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Frugalistas Week 4: Jan 23-Feb 5


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Sorry that I am a day late getting this up. We are travelling and it's been challening to get online. I will post my stats for the week past tomorrow, but wanted to see how everyone is doing.

Generally speaking, I am doing very well. We had a financial break come through this week with DH's work, so I am breathing a bit easier. AND HE FINALLY AGREED TO A BUDGET! We have been married 15 years and DH hates the idea of a budget, but he actually said to me "I think I should do a budget" and I was floored. Now, I have to be careful I don't scare him off--I already suggested he join my Mint account so we can track each other and he backed off immediately. So I have to go gentle LOL. Just the idea that he is willing to think about it is a big deal. I have always tracked our expenses to the best of my ability, but it's been tough when he spends money without it being in our mutual budget. So hopefully I can get him to recognize the importance of saving more, which is what he says he wants to do.


Even though we've been travelling, I have been pretty good money-wise. This is a trip that was budgeted for, and we're staying with family, so that's good. 


How was YOUR week?

Edited by Halcyon
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I have the budget for February all planned out and am ready to jump in tomorrow. February is already going to be a bit easier than usual because someone gave us a nice Target gift card as a congrats for having the baby. That alone is half our grocery budget so I'll be using it until it is gone and socking $250 into savings right away

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Slightly better here. Got a bill covered and things are okay-ish. Still working on another big bill but hoping to have it covered soon. 



Waiting for paperwork for a new bank account to come in. For anyone interested, Wells Fargo is doing a $250 bonus for opening a checking account with $25 and making 10 withdrawals in the first 30 days {I do .50 amazon GC}. This one is especially nice because there is no wait for the bonus - you get it in about 7-10 days and then you can close the account. 

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Slightly better here. Got a bill covered and things are okay-ish. Still working on another big bill but hoping to have it covered soon. 



Waiting for paperwork for a new bank account to come in. For anyone interested, Wells Fargo is doing a $250 bonus for opening a checking account with $25 and making 10 withdrawals in the first 30 days {I do .50 amazon GC}. This one is especially nice because there is no wait for the bonus - you get it in about 7-10 days and then you can close the account. 



great tip. can i open it online?

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Slightly better here. Got a bill covered and things are okay-ish. Still working on another big bill but hoping to have it covered soon. 



Waiting for paperwork for a new bank account to come in. For anyone interested, Wells Fargo is doing a $250 bonus for opening a checking account with $25 and making 10 withdrawals in the first 30 days {I do .50 amazon GC}. This one is especially nice because there is no wait for the bonus - you get it in about 7-10 days and then you can close the account. 


There are lots of bank bonus deals if you want to do that.  Most of them would let you do them for your dh too.  So $500


Pretty sure they are doing this to lure people in after all the accounts they opened that people didn't apply for.




I completed a survery so I got the GC for that.   

Dh got an unexpected bonus

I dropped off the info to our CPA on Monday. 


We went on vacation and didn't spend tons, but still more than staying home.  Seems crazy to travel some times.



Came back and spent a boatload at the store.  


But still in line with our normal spending. 



It was all going fine until we went and adopted a puppy yesterday.   So I need to buy dog food, vet.  Maybe vet insurance






I need to buy a smart phone.  Just waiting to figure out which one.   I think I am going with Freedom Pop.  I wan tot get started with Ibotta. 


Need to pay for the all the kids 2 semester of dance


Monthly swim team


Violin second semester

I really want to figure out something other than renting violins.


We are thinking about buying some airline tickets. 

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Is it just me, or are groceries going up yet again? :(


Did part one of my grocery run. Spent more than I should have. Did get a bit back in rebates though which helps. I did score a clearance turkey at .50/lb though which I am thrilled over - we'll get probably 3-4 good meals out of it plus soup. 


Store #2 is tomorrow. They just put out some coupons via email for $5 off of $25 meat, so tomorrow I will stack the two of those I got with their sale prices and try to get meat for the month. 

