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An ode to (something female here)

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Progesterone cream, progesterone cream. How I love thee. Let me count the ways.

More energy thou has given me.

The bloating thou hast taketh away.

Moods that see the sun rather than the storms.

booKs that doth feel unswelled

Fogs of thy head hath been taken away

PMS --what doth that mean?


Oh joy! To live again in the light doeth a heart good.:D (don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job as I am fairly certain I would surely die of starvation as opposed to earning anything with my musings)

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Progesterone cream, progesterone cream. How I love thee. Let me count the ways.

More energy thou has given me.

The bloating thou hast taketh away.

Moods that see the sun rather than the storms.

booKs that doth feel unswelled

Fogs of thy head hath been taken away

PMS --what doth that mean?


Oh joy! To live again in the light doeth a heart good.:D (don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job as I am fairly certain I would surely die of starvation as opposed to earning anything with my musings)







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Alright, I guess I need the scoop on the P-cream. I could do my own research, but, really, who has the time or energy? I am not a fan of holistic meds (dh recently convinced me to take a vitamin, kelp & probiotic by putting them by my coffee in the am) but all this talk has got me wondering what this is all about....at first I thought it was just intercourse related....Anecdotal evidence welcome.

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Alright, I guess I need the scoop on the P-cream. I could do my own research, but, really, who has the time or energy? I am not a fan of holistic meds (dh recently convinced me to take a vitamin, kelp & probiotic by putting them by my coffee in the am) but all this talk has got me wondering what this is all about....at first I thought it was just intercourse related....Anecdotal evidence welcome.




This is a link to a page of FAQs regarding using natural progesterone cream. Here is a group of symptoms that it helps alleviate if one is very low on progesterone production in their body (estrogen dominant).


What is estrogen dominance?


A: Dr. Lee has coined the term "estrogen dominance," to describe what happens when the normal ratio or balance of estrogen to progesterone is changed by excess estrogen or inadequate progesterone. Estrogen is a potent and potentially dangerous hormone when not balanced by adequate progesterone.


Both women who have suffered from PMS and women who have suffered from menopausal symptoms, will recognize the hallmark symptoms of estrogen dominance: weight gain, bloating, mood swings, irritability, tender breasts, headaches, fatigue, depression, hypoglycemia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts. Estrogen dominance is known to cause and/or contribute to cancer of the breast, ovary, endometrium (uterus), and prostate.


Q: Why would a premenopausal woman need progesterone cream?


A: In the ten to fifteen years before menopause, many women regularly have anovulatory cycles in which they make enough estrogen to create menstruation, but they don't make any progesterone, thus setting the stage for estrogen dominance. Using progesterone cream during anovulatory months can help prevent the symptoms of PMS.


We now know that PMS can occur despite normal progesterone levels when stress is present. Stress increases cortisol production; cortisol blockades (or competes for) progesterone receptors. Additional progesterone is required to overcome this blockade, and stress management is important.

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Hmmm. I have *all* of those symptoms. If this would just help with the tender books and the irritability alone- it would be much easier to be nicer to the good folks in my life, and much less stressful. Now if I can just work up the nerve to make an appointment- does anyone else break out in a cold sweat just contemplating going to the dr. even when you know you would feel better if you did so?

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Hmmm. I have *all* of those symptoms. If this would just help with the tender books and the irritability alone- it would be much easier to be nicer to the good folks in my life, and much less stressful. Now if I can just work up the nerve to make an appointment- does anyone else break out in a cold sweat just contemplating going to the dr. even when you know you would feel better if you did so?




I need to call... i'm afraid of what i'll find out and have to pay for.... sigh....

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I have an apt in Nov w/my gyn, so perhaps I'll bring this up. Do I request labs be drawn to determine levels, or just try it and see if symptoms improve? And, if it's not too personal (as, if too personal would be an issue on this board!?) where exactly do you apply the cream?


I just did the research on what my symptoms were and she agreed. Since it is something that fluctuates throughout the month, you would likely need to have multiple tests done to see what happens. And it also fluctuates from month to month. She just started me with a dose and said I would need to adjust it per my symptoms. So far, so good!


The cream is applied to varying places such as the neck, inside of arms, inside of thighs, chest, etc.

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All the time, or only certain days during the monthly cycle?


And how would you figure out when to apply if your periods were now very irregular? I frequently go three or four months between visits now.


I need something to help with all this perimenopause craziness!

Michelle T

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All the time, or only certain days during the monthly cycle?


And how would you figure out when to apply if your periods were now very irregular? I frequently go three or four months between visits now.


I need something to help with all this perimenopause craziness!

Michelle T


I am using 100mg/mL doseage applied 1/2 mL twice a day. I started with using it from day 14 to period starting. But I think I need it a bit more. THis past month, I did it from about day 10ish (can't recall) until cycle started at day 27. I think it will help drag mine out to be a little longer than they were.


There are guidelines for usage depending on what your cycles are like. We determined that I was likely not ovulating much due to the cysts I was getting on the ovaries. This will control those as well!


Look on the site I linked above to see what the guidelines are for your situation. It is safe to use. I think they just want you to give your body a break of a few days each month.

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All the time, or only certain days during the monthly cycle?


And how would you figure out when to apply if your periods were now very irregular? I frequently go three or four months between visits now.


I need something to help with all this perimenopause craziness!

Michelle T


I am using 100mg/mL dosage applied 1/2 mL twice a day. I started with using it from day 14 to period starting. But I think I need it a bit more. THis past month, I did it from about day 10ish (can't recall) until cycle started at day 27. I think it will help drag mine out to be a little longer than they were.


