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Would you worry about this spelling?


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I can never decide if I should worry about my daughter's spelling or not. :D Here is a note she wrote to herself last summer, right before she turned 9. 


wotr the plant evre day!!!

remebr that

remebr onle a litll bit av wotr eth tim (each time)

the plant is ovre thar

now wotr the plant!!!

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I would be a little concerned because my very very poor speller spelled similar to that at that age. I would put her into apples and pears by Prometheus's trust half-pace immediately because you could catch a problem before it really goes downhill rather than remediating later.


I wouldn't use a normal spelling program because the student will memorize the words but the student will eventually get stuck and by then you'll have waited longer than was good for her.



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That is exactly how my DD7's writing looked until we began using AAS. She was an early and strong reader, so I was very surprised that she wasn't a natural speller (like my older three were). With explicit, rules-based spelling work for 20-minutes daily since last spring (about 9 months), she is improving dramatically. If you're not already using one, I would definitely recommend using an O-G-based spelling program with her.

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She's only been reading fluently for less than a year. Right now she can read rescue princesses, the littles, horse diaries, stuff like that.


I think her spelling has improved, but it's hard to say because she doesn't write on her own. She knows she isn't spelling things right and is a perfectionist. I've used reading lessons thru literature with her for spelling, book one last year, and we started book two this year... But the number of different phonograms and all the different sounds they make, well theres just so many she began to melt down. She's aware there's several ways to spell each sound and just shuts down because she doesn't remember. I've been using spelling you see level b part 2 with her for the past month and I already see her doing much better with the dictation, she is now willing and able to try a couple different spellings till it looks right. And she's spelling almost everything right (the dictation comes after chunking and copying the passage three times).


I was thinking of trying RLTL again next year, but I don't think it has the repetition she needs. With everything she learns, she does so in a slow, gradual way, not really 'owning' it till she's repeated something many times. It would be nice if spelling you see would be enough for her, it certainly has lots of repetition since you work on the same passage every day for a week. If she used it for the next five years (based on the current number of levels) she should certainly be able to spell common words. But she doesn't really make leaps applying one thing to every similar thing, and if I'm going to end up having to do something like AAS or apples and pears, then I'd rather start sooner so we can get it over with. Lol

Edited by vaquitita
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This looks a lot like my daughter's spelling a year ago (as a 9 year old, fairly new reader). I think I even started a thread about it. We just kept plugging away with Apples & Pears, and her spelling is soooo much improved now. A&P might have had something to do with it, but really...I think just becoming a stronger reader had the most impact on her spelling. The better she reads, the more words she's exposed to, the stronger her spelling has gotten.

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Ok I had her write two of those sentences again just now...


Water the plant evry day

Remember only a little bit of water eech time


She used her SYS method of writing words a few different ways to see which looked right. It took her five tries to get water, three to get to evry, six tries to get only, and eech she knew was wrong but didn't know how to fix it. That seems like a pretty good improvement after just 6 weeks of SYS.

Edited by vaquitita
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She's only been reading fluently for less than a year. Right now she can read rescue princesses, the littles, horse diaries, stuff like that.


I think her spelling has improved, but it's hard to say because she doesn't write on her own. She knows she isn't spelling things right and is a perfectionist. I've used reading lessons thru literature with her for spelling, book one last year, and we started book two this year... But the number of different phonograms and all the different sounds they make, well theres just so many she began to melt down. She's aware there's several ways to spell each sound and just shuts down because she doesn't remember. I've been using spelling you see level b part 2 with her for the past month and I already see her doing much better with the dictation, she is now willing and able to try a couple different spellings till it looks right. And she's spelling almost everything right (the dictation comes after chunking and copying the passage three times).


I was thinking of trying RLTL again next year, but I don't think it has the repetition she needs. With everything she learns, she does so in a slow, gradual way, not really 'owning' it till she's repeated something many times. It would be nice if spelling you see would be enough for her, it certainly has lots of repetition since you work on the same passage every day for a week. If she used it for the next five years (based on the current number of levels) she should certainly be able to spell common words. But she doesn't really make leaps applying one thing to every similar thing, and if I'm going to end up having to do something like AAS or apples and pears, then I'd rather start sooner so we can get it over with. Lol


Reading and spelling are two different skills. It is possible to read well but not spell well.


My go-to is almost always Spalding.


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Her spelling certainly seems to have improved a lot in a few months!


The first post would definitely have worried me from a nine year old - but if, as you say, she was a very new reader at the time then it's perhaps less worrisome. And the new sentences are certainly a lot less scary.

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My dds spelling looks similar and she's nearly eight and reading at a similar level. My sons spelling improved dramatically with his reading level but I did end up doing a level of apples and pears which helped heaps. If dd doesn't improve by the end of the year she will be doing all about spelling. She has the hates for apples and pears unfortunately.

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I don't have as much experience as you do, but fwiw.....my dd is a strong reader, but a poor speller. We started AAS 1 about the middle of last year and just about were finished with the book by June. Then we took six weeks off, and started school back up in August. It took until October for her to get back to where she was in June. This year, we will continue spelling all through summer vacation in order to avoid the slide, though probably just doing it every other day.

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I don't have as much experience as you do, but fwiw.....my dd is a strong reader, but a poor speller. We started AAS 1 about the middle of last year and just about were finished with the book by June. Then we took six weeks off, and started school back up in August. It took until October for her to get back to where she was in June. This year, we will continue spelling all through summer vacation in order to avoid the slide, though probably just doing it every other day.

Yep. Spelling will be a year-round pursuit for my DD7. Like you, we may do it every other day or 3x per week, but we definitely won't take more than a week off for any reason.
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