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Does any other language capitalize "I"?

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Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime.


Koine greek does not, either. I'd write a sentence to prove it, but there's no greek font here. So you'll have to trust me.


So, that's two languages down. Any others?


Oh! Hebrew doesn't have capitalization (that I'm aware of), so that's three.

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I believe English is the only language that capitalizes the first person singular pronoun. Egotistical bunch aren't we? :lol:


Naw, we're just practical. Printers began capitalizing "I" long ago because they didn't think lower case was actually easy to be seen when someone was reading, KWIM? So they began using capital I. Makes sense to me. Don't most other languages have multiple characters in their first person pronouns??

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Naw, we're just practical. Printers began capitalizing "I" long ago because they didn't think lower case was actually easy to be seen when someone was reading, KWIM? So they began using capital I. Makes sense to me. Don't most other languages have multiple characters in their first person pronouns??


If that is true, then why isn't "a" capitalized?:D

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If that is true, then why isn't "a" capitalized?:D


Because it's not nearly as important as *I*! (Back to that egotistical thing...)


No, really though, if while reading your eyes pass by the word "a" you wouldn't even notice. If you missed the subject of the sentence, however, you'd be in trouble.

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