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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-5-2017


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I'm baaaaccckkk! Did you miss me?  :D


Arrived home earlier than anticipated and am still going to let dd have a slow morning.

Told the folks at the dojang yesterday, she'd be there by 11am and she will be. Right now

she can ease into the morning.


Anyone still need breakfast? Here: I had a Larabar earlier but kids have not eaten. So I'm in the process

of making egg and bacon breakfast sandwiches on pretzel rolls. Speak up if you want one!


Any appointments today? Here: just the on at the VA early this morning. Now to the daily stuff.


Do you know what's for dinner tonight? Here: for once I actually do! I'm making pasta (or maybe rice)

and sausage with tomato fennel sauce. Already made and cooked up the homemade ground sausage last night.

That will save me about 15 minutes of cooking tonight!  :hurray:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning all! I've been up since about 4 am - first with stomach issues, then chatting with my guy before he had to start his day. So having a good day today mostly!


Breakfast: I just now had a can of pears for breakfast. I'll have something more substantial later - probably scrambled eggs. DD had a warmed cinnamon roll. 


Appointments: Nothing. Tomorrow I probably will have a phone interview appointment and I need to be here to get our Green Chef box when it comes sometime between 1-5pm. 


Dinner tonight: Turkey Kilobasa sausage with steamed cauliflower and probably mashed potatoes. Cop-out easy meal for me since I'm still trying to get dishes caught up. 

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It's lunchtime here. :)  At least, it is for the littles.  I'll eat in a bit.


Today is Thursday which means my schedule is clear!  The littles are loving it because it meant a morning devoted to outside play.  Tomorrow will be too cold.  Today we didn't have to hurry anywhere, though.  Which is also why they're eating lunch at 10:45 am.  Hard play works up an appetite!


Dinner. Oh, my.  I remarked last night that I really should cook dinner today.  My teen was rather flippant in his response of "why?  What you've been doing so far seems to be working."  Touche, my child who comes in late at night to eat whatever is left in the cupboards, touche.

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It's my 43rd birthday today.  My birthday present was extensive oral surgery for my husband.   :glare:  Now we are 2K poorer and my husband is drunk.   He almost fell up the stairs twice on his way up to his bed.


Since I had to take him to surgery, get his post-op meds set up and pick him up, I didn't have much time to school the kids today, but miraculously they are working while I eat a birthday bagel.  At CVS, I got 75% off candy - 26 bags of peanut M&Ms for my daughter's peanut OIT and assorted other stuff because it was so cheap.  I also got gift bags, tissue paper, and wrapping paper I can use for our upcoming bar mitzvah and the rest of the year.  


People are clamoring the leftover red beans and rice and I want the dal maktani and rice, so I think I'm not cooking.  My DH and I went to NYC (from Boston) on Sunday for our anniversary and my birthday and ate a disgusting amount of tantalizing kosher food.

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Breakfast: I had homemade yogurt.  I may have to admit I can't have yogurt just like I can't have anything else dairy.  I am not happy about this.


Appointments: We had taekwondo this morning.  Our instructor had a tire issue so couldn't get there for class so my oldest son taught.  The big kids work this afternoon (at taekwondo).


Dinner: We're having Chicken Tikka Masala.

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Happy Birthday, Yael! 

Seems to be the week for things not going quite right for celebrations.

We were supposed to celebrate our wedding anniversary this past Monday

(even though our anniversary was actually last Friday) but nowhere I wanted to 

go was open.  :glare: So I feel you on that one!


Here's hoping you'll be able to celebrate your bday in a better way in the not so distant future!

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So now have discovered one of our outside water lines has a leak. Lovely.

But thankfully it's OUTSIDE and not INSIDE. We've had three neighbors within

the last month have their upstairs toilets leak and FLOOD the upstairs bathroom which

in turn has destroyed inside kitchen ceiling and floors! Thank God for small mercies!

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I'm late, but good evening to everyone!  


Happy birthday, Yael!


Scrap, hope that does the trick and doesn't cost more!




Breakfast: I ate an egg and toast late in the morning


Appointments: Ds had piano and a haircut. He's got basketball practice tonight, and I'll see my best friend there. There is a walking track above the gym floor, so we'll walk an hour.


Dinner: We ate nachos tonight. 



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