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Politics straight from the mouth of our almost 6yodd!

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During dinner tonight, a political commercial came on tv. DD (who will turn 6 in nine days) had this to say: "We can't afford John McCain and Barack Obama lied...what are we supposed to do???" (Do you think she's seen too many of these commercials?!)


DH and I just lost it. :lol:


Wise words from such a small person! I just had to share.

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That's fabulous! We get those too.


Here's our funny:


A couple of months ago I kept getting calls from Martin Heinrich. I could not for the life of me figure out who he was or why he didn't figure out he had a wrong number (caller ID is my lifeline). So, we're driving down the road a couple weeks into these calls, and there's a big billboard on the side of the road, and my daughter points and says, "Hey MOM! That's the guy that keeps calling us! Why would a guy on a billboard want to talk to us?!" Now, whenever we see a political ad for him someone invariably says, "Marty never calls us anymore? I wonder why?"




Thanks for the laugh!


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During dinner tonight, a political commercial came on tv. DD (who will turn 6 in nine days) had this to say: "We can't afford John McCain and Barack Obama lied...what are we supposed to do???" (Do you think she's seen too many of these commercials?!)


DH and I just lost it. :lol:


Wise words from such a small person! I just had to share.



That is hilarious!! :lol::lol:

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Here's mine from yesterday. We were at the "Obama booth" at our annual community fair, and I asked my four year old who he wanted to be president.


He said,

Barack Obama

I said, why not John McCain? He said,

Because John McCain drinks sodas*.


*He'd seen a photo of John McCain sitting with a Coke months ago. I couldn't believe he remembered that, but so "decisions" are made :D

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My 4-year old dd was in the living room while I was watching tv (ok, it was actually the Colbert Report), and she saw a picture of Obama. She is adopted from China and her skin tone is darker than most Chinese.


Our conversation:

dd- Mom, look! Do you want him to win?

me- No, honey. I've already voted for McCain.

dd-Oh. I want him (Obama) to win.

me-Why do you want him to win?

dd-I like him. He's, you know, brown all over. Kind of like me.

me-(Not knowing what to say, so I reply brilliantly :confused:) Yes, he is brown, kind of like you. You both have pretty skin.


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During dinner tonight, a political commercial came on tv. DD (who will turn 6 in nine days) had this to say: "We can't afford John McCain and Barack Obama lied...what are we supposed to do???"


:lol: Let us know if she comes up with an answer!


When K was 2 (last prez election) we were walking down the street and she randomly said, "I'm Strawberry Shortcake and I approve this message." :D

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When K was 2 (last prez election) we were walking down the street and she randomly said, "I'm Strawberry Shortcake and I approve this message." :D


:lol: That is hysterical!


Ds was 2 during the last election, also, and he was really good at booing or cheering "our guy" and "the other guy" when he heard them on the radio. It was fun. He even parroted a certain dig about breakfast food. :D

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Our 6 year old thinks Barack Obama sounds like it should be sung. I think it's because she's hears it as "Rock Obama". So she air guitars and sings "Rock, Obama, Rock, Rock, Obama!" Over and over....


It's cute. Cuter to dh than to me. :glare: ;)




It's funny since we're in TX there just aren't very many commercials for either candