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Want Some Fun? Help Me Think Of Bad Baby Names.

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I once read a birth announcement for twins named Twierra and Twinerra. Went to school with a guy named "Iv" which was a nickname for being a So-and-so the Fourth (IV). There was also a Thold.



This site should get them laughing (ETA: Warning -- some irreverent and off color humor therein).


I went to college with and IV. Did your IV go to Clemson?

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This thread is hilarious :lol:


I know people with these names:


Manon (girl's middle name!)


Jeldrys (no, they're not siblings)


August (Auggie for short)

Pancracia (very old name)




There's an adorable little boy in our co-op named August. Also, Billy Graham's granddaughter is named Jerusha.

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I have a friend who's grandson has the middle name "Danger."


Danger reminds me of this story. My midwife had pictures of all the babies she'd delivered, and one was Courage. I thought that was a pretty cool name, and I mentioned that. She muttered under her breath, "Courage. Well, that kid's definitely going to need it, growing up in that family." Highly unprofessional, but funny!

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The apostrophes are supposed to be "accents", like in French.


I guess that is what all of the D' stuff is, also: an attempt to utilize the "De" from French, which means "of" or "from", which many take to have an aristocratic bent.




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Some friends of mine named their son Sampson Danger - I didn't know there were others that shared his middle name. Not a bad name, just different. I keep wondering what the inspiration for it was?


As for boy names that would sound bad w/ a last name pronounced "Lye-shnur" (but one is even in my family), how about:

Lyle, Lloyd, Linus, Leopold, Lucian, Lester... and too bad it's not a girl! Then I'd suggest Letitia Lucretia (not my idea - got it from a baby name book).

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Originally Posted by Aggie

If they did this, his son would NEVER be allowed to be in a race of any kind.



Originally Posted by Doran

It took me a minute. But, holy moly, that's funny!


:001_huh: I don't get it. Someone can PM me with the explanation if it's too much for the board.


Remember the name under consideration was Nad. It took me a while, but think of his team cheering him on by yelling, "Go ---! Go ---!"




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My friend's father is called Norman. Not too bad until you find out their surname is Conquest. His parents didn't seem to notice; he made the best of it though and they called their dog Hastings.

Another friend at school was called Kilda Butler.

We bought our first home from a lady called Wilhemina Parkhurst Groat.

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I had a high school chemistry teacher who, when he and his wife were expecting their first child, joked about naming their baby boy "Atom". We were really disappointed that he didn't. When their next child was expected, a girl, he joked about naming her "Inertia". Again, he disappointed us. :001_smile:


I have an uncle who wanted one of us nieces to name a kid "Molybdenum" and call her Moly ("Molly") for short.




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