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Can you send some prayers up for my pregnant daughter

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She is due on Saturday. Her first son was born right on time, according to the Dr.s. She went into labor the day after she was due, labored a long time and he was born on the next day. He was huge. 9# 6 oz..and birth was difficult. They ended up using a suction thingy to get him out. However, she had a Midwife and her hubby there the whole time and had an otherwise very natural birth. She is not a big girl and didn't gain a lot of weight, last time or this time.

Her Mil's sister is a nurse midwife and they have been campaiging for her to be induced to avoid another large baby and in their mind, a very probably c-section. I believe I calmed her down a bit last night, but some good thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Yes, she will very likely have another big baby boy, but she is not going looking to be induced either.


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I'd say they are nuts - 9 lbs. 6 oz. is not that big. I can't imagine a responsible doctor/midwife wanting to induce for that, especially since she did deliver naturally (and I wonder if they tried different positions before they tried the suction machine.)


I hope that she finds some peace (and maybe some bean dip!:D)

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I'd say they are nuts - 9 lbs. 6 oz. is not that big. I can't imagine a responsible doctor/midwife wanting to induce for that, especially since she did deliver naturally (and I wonder if they tried different positions before they tried the suction machine.)


I hope that she finds some peace (and maybe some bean dip!:D)



:iagree: She needs someone there who will advocate for her. No induction and she needs to be able to get into better positions that will help make birth easier. Laying on ones back is not the best position, especially for a a larger than avergage baby.

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My DD delivered her first in Florida, with a Midwife at a hospital. MW was awesome and respected her wishes for a natural birth. It was planned to be a water birth..but that didn't happen. A DR was called in to do the suction after she had pushed for over 3 hours..I presume they tried all postions, but I don't have that detail. Her Husband was awesome as well, The hosptial offered him a job as a Doula afterwards!

My DD now lives here in Michigan and is working with a Midwife who fully understands her wishes for no intervention..she met with several before she found one she liked.

The Auntie Mid wife lives 5 hours from us so will not be here with her thoughts...they are only coming over the phone..but still at this stage of pregnancy, DD is feeling pressure from within literally, the baby is not small, that's obvious, but is not needing pressure from the MIL and Auntie either.

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it is probably a little late for this advice, but my doctor put me on a diet for the last 8 weeks of the pregnancy with my last. the baby before was 9 lb 6 and got stuck at the shoulders, just to big for me.

well, my doctor claims that going on a strict diet at the end of the pregnancy can make the baby up to a pound lighter, and he was only 8lb 6 so it worked.

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Induce?? What? Why? You are not even due til Saturday!

Then she said to tell MIL and MidWife Auntie that they used to induce for large babies but current studies show the Moms do better with spontaneous labor.


Yup, going with that thougth here today.


DD is feeling much better about things and enjoying her last few days of just one toddler.

Thanks everyone!

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Tell her to stand up when she's having him. At least when she thinks she should be having him. My son was 10lbs 3 ounces and 23 1/4 inches long. I tried and tried...I couldn't really stand, but my husband and best friend held me up...and gravity and all that other stuff.......anyway, if I knew how much it would help...I'd have started standing up sooner!



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Good thoughts coming her way!


My 2nd was 9lb 2oz at 41.5 weeks. My 3rd was 7lb 15oz at 40 weeks, and my 4th was 8lb 10oz at 42 weeks + 1 day. There is NO reason to believe this baby will be bigger, or even as big, as her first.


For the record, I chose a "gentle" induction, against my gut instinct, at 42 weeks with #4. His heart rate went bonkers. I can't express how grateful I am to have been in the care of the mw who caught my 3rd baby, and was familiar with my body and my delivery style. Any ob, and even some mws, would have had me in the OR. My mw did send out word to have the OR available, but we were able to work together for what I like to consider an emergency vaginal delivery, lol.


Ds was fine, thank goodness. It was the induction that not only came close to a c-section, but seriously put him in jeopardy. I really would have prefered a long delivery with a 12 pounder!


Even with a difficult delivery, your dd's body is experienced. That's a big advantage over her first time.


I don't have the statistics in front of me, but I am willing to bet my morning coffee that a higher percentage of c-sections are due to induction issues than due to stuck butterball babies. It just doesn't seem very logical to choose an induction for the purpose of avoiding a section.


Whatever she does wind up doing, I wish her all the best! I'm feeling a tiny wave of baby lust right now.:tongue_smilie: Congrats on the pending arrival. You're family is in my thoughts.:grouphug:


P.S. I've always been a fast pusher, but the hands-and-knees position had ds out *seconds* after things got really scary. I was never comfortable with that position before but, wow, what a difference!

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