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Any Virginians break down and turn on the heater last night?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

When the evening news gave the overnight low, we turned ours on. I was very glad this morning. We woke up to 35 degrees outside.


If you are used to much colder temps., please don't laugh. :)

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I certainly did!!!


I woke up at 4:30 in the morning because I was freezing!!!


Turned the heat on and plugged in the electric blanket 'cause I couldn't wait any longer to be warm! :)


Fall is definitely here!!


Btw....according to the Farmer's Almanac, we're supposed to get twice as much snow as usual this winter, so get ready!

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What's going on with you people in VA? Come on, be a man about this and stop your sniveling ;)


We're a few states north of you and it went down to 38 last night. We turned the heat on for the first time this season for an hour at bedtime and then turned it off. You all need to toughen up a little bit and get thicker skin and thicker blood. :laugh:

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Well, I bit the bullet another frosty night and kept the heater off, even though our SW VA news warned of a freeze. We covered all the flowers still blooming, and the kids did their ritual every fall 'change to the flannel sheets' thing. I am so thankful the new puppy slept until 7 to be let out...cause I was mighty frosty walking around in bathrobe, clogs and woolly coat in the wet cold grass. :001_smile: No telling what the cost of propane will be this winter, so we'll be brave a while longer!


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What's going on with you people in VA? Come on, be a man about this and stop your sniveling ;)


We're a few states north of you and it went down to 38 last night. We turned the heat on for the first time this season for an hour at bedtime and then turned it off. You all need to toughen up a little bit and get thicker skin and thicker blood. :laugh:


A few states up? How about a few counties up. I am from Hampton Roads and COULD NOT BELIEVE how cold it is north of Richmond. I now call SE Virginia the Miami Beach of the Commonwealth.:coolgleamA:


I should have brought my own weather when I came up here.


(As you see, I just can't stop sniveling.:tongue_smilie:)

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A few states up? How about a few counties up. I am from Hampton Roads and COULD NOT BELIEVE how cold it is north of Richmond. I now call SE Virginia the Miami Beach of the Commonwealth.:coolgleamA:


I should have brought my own weather when I came up here.


(As you see, I just can't stop sniveling.:tongue_smilie:)


Oh I agree!!!


I grew up in Virginia Beach and moved to Northern Virginia when I was in my 20s. I'd never seen so much snow in my life!!!


It's definitely colder up here!!

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We haven't turned ours on yet, hoping to get to at least Nov. I guess we are used to it, since we don't turn the thermostat higher than 58. It's usually around 56. Mainly it is because we lose so much heat since we have an older house, no point turning it up higher since we'll lose it anyways and have to pay for it. Right now the temp in here is....ugh...52. Flannel sheets, warm jammies, layers of blankets :-)

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Oh I agree!!!


I grew up in Virginia Beach and moved to Northern Virginia when I was in my 20s. I'd never seen so much snow in my life!!!


It's definitely colder up here!!


Ok this may sound like an exagerration but we used to ride our Christmas bikes in shorts. Sometimes it would be in the late 70's.


My daughter asked me for a bike last Christmas and I said, "What for? It'll be rusted before you get to use it." (I was going to buy it anyway)

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...in MD, and no heat on here, yet. But, there was some mild frost on the ground when we awakened, so I know we wouldn't have *regretted* the heat had we thought to use it. The kids were complaining of being cold this morning. Good thing they had plenty of training all those years at the farm cottage, with its uninsulated floors and drafy windows. "Put on a sweater and socks!" was my favorite get warm advice. Unfortunately, we also had a wood stove there which we could fire up, even temporarily, just to take the chill out of the air. *sigh*

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We haven't turned ours on yet, hoping to get to at least Nov. I guess we are used to it, since we don't turn the thermostat higher than 58. It's usually around 56. Mainly it is because we lose so much heat since we have an older house, no point turning it up higher since we'll lose it anyways and have to pay for it. Right now the temp in here is....ugh...52. Flannel sheets, warm jammies, layers of blankets :-)


You are making me cold just reading your post. :)


Have you tried heavy drapes at the windows? Mine work very well because I interlined them. Do you sew at all? They can be done simply but attractively and the cost of fabric is sure less than a high heating bill.


