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The Teachers Lounge 1-2-2017


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And it's 2017!!!


It was weird typing "The Teachers Lounge" today after a month of typing "The Prep & Landing Lounge."

I feel like we need a fun name for January. Please help me think of one!


For snacking in the Lounge today, we have a lovely assortment of breads, lunch meats, and cheeses.

I do not have any gf bread, sorry. I'll make sure to make some later this week. We also have coffee, tea, and water.

Bought a new water filter this week!


Do any of you have/use a water filter system? Individual? Under/over the sink? Whole house? Here: we have an under the sink model I purchased from Amway years ago. It's worked wonderfully but is about at it's max and that particular model is no longer available. So yesterday I bought a ZeroWater 23 gallon filter system. Fits nicely in the fridge so we can always have cold drinkable water. This past July Costco was doing a demo with this system and I remember really liking the non-taste of the water that had been filtered through the system.


Who starts school this week? Here: planned on getting both kids back to the schedule but then was reminded dd18 was scheduled to help with Ninja Camp :ph34r: at her dojang (tae kwon do studio). All week. All day. We'll see how my Aspie daughter does with this!  :w00t:  I'm happy for her because it will be a great experience, as well as a learning one. Not so sure about the aftermath. But she's gotta learn what it feels like to work full time sometime! I may count this as school, after all. Now to figure out what subject it is! 


Did any of you set goals for 2017? Here: my intent was to do that Friday, when I also did some reflection on 2016, yet I only managed to do the reflecting part. God willing, after my chiro appointment later this morning, and while dh is out on the shooting range, I'll have some quiet-ish time for goal setting.


Talk to me! :bigear:



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Do any of you have/use a water filter system? Yes, we used the brita system for the sink and it was just ok, it did help us not spend so much on bottled water. We just use the filter on our refrigerator now and it works great.


Who start school this week? We do! We're doing a soft restart though, mostly just lots of review.


Did any of you set goals for 2017? Yes I did! A ton of them!

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So, mama25angels, care to share some of those goals?


One of mine is to drink 24 oz of water each day during the Sprouts 21 Day Healthy Habits Challenge.

I know "they" say we all should drink eight 8oz glasses of H2O/ day but my body will only tolerate so much

and right now, 24oz is a big goal for me! 

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Water filter? Yes, there is a system within our refrigerator.


School?  Yes, we start today but only as a half day.  It will be hard for my kids to get up early this morning, they have been sleeping in until 10am during the winter break.


2017 Goals?  Yes, we ate ice cream sundaes, created individual goals and read them out loud to each other.

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I'd like to join in at the Lounge!


No filtering here.


Yes, we start back to school and have our first  co-op of the second semester this week, too.


I am still contemplating goals and plan to finalize them this week. I don't usually set goals because I hate to not follow through. My first resolution was to really spend some time thinking on what goals to set instead of quickly rushing in. I guess I'm getting that first goal accomplished!


ETA: I actually decided to finish my list of goals. I really didn't need to spend much time contemplating some of them, so I'm all in now! I put the list on the 17 in 2017 thread. 


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goals for 2017:

Do more things I want to do

Read the Bible (not in a year, just read consistently)

30 days of klove positive music and positive thoughts

52 week savings challenge (added this after I heard about it here)

Pay off Amazon and JCP cards in 3 mos.

Book club with cousin reading a book a month


30 days of no eating out

Learn about stock market

Planning and working the plan

Lose 5 more pounds

Learn to use the kitchen appliances I have (got a brand new ninja blender still in the box and I buy smoothies)

Celebrate my birthday in style!


Continued from last year:


Exercising/hitting steps goal

Taking vitamins and drinking water


Most of these are just 30 day challenges and I thin they are really doable if I put my mind to it.

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We've been through a few individual type filters. We are using 5 gallon bottles and a water cooler. D and I both hate fetching the water, but we do like the cooler. Delivery is not an option here. We need a whole house filter, but even with it, I'm not sure our water would be as clean as what we buy, 

We start school tomorrow. D is home today, so it's a vacation day for us. Clubs start this week with a new schedule. Hopefully we'll make more meetings. Little ones start next week. We just started the winter reading challenge for one of our libraries. It ends Friday, so we will be spending a lot of time on completing those little activities. 


