm rather than some generic hotel room)

-wring hands over oldest son's recent grades in high school and bite my tongue every time he tells me he doesn't need to study for his three tests this week

-put house back together enough so cleaning people can clean tomorrow



I hope you can find the diamond.



Wow you can stay at an Amish farm?  Do you have info on that?  Let us know if you do that.






I was going to go to the music store today, but the wind is insane so I am putting that off.  Hopefully the wind dies down






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Pink and Green - so sorry about your diamond!  How sad!


It's Tuesday!  Something about a good night's sleep that just helps you feel more hopeful!


I'm having a lazy day and planning to just take it easy on myself today.  


To do:

lunches made and kids and dh out the door

tidy up

find something to watch on Netflix

take a bath

maybe go on a walk - nope - too windy

post office to mail tennis racquet

and pick up a few groceries and lunch while I'm out

take a nap

no lessons this afternoon

no games or programs or practices! Yay!!


dinner: fajitas

Edited by wendy not in HI
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To do:


For/with Dd: grammar assignments, history discussion, check memory work

With Ds: memory work, history, math facts review, Latin songs


Dh left to take his car in. I hope he makes it there! It is pouring rain.The mechanic will give him a ride home, so I didn't have to drag kids out.


watch Pride and Prejudice with kids

walk the dog if the rain lets up


dinner - leftovers



Pink and Green, I hope you find your diamond! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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