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s/o Headbangers' Ball?

Are you a current or former headbanger?  

  1. 1. Are you a current or former headbanger?

    • Yes, current and hardcore. Metal RULZ!
    • Yes, but I'm not up on the newer stuff.
    • Former, regret my metal past
    • Former, no regrets.
    • What's a headbanger? That doesn't sound healthy.
    • Not a headbanger but I do/did the punk scene BITD

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I was a New Wave girl. We dated (or wanted to) the punk boys. I gotta admit though, I always had a secret soft spot for the headbangers.


All this is funny to talk about, because growing up in rural East Texas meant at my school there were about 3 New Wavers, 1 punk, and 4 headbangers. Our moms all knew each other. I miss the pre-internet days, when we really had to work to come up with our 'look'.

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So how many of you are current or former headbangers?


The AC/DC thread inspired me to ask. And we need something apolitical.


Does this count? Dh and I attended a wedding eons ago -- our dfriends were Billy Idol fans, so we ended up doing some pretty unconventional dancing at the lovely ocean front country club. I have no idea what those wedding photos look like but I imagine that the crazy couple will happily meander into old age together.


Dh and I are more into the r&b and classic old stuff.

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I was a total Punk/Mod... ok, so that's a bit of a spilt personality, but I was young and loved both scenes. I still listen to lots of the music from the late 70s & 80's, and I will admit to loving Led Zeppelin, a bit of Black Sabbath (very early stuff), and a few other 70's heavy metal acts. Never got into the 80's hair band thing, but later found Tool in the 90's (Maynard rocks!)

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I voted yes, but I wouldn't consider myself hardcore. Metallica, Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Skid Row, AC/DC, Aerosmith, NIN, some random one-hitters.... I wasn't really into the bands that practically shoved microphones down their throats while they screamed their lowest notes, iykwim.



I'd add Ozzy, Slayer & Alice to your list. Haha the 80's were funny.

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In high school and college, I was always into alternative and 70s prog rock.


It wasn't until the early 90s that I discovered that I had been missing the joys of hair metal all along :D I don't know if I "qualify" as a headbanger because I don't get into the heavy stuff, but ... Def Leppard, NIN, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple (but NOT Metallica, or GnR or Crue or Poison).


I still love my prog rock, though. And glam. Just a touch of punk.

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Oh, I did the Goth & Industrial set, too. But I wasn't sure if there would be enough folks here who did that to create an interesting poll. :D


Helloween, Manowar, GnR, Motley Crue, Metallica, NIN, Ozzy, AiC, Maiden, Led Zepplin, early Sabbath, AC/DC, The Pogues, Billy Idol, The Cure, The Clash, Jethro Tull...wow, more than I can name. :D


I was into Pantera for a while, too. And one of my ex-girlfriends left me for Phil Anselmo. *rolls eyes*


And this doesn't even get into all the Southern Fried Rock I was jamming to in New Orleans in the early 1990s.

Edited by clwcain
added a few bands
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Oh, definitely a headbanger. Hair bands mostly. I heard someone, I think it was the singer from Firehouse, call it "melodic rock." :lol: I really do prefer music that allows me to sing along.


I was a huge KISS fan for years. Tesla is still one of my favorite bands. GnR a bit. Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Poison, Warrant, Anthrax (thought "I'm The Man" was hysterical), Ozzy, Winger, Queensryche, Slaughter, Skid Row, Aerosmith, Tattoo Rodeo... the list goes on. One of my best friends in college introduced me to lots of fun stuff. King's X, Living Color, etc. I used to watch Headbanger's Ball when I was home to see it, and when I could stay awake. :D

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And unfortunately all the things that went along with rock and roll. No one who knew me then would have ever guessed that I would turn out to be a homeschool mom of six. Rock went down hill about the time the big hair bands entered the scene. I do like G&R though. My teens are currently introducing me to some great alternative music these days though. So I listen to a strange mix of classic rock and progressive alternative. I have been known to listen to the older country as well. Anyone looking at my music collection would peg me as schizophrenic.

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I wouldn't consider myself a headbanger by any stretch, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for the music. We lived with another family when I was younger (long, weird, communal story), and they had boys--older boys. So my sister and I listened, willingly or unwillingly, to a great deal of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, and early Van Halen. But it had its advantages in that we ALSO listened to a lot of Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Doobies, Clapton (LAY-la!), Marshall Tucker Band, Boston, Skynyrd, and the supremely wonderful Allman Brothers--all of whom I might've missed had I not grown up with older boys.


In high school I listened mainly to alternative/new wave music. Hey! Here's a little Roddy Frame/Aztec Camera love for all those David Lee Roth/Van Halen fans out there. :D

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