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Is it just me, or are groceries going up yet again? :(


Did part one of my grocery run. Spent more than I should have. Did get a bit back in rebates though which helps. I did score a clearance turkey at .50/lb though which I am thrilled over - we'll get probably 3-4 good meals out of it plus soup. 


Store #2 is tomorrow. They just put out some coupons via email for $5 off of $25 meat, so tomorrow I will stack the two of those I got with their sale prices and try to get meat for the month. 

They went up and not just the usual because it is winter increase.  Great deal on the turkey.


My grocery store had a great deal on pasta so we loaded the pantry.  Otherwise, I need to trim a few things down cost wise.

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Is it just me, or are groceries going up yet again? :(


Did part one of my grocery run. Spent more than I should have. Did get a bit back in rebates though which helps. I did score a clearance turkey at .50/lb though which I am thrilled over - we'll get probably 3-4 good meals out of it plus soup. 


Store #2 is tomorrow. They just put out some coupons via email for $5 off of $25 meat, so tomorrow I will stack the two of those I got with their sale prices and try to get meat for the month. 


What did you notice went up?  

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okay, so until dh's bonus money comes in (i mentioned that he got a nice financial break above, but money won't come in for a bit) I need to tighten the belt. And since I am traveling with DS14, I havent made any money this week (I work for myself so if I don't work, I don't earn). As soon as I get home it's going to be all cash until money comes in, then we will pay off CC --i had to roll over a bit of a balance for the first time in a LONG time and I don't like that. Got hit with a 20 finance charge which I knew would happen but....


It's tough when one's income is so variable! DH's is VERY variable, mine a bit less so, but I am putting money in savings each week and then realize we might need that money, not because i haven't budgeted well but because the income dropped. I am determined to put away a large amount of money each week into our emergency fund, and don't want to tap it, but it's really tough. I think things will be easier when DH's money comes in.

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What did you notice went up?  


A lot of things actually. After doing my two start of the month shopping trips, I'm pretty sure things went up across the board. Two different stores and both had significant price hikes. 


Among things that went up:


Tea concentrate packets  - was .98, now 1.28. 

Boneless skinless chicken breast - was steady at $1.99, now $2.49/$2.79 depending on store

Digornio Pizza - was $4.98, now $5.88 {or higher depending on version}



I'm sure there were other things too, but these are the ones I noticed and could easily think of. 

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Did store #2's grocery run today. Going to have to be VERY careful with the grocery budget it get it to last the rest of the month - I have just under $100 left to last all of February. I think we can make it but we'll see. 


Having a garage sale in the morning, hoping to sell at least $550 of stuff. I have furniture and larger $$ items so hopefully I can do it. 



I'm debating doing another round of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I did a good 10 years ago, so there wouldn't be a cost to attend again. And I could use the inspiration and support. But I'm not sure it's worth the time commitment. Maybe I'll just listen to the CD's of the sessions again, as I have those. I don't agree with everything he teaches {especially if you are low income} but it's a good starting point. 

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So I was finally able to focus on my 2017 financial goals and work the budget to accommodate it over the weekend. My goals for the year are


1.$10,000 into savings

2. Start saving 15% into retirement again by July(a few set backs made us need that money elsewhere for a few months but we should be able to get back on track with that if the budget is right.)

3. Stick within budget 80% of the year ( I know it won't be perfect so i have to pick a realistic amount of error.)

4. Create 1 passive income stream.


Most of our bills are autopay so after them our budget looks like this..


Groceries $500

Gas for car $150

Savings $300

Entertainment/misc $100


Our electric bill was a lot higher than usual so it took away from our entertainment/misc category (which on our budget is divided into smaller categories.) So it'll be a entertain ourselves for free most of the month.


Groceries is my most variable category. I try my hardest to keep it as low as possible so the extra can go into savings. This month I predict $200 of it will go to savings because of awesome meat prices this week I've stocked up quite a bit.