There are guidelines for usage depending on what your cycles are like. We determined that I was likely not ovulating much due to the cysts I was getting on the ovaries. This will control those as well.


Look on the site I linked above to see what the guidelines are for your situation. It is safe to use. I think they just want you to give your body a break of a few days each month.

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Guest janainaz

Geeze, is it that good? I'm thinking I need some!!! And here I thought it was normal to go into an adult tantrum cleaning out the junk drawer. Who knew!


I would have to add: Every time I have gone in to have hormome levels tested I have found out I'm pregnant. So, that scares me.

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You can order lab tests yourself. THey will send you a kit and you send it back to them for processing. Then they send you results. This would be helpful to verify in your own mind that you need progesterone cream. Where it might not help is in dosage. You would have no one helping you with that. An experienced doctor could probalby help you with that....or even an experienced friend but alot of people are not comfortable with that.

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Geeze, is it that good? I'm thinking I need some!!! And here I thought it was normal to go into an adult tantrum cleaning out the junk drawer. Who knew!


I would have to add: Every time I have gone in to have hormome levels tested I have found out I'm pregnant. So, that scares me.


So, are you saying that getting your hormone levels checked is what causes pregnancy? Good to know. :D My theory was that every time I got back to what I consider my "ideal" weight, I got pregnant. I think I'm right, cuz I still haven't lost my baby weight ("baby" is now 4) and still remain preg free!

My family is beginning to think I actually resemble my avatar for about 1 week/month so something's gotta give. I'm fer sure gonna talk to doc bout this miracle cream. Either that or I've got to seriously increase my alcohol intake!:tongue_smilie:

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"Progesterone cream, progesterone cream. How I love thee. Let me count the ways. "


You would have to remind me. I'm trying this month without mine and I'm trying to decide if I want to give it up. I had a saliva test about 5 years ago. I used a prescription cream for awhile then tried over-the-counter. It works fine and is a lot less expensive. The only problem is I developed these brownish patches on my face (melasma). Now it covers so much of my face that I hardly notice it. In the winter it looks like I have a tan. Birth control pills and hormone creams are said to contribute to the cause of this, but I think I remember it starting before I used the cream. I don't know if my skin will lighten if I stop. By day 18 I could definitely tell I had not used it. I guess I could always get used to wearing makeup.



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Oh, I can so relate. My most recent cycle I was thinking where are the depression, the irritability, the moodiness, the sore booKs? Gone.

I have been using it for over 2 years. Some months are better than others but all are better than it used to be.

I use it most of the time, a small dose, only at night usually. I take a break during my period but I have found sometimes my body doesn't like the big hormonal shift of my period and no progest cream, so often I will use a miniscule amount even during my period.

It's a very individual thing though. If I use too much, I get very sleepy during the day, which is why I shifted to night use only.

Edited by Peela
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Wow! I so needed to read this post. I've been living with really horrible cycles since my first one...violent mood swings, bloating, cramps, leg pain, fatigue, and very heavy flow. I'm completely non-functional for a week each month and essentially have to let the house go and give the kids a few days off of school.


Now I just need to find a GYN. Every time I've tried to get help from a doctor, I get handed some form of birth control most of which have intolerable side effects for me.


Anyone know a really, really good GYN near Tacoma, WA?

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Progesterone cream, progesterone cream. How I love thee. Let me count the ways.

More energy thou has given me.

The bloating thou hast taketh away.

Moods that see the sun rather than the storms.

booKs that doth feel unswelled

Fogs of thy head hath been taken away

PMS --what doth that mean?


Oh joy! To live again in the light doeth a heart good.:D (don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job as I am fairly certain I would surely die of starvation as opposed to earning anything with my musings)



Oh, Melissa, I rejoiceth with thee!


I'm so glad that it's working for you--as you know, I LOVE mine!! I really miss it when I take a break for my period.


So, so glad you're feeling better.

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Will this affect potential pregnancies? Do I need to worry about getting pregnant while I take this? I have a womanly appt coming soon and think I might just talk to her about this. Thanks so much.


BTW, so happy for you. :001_smile:


From I read online, you can get pregnant while using progesterone cream but you have to be careful not to stop using it if you think you may be pregnant. If you are, you need to keep using it until about 3 months along and then you have to taper it off gradually. Stopping it suddenly can cause a miscarriage so you have to wait until the placenta is making enough progesterone to overcome the sudden decrease from stopping the cream.

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Will this affect potential pregnancies? Do I need to worry about getting pregnant while I take this? I have a womanly appt coming soon and think I might just talk to her about this. Thanks so much.


BTW, so happy for you. :001_smile:


I have heard that it has been used to prevent miscarriages.

Basically, the reason it works and we feel so good on it is because it raises our progesterone levels- which rise naturally by hundreds of times during pregnancy. When we get pregnant our progesterone levels rise a lot naturally.


And I dont know if the U.S. is different but most doctors here wouldnt have a clue about progesterone cream. Only a few do, so you may not get a good response from your doctor.

The reason is because doctors are educated by pharmaceutical companies (yes, vested interests) and natural progesterone cream cannot be patented by a pharmaceutical company. It is made by compounding chemists.

Here in Australia however it is only available by prescription, so I do need to find a doctor to prescribe it for me every year or so. If my normal doctor isnt available I usually end up just asking for a prescription and educating the doctor about it.

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