You can hang them to clear the windows during the day to let in light. Of course you can take them down when Spring comes.

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funny, i'm here in GA trying not to succumb. 59 outside. 61 inside. my son got out his long jammies last night and complained this morning how difficult it is to get up at 6am when the house is cold. maybe i'll set the thermostat so that it comes on to heat the house in the morning but then goes off once he leaves for school.

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...but I woke up to 56 in the house, around 35 outside. I was VERY TEMPTED to turn on the heat but I'm trying to wait until Nov. 1st. I am burning wood in the fireplace insert downstairs to see how much that will affect the temp. upstairs where we are. We get a lot of sun in both the morning and afternoon so that helps too. But overall, I am freezing. I have to wear a wool sweater over a shirt w/socks and slippers to just feel normal. I'm definitely going to have to put some more blankets on the bed. This morning I thought I should wear a hat to bed, my head was so cold. However, we still have it so much easier than people did before central heat. I find that makes this easier to bear.

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You are making me cold just reading your post. :)


Have you tried heavy drapes at the windows? Mine work very well because I interlined them. Do you sew at all? They can be done simply but attractively and the cost of fabric is sure less than a high heating bill.


You can hang them to clear the windows during the day to let in light. Of course you can take them down when Spring comes.


We do have thermal blinds on the windows. They are down at dusk, then up when it is sunny. That does help. We have put some insulation in here and there, our attic floor is currently fluffy pink carpet! The end of this month, we will have lived here for 4 years, and each year our heating bill has gone down. We really need siding and new windows and that will really help! One step at a time though. Thanks for your post. I do sew, so maybe I'll get around to making some lined drapes to go over the blinds.

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oh yes, I knew it was going to be cold, so I turned it on last night before going to bed(and put a blanket on the bed too). I woke up thinking I never heard the heat kick in last night(fear that something was broken) and as I stepped into the shower I heard it starting up. (yay, it works!)


We like it cold at night...and are still deciding what temp to keep it at. It's going to be warm enough in the day for a bit that we only need it at night so far.

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Nope. Haven't lit the pilot yet because as soon as we do, we won't be able to resist turning it up. It was 33 here this morning, but is supposed to be 70 today. Until it gets and stays to freezing at night, and stays cold during the days, we are going to try to tough it out. I'm sure it won't be long though.

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Well, we turned ours on last night. My daughter was complaining about how cold it was in the house. I went over and checked the temp and it was only 65 degrees in the house.


I turned it over to heat and set it up to 68-70 degrees. That was a little chilly but I had a heavy duty sweatshirt on and gave her my shawl to wear.


This is baking season for me. I love the cold weather.


I just have to be careful with my two parrots. I am waiting for Loki to tell me it's cold.


I know when the birds start to puff up into a fluffy ball that the house must be a little chilly for them.


With the birds I keep it at around 70-72. It isn't quite cold enough outside yet for us bump the heat up yet.

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Ok this may sound like an exagerration but we used to ride our Christmas bikes in shorts. Sometimes it would be in the late 70's.


My daughter asked me for a bike last Christmas and I said, "What for? It'll be rusted before you get to use it." (I was going to buy it anyway)


I miss the weather in Virginia Beach!!!!!


We always had a least one warm weekend in February and we'd head to the beach! I'm serious!


Here? Outside of Fredericksburg? I'm lucky if it stops snowing by March!

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I miss the weather in Virginia Beach!!!!!


We always had a least one warm weekend in February and we'd head to the beach! I'm serious!


Here? Outside of Fredericksburg? I'm lucky if it stops snowing by March!


The part that gets me the most(I hope noone gets offended:tongue_smilie:) is all the ditry piled-up snow in parking lots that takes weeks to melt! If it does snow in Hampton Roads it's gone in no time.


Just to clarify I've met very friendly people here :seeya: and I don't just complain about things. (But y'all could turn up the heat just a tad:001_smile:)

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