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okay, so until dh's bonus money comes in (i mentioned that he got a nice financial break above, but money won't come in for a bit) I need to tighten the belt. And since I am traveling with DS14, I havent made any money this week (I work for myself so if I don't work, I don't earn). As soon as I get home it's going to be all cash until money comes in, then we will pay off CC --i had to roll over a bit of a balance for the first time in a LONG time and I don't like that. Got hit with a 20 finance charge which I knew would happen but....


It's tough when one's income is so variable! DH's is VERY variable, mine a bit less so, but I am putting money in savings each week and then realize we might need that money, not because i haven't budgeted well but because the income dropped. I am determined to put away a large amount of money each week into our emergency fund, and don't want to tap it, but it's really tough. I think things will be easier when DH's money comes in.


Great news about the bonus!  Yay


Will that be enough to accomplish some of your goals?


Have fun on the vacation.  


It must be so much harder to budget on a income that changes. 

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A lot of things actually. After doing my two start of the month shopping trips, I'm pretty sure things went up across the board. Two different stores and both had significant price hikes. 


Among things that went up:


Tea concentrate packets  - was .98, now 1.28. 

Boneless skinless chicken breast - was steady at $1.99, now $2.49/$2.79 depending on store

Digornio Pizza - was $4.98, now $5.88 {or higher depending on version}



I'm sure there were other things too, but these are the ones I noticed and could easily think of. 



That really stinks. I am not looking forward to going shopping and seeing those increased prices?


Where do you shop? 

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Did store #2's grocery run today. Going to have to be VERY careful with the grocery budget it get it to last the rest of the month - I have just under $100 left to last all of February. I think we can make it but we'll see. 


Having a garage sale in the morning, hoping to sell at least $550 of stuff. I have furniture and larger $$ items so hopefully I can do it. 



I'm debating doing another round of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I did a good 10 years ago, so there wouldn't be a cost to attend again. And I could use the inspiration and support. But I'm not sure it's worth the time commitment. Maybe I'll just listen to the CD's of the sessions again, as I have those. I don't agree with everything he teaches {especially if you are low income} but it's a good starting point. 



Good luck on the GS.  I wish the weather here was good for one.  I hate to have to wait until summer.  I hope you make your goal.



I hope you find some great deals so you can keep to your grocery budget.   Maybe eat out of the pantry?   It always amazes me when we do that or the freezer how long we can last out of our stash.

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So I was finally able to focus on my 2017 financial goals and work the budget to accommodate it over the weekend. My goals for the year are


1.$10,000 into savings

2. Start saving 15% into retirement again by July(a few set backs made us need that money elsewhere for a few months but we should be able to get back on track with that if the budget is right.)

3. Stick within budget 80% of the year ( I know it won't be perfect so i have to pick a realistic amount of error.)

4. Create 1 passive income stream.


Most of our bills are autopay so after them our budget looks like this..


Groceries $500

Gas for car $150

Savings $300

Entertainment/misc $100


Our electric bill was a lot higher than usual so it took away from our entertainment/misc category (which on our budget is divided into smaller categories.) So it'll be a entertain ourselves for free most of the month.


Groceries is my most variable category. I try my hardest to keep it as low as possible so the extra can go into savings. This month I predict $200 of it will go to savings because of awesome meat prices this week I've stocked up quite a bit.



Wow is that your monthly budget?  Amazing that you can keep grocery at 500 for a family of 7.   Let me in on your secrets please


Are you trying to save 10,000 on top of the 15% into retirement? 


I am glad you are giving yourself wiggle room.  So smart.


Do you have ideas for your passive income?   

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That really stinks. I am not looking forward to going shopping and seeing those increased prices?


Where do you shop? 


Heb & Walmart. Occasionally .99 Only and Target, depending on deals. 




Garage sale got tabled until next week. It's looking pretty rainy and I didn't get a lot of sleep. Plus next week I'll have more hands to help out. 