No goals right now. We joined a gym a few months ago. With various illnesses and holidays, our attendance has been a bit sporadic. I'll go 4 or 5 times a week for a week or two, then take a week off, then back again. I lost 30 pounds and gained it all back :( I guess my goal is to continue going to the gym (which I love), and eat better. Less junk, healthier meals, more protein, less snacks. 

Now that Luna's medical concerns are taken care of, it's time to catch up the rest of us. we need to tend to our own health. 

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Poking my head in as well. And yes, it's odd to read 2017! I am not used to it yet. 



No water filter here - someday I want to get a berkey though. My friend has one and loves it. 


Started back to school today. DD is dragging after being woken up early by a storm and then staying up all night writing a story. But we'll get it done!


Goals: Hmm. A full year of tweaked paleo. Garden in and producing. Lose 52lbs. Get finances under control. 

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Morning, Scrap!  Well, afternoon now. :)


We use a water filtration system.  It's absolutely necessary given the "Superior Water" we have and the many signs proclaiming it around town.  Superior to what, I can only guess.  It's pretty bad, though.  I use a Brita filter because it works better than the fridge one, and change it out quite often.


We started back to school this morning.  2 hours of math :svengo: by his choice, not mine, followed by a terrible 5 minutes of spelling (yeah, I insisted).  And then registering the oldest for more dual credit classes.  He may have more college credits than high school by the time he graduates.  Good grief.


Goals this year are simple:

Exercise more.  I got a yoga dvd with 5 different programs on it.  Currently I do about half the chosen program and watch the rest as he bends himself into knots.  Probably not the best form of exercise.

Say 'no' more.  It's boundary time, and I can be terrible about setting them.



That's it.  :D

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We do have a filter in the kitchen--a gift from a family member who used to sell a different kind, and got to know a lot about them. We fill glass pitchers to keep in the fridge, and water is the main thing we drink.


We didn't take a significant holiday break from school (not our style), but starting this morning was hard nonetheless. We were all sleepy. Good news: DS likes the Killgallon sentence book I had him try starting today.


My goals for the year are a bit nebulous just now.

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Winter wonderland?


We have a Brita pitcher, but I don't use it. I used it back when we lived in the DFW metroplex, but haven't since - I just drink the tap water. My wife still uses it though.


Celery did the 2nd try of the 3rd bridge of LOF Fractions today, and passed it. I think that is his first try of a bridge with zero mistakes (well, technically, he left out "inches" in one answer, and wrote "reduse" instead of "reduce", but I'm counting it as 10/10). I'm so glad we don't have to go through all 5 tries on this bridge. Tomorrow he'll have OT/speech, and probably swim&gym (have to verify the latter, but they usually adhere to the PS schedule, so they should have swim&gym).


No goals or resolutions. Just a word: levity.

Edited by luuknam
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Glad to see all the responses and all the new 'faces.' The more the merrier.

I still haven't written down the goals. I did have time to think while at the chiropractor's office

today, though:

*Read from the Bible daily

*Be down to 150 (from just under 220) by end of July.

*Drink 24 oz of water daily.

*Go to 4 Renaissance Festivals this year

*Get a new passport.

Amongst other things. 


Just popping in here for a few minutes before I go pick up my daughter.

Today has been really weird. Nothing I planned to do for our anniversary worked out.

Then on our way home from lunch, a friend texted me saying, "I'll see you in a few minutes."

I thought we were meeting on Tuesday, he had it in his mind we were meeting today! Thankfully,

I didn't have any other definite plans! But I still need to get to goal setting, lesson planning, and 

business calling. Oi!


See ya later!

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no water filter - We have city water and I like the taste. We were using a r/o filter that came with the house on the ice maker, but then it started dumping water all the time and my BIL said that was a sign we needed to replace something (and it was incredibly wasteful).  I decided I didn't want to bother.


We don't start school again until January 9th which is good because I was lazy all break and have work to do still to get things ready for the next semester.  Oops!


All my goals this year are either running or weight loss related.  I'm Mary Poppins in all other areas of life.  :lol:

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I've been drinking the water yesterday and today. And making frequent visits to the bathroom!

But I know eventually my body will get used to the influx. And I'll be healthier for it!


Today was weird. DH and I were going to go out to a Middle Eastern bakery to celebrate our 

anniversary. And we thought we'd take our son (ds12). Son groaned no matter where we went

and we had to go a few places as the first two were closed! Amongst other things that just did 

not go as planned. I'm ready to get back to a regular schedule!



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