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Just a minor little vent ...

dirty ethel rackham

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Trying to respect dh's privacy so I can't talk to anyone in real life. I shouldn't complain. Dh had hernia surgery ... Totally routine. No big deal. He sailed through with flying colors. I am just tired of waiting. We've been here for 5 hours . A 2 hour delay in the surgery due to a complicated case this morning. I didn't have a good lunch and was hungry, but I didn't want to eat or even think of food in front of him since he had been fasting since the night before. He has been in recovery for over an hour. They told me that once he was moved to the second recovery room, I would be taken back to see him. Well he has been in the 2nd recovery for 30 minutes. Despite a relatively comfortable waiting room, I'm stuck near a TV with Guy Fiery. Shoot me now. My other options are Fox News or CNN - all depressing, all the time. Oh, and my water bottle spilled out of my bag all over the back side of me and I'm getting cold. The bathrooms don't have hand dryers. Going on 2 hours with wet jeans.


I just want to get dh and take him home and eat the soup I made this morning. I really don't want to go out again in 1 degree weather to pick up his pain meds.


I suppose I'd better cut the whining and plan to do all the things he can't do for a while.




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It is fine to vent! I know about waiting in discomfort at the hospital, including not eating in front of the fasting patient. In fact, my word of the year for 2016 is "hospital". My mother had three hospitalizations, dd one for which I had to drop everything and fly several states away, and dh had an injury that included ER and later surgery.


So yes, I completely empathize with the suckiness. And the suckiness yet to come in the form of a recovering person in pain.

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Hugs! I've been in the hospital since Monday for my csection. I've been going stir crazy since about 12 hours after the surgery. Today I sent dh home to be with the rest of the kids and to get back to normal because there is no point that we should both be going stir crazy. I should have gotten out today but it seems like I've been forgotten about! I'm gonna go insane tonight

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Vent away... I'm very sympathetic to your circumstances. I had that exact thing happen during my dh hernia repair- Even having spilled water all over my clothes while waiting. I "encouraged" my dh to get his thoughts/mind together so he could be discharged. I hadn't packed any food for myself b/c we were told it would be 3-4 hrs. I was miserable by 8 hrs (4 hours in recovery!) and my dh could NOT pee so he was still cared for by nurses who thought I was heartless and rude for reminding him to hurry up and pee so we can get home and feed the kids. Ugh!

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Thanks for letting me vent. We made it home. I was able to feed him the homemade chicken soup that I had made this morning in anticipation of needing something light. He is resting comfortably while I wait at the pharmacy for his pain meds. Forgot to change my wet jeans. It is 2 degrees outside.


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I hope you are back home by now, all snuggly in your favorite PJs with a dh who is being appreciative of your loving care. 


Prayers and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for him. And for him to have tons of patience and loving kindness for you.  (Being the caretaker can be just as miserable as being the patient )

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Relief.  Comfy pants on.  Some tea for me and pain meds and the remote for dh.  Moving is definitely painful, but he is a good-natured patient.  I feel bad.  I know I wasn't this good-natured when I had my surgery 11 months ago.  Sleep is going to be difficult.  If he has trouble in the bed, I may move him to the recliner.

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Hope he recovers without complications.


My dh had hernia surgery a few years ago. He was in so much pain for weeks. The his body tried to reject the mesh and he had a huge infection. He could hardly walk, any movement was excruciating for him. Even now a few years later he has constant discomfort from the mesh

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Glad he's home and resting. Mine thought sneaking out to being in firewood after his surgery was a good idea. 😑 He didn't make it past the bottom step before I threatened him with his life.

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