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Slightly better here. Got a bill covered and things are okay-ish. Still working on another big bill but hoping to have it covered soon. 



Waiting for paperwork for a new bank account to come in. For anyone interested, Wells Fargo is doing a $250 bonus for opening a checking account with $25 and making 10 withdrawals in the first 30 days {I do .50 amazon GC}. This one is especially nice because there is no wait for the bonus - you get it in about 7-10 days and then you can close the account. 



Did you see they just changed the terms of this offer?  You have to be targeted for it.  I am so upset I was going to do it with dh this weekend.  POOP.


People on SD don't know if they haven't gotten the bonus if they will since they changed the terms.

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Heb & Walmart. Occasionally .99 Only and Target, depending on deals. 




Garage sale got tabled until next week. It's looking pretty rainy and I didn't get a lot of sleep. Plus next week I'll have more hands to help out. 


Are you allowed to price match at your Walmart?  That really helps us out.  I take advantage of Aldi's prices without the 1 hour round trip to get there. 

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Did you see they just changed the terms of this offer?  You have to be targeted for it.  I am so upset I was going to do it with dh this weekend.  POOP.


People on SD don't know if they haven't gotten the bonus if they will since they changed the terms.


I had seen that. I've seen reports that it will still working as of this morning though. 



I have the email saved from applying that includes the terms of the bonus and specifically mentioned the bonus amount. If it doesn't work I'm not out much. I wanted to try WF anyways as they are easier to get to than my credit union. 


I'm still waiting on my account to finish opening though, so we'll see. 

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I had seen that. I've seen reports that it will still working as of this morning though. 



I have the email saved from applying that includes the terms of the bonus and specifically mentioned the bonus amount. If it doesn't work I'm not out much. I wanted to try WF anyways as they are easier to get to than my credit union. 


I'm still waiting on my account to finish opening though, so we'll see. 


Where did you see the reports it was still working?  


Wondering if we should try it fast.

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Reddit Churning forum. Which is also a better place to watch for these offers than Slickdeals - by the time it makes slickdeals often it's iffy because so many have taken advantage of the deal. 


Thank you





I find that so hard to read.  Any tips?

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Wow is that your monthly budget? Amazing that you can keep grocery at 500 for a family of 7. Let me in on your secrets please


Are you trying to save 10,000 on top of the 15% into retirement?


I am glad you are giving yourself wiggle room. So smart.


Do you have ideas for your passive income?

My monthly budget changes depending on what bills need to be paid, what expenses are coming up, and what our income is expected to be that month. Most of our bills are always the same but a few aren't. For example, our electric bill is almost always under $100 each month except for Jan, Feb, and March. This month it was roughly $220 because we had the heat on all month. So that extra $120 basically takes away from our entertainment/misc/gift giving budget for the month. So next month those parts of our budget should be higher and I'll likely separate them out. But since CE it is only $100 I just lumped them all together and will be super careful about going over it.


Our biggest savings in groceries comes from stockpiling when things are rock bottom pricing and just not eating cuts of meat that are too expensive. So for example, ground beef is $1.99/lb this week when it is usually over $4/lb. So, I bought 12lbs of it on Sunday. I used half of that to make many batches of taco meat and froze it. I used the other half to make meatballs and froze those. Today or tomorrow I'll buy more to either freeze by itself or cook it then freeze. That will get us our beef meals through March. While chickens were .89/lb so I bought 5 and froze 4. We also eat lots of beans and do not by snacks like cookies and crackers. Those I either make or we do without.

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Two of my brothers and I have been throwing around ideas for passive income. One of them started drop shipping in the summer last year and that is going well for him so I'm learning that process to see if it is something I want to do. I also have some website ideas that in theory will generate money, I just need to do more research on the website building side of it because that is not my strong suit.

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My monthly budget changes depending on what bills need to be paid, what expenses are coming up, and what our income is expected to be that month. Most of our bills are always the same but a few aren't. For example, our electric bill is almost always under $100 each month except for Jan, Feb, and March. This month it was roughly $220 because we had the heat on all month. So that extra $120 basically takes away from our entertainment/misc/gift giving budget for the month. So next month those parts of our budget should be higher and I'll likely separate them out. But since CE it is only $100 I just lumped them all together and will be super careful about going over it.


Our biggest savings in groceries comes from stockpiling when things are rock bottom pricing and just not eating cuts of meat that are too expensive. So for example, ground beef is $1.99/lb this week when it is usually over $4/lb. So, I bought 12lbs of it on Sunday. I used half of that to make many batches of taco meat and froze it. I used the other half to make meatballs and froze those. Today or tomorrow I'll buy more to either freeze by itself or cook it then freeze. That will get us our beef meals through March. While chickens were .89/lb so I bought 5 and froze 4. We also eat lots of beans and do not by snacks like cookies and crackers. Those I either make or we do without.


Good tips!


What is a passive source of income and how do I get one?  :)

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Good tips!


What is a passive source of income and how do I get one? :)

A passive source of income is one that generates money for you where you have to do very little work after the initial startup. So startup generally requires I big investment of time or money but once it is up and running your work is minimal. It could be a few hours a week, month, quarterly. It depends on the source of income and how you set it up.


Some examples:

rental properties managed by a properly manager

stocks that pay realiable dividends can be set up as passive income

A website that generates money in various ways

Drop shipping (essentially being the middle man between customer and warehouse)

Royalties from a song, book, etc.


My ultimate goal is to create multiple passive income streams so dh doesn't have to work the amount he does.

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I've wanted to jump in on this thread every time it's started, but it feels like we've been in a season of extra spending.


Landry closed & I had to 'double' pay to continue our online classes.

Our water bill jumped from about 2k gallons per month to 4k.  There has to be a leak somewhere, but I can't figure it out!

DH had to travel for training instead of just for his regular work.  The way things are structured, this costs us extra money.

My kids talked me in to adopting a dog.

Car repairs

My kids participate in spring sports, so our spending will ramp up for that next week.


i could ramble on in my whiny voice, but I'll stop.  :laugh: 


I'm still thankful that we've been able to cover all the unexpected things. 

I was hoping to save, but at least there was no debt incurred.

I'm ready to file our income tax return & I'm really happy with our spending last year.


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I've wanted to jump in on this thread every time it's started, but it feels like we've been in a season of extra spending.


Landry closed & I had to 'double' pay to continue our online classes.

Our water bill jumped from about 2k gallons per month to 4k.  There has to be a leak somewhere, but I can't figure it out!

DH had to travel for training instead of just for his regular work.  The way things are structured, this costs us extra money.

My kids talked me in to adopting a dog.

Car repairs

My kids participate in spring sports, so our spending will ramp up for that next week.


i could ramble on in my whiny voice, but I'll stop.  :laugh:


I'm still thankful that we've been able to cover all the unexpected things. 

I was hoping to save, but at least there was no debt incurred.

I'm ready to file our income tax return & I'm really happy with our spending last year.



Us too. What did you get? 




Yeah we seem to always be in a season of spending.  

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I was overdue for new pants (having lived in elastic-waisted pants for two years due to pregnancy/total lack of time to try on new pants). Friends had given me a gift card to Old Navy, and on a whim I stopped in. I typically get jeans at the thrift store, as paying $30 for a **cheap** pair of jeans really does me in. 


On this day, I found a rounder several super clearanced jeans. We are talking $0.44 jeans! Way cheaper than thrift store prices, unless it's by-the-pound or a bag day. 

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I'm debating doing another round of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I did a good 10 years ago, so there wouldn't be a cost to attend again. And I could use the inspiration and support. But I'm not sure it's worth the time commitment. Maybe I'll just listen to the CD's of the sessions again, as I have those. I don't agree with everything he teaches {especially if you are low income} but it's a good starting point.

They've updated and shortened the FPU class series. I went again last year after a several year break to support a friend and was happy to have gone. I think having someone who has BTDT and can share experiences is valuable to the group, plus it was motivating for me to rehear the material and discuss it with others, with less time commitment than before.


Erica in OR

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I was overdue for new pants (having lived in elastic-waisted pants for two years due to pregnancy/total lack of time to try on new pants). Friends had given me a gift card to Old Navy, and on a whim I stopped in. I typically get jeans at the thrift store, as paying $30 for a **cheap** pair of jeans really does me in. 


On this day, I found a rounder several super clearanced jeans. We are talking $0.44 jeans! Way cheaper than thrift store prices, unless it's by-the-pound or a bag day. 


Amazing score! Congrats


Rock those new jeans

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I was overdue for new pants (having lived in elastic-waisted pants for two years due to pregnancy/total lack of time to try on new pants). Friends had given me a gift card to Old Navy, and on a whim I stopped in. I typically get jeans at the thrift store, as paying $30 for a **cheap** pair of jeans really does me in.


On this day, I found a rounder several super clearanced jeans. We are talking $0.44 jeans! Way cheaper than thrift store prices, unless it's by-the-pound or a bag day.

I love finding a good deal on clothes!

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I have two small wins for the week:

Dh works hard and earns a  nice salary.  It's always been a bit of a struggle to get him on board with being more frugal- we were hitting all the targets- low mortgage, putting money into retirement accounts, etc. so he was reluctant to scrutinize expenses to the extent I do. That's ok because I manage most of our expenses.  So anyway, he's 24 months from retirement and is starting to embrace a more frugal lifestyle.  This week he did TWO things he hasn't done before- we were buying a few replacement electrical outlets and on his own he put back the most expensive ones and bought the mid grade.  Guys, it only saved us $5 but it was about his mindset...awesome.   And yesterday we had to travel to a town 90 minutes away and I asked if he wanted to eat our usual breakfast at home or eat in the city and he chose to eat home, citing that it saves money. 






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I have two small wins for the week:

Dh works hard and earns a  nice salary.  It's always been a bit of a struggle to get him on board with being more frugal- we were hitting all the targets- low mortgage, putting money into retirement accounts, etc. so he was reluctant to scrutinize expenses to the extent I do. That's ok because I manage most of our expenses.  So anyway, he's 24 months from retirement and is starting to embrace a more frugal lifestyle.  This week he did TWO things he hasn't done before- we were buying a few replacement electrical outlets and on his own he put back the most expensive ones and bought the mid grade.  Guys, it only saved us $5 but it was about his mindset...awesome.   And yesterday we had to travel to a town 90 minutes away and I asked if he wanted to eat our usual breakfast at home or eat in the city and he chose to eat home, citing that it saves money. 



Wins are wins, big or small. 


24 months until retirement?  That is awesome.

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Any tips on doing this since most of Aldi's products are there own brand?



Yeah for that you would want to go to Aldi.   And I think about doing that 2 times a month instead of this, but we haven't made that switch.  I don't know if it is worth it for us.  Plus I would still have to go some place else to get the other stuff. 


We do mostly for fruit/veggies



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Being self-employed has its benefits and drawbacks. Currently sales are next to nothing, debt is rising, and we are eating nothing more than rice and beans these days plus lots of soup with veggies.


We are in extreme frugal mode here. 


I did cash in on a 25% off coupon at the drugstore for feminine care products and wonder as I shopped how women of lesser income than I can afford these products.  :huh:


When in town I park and walk even in the rain. I carry a backpack for groceries.


I did make a few Etsy sales yesterday. :hurray: These sales are my extra $ to spend on kids. The Etsy sales are V-E-R-Y slow going. Even eBay and Amazon are slow. 







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Do y'all use the walmart savings catcher? I usually get money back.

I use it but the stores it matches are weird. It matches stores in a town 40 miles from me but not the stores 20 miles away. 


It never seems to catch any produce prices and I'm sure Aldi is lower. Maybe produce is excluded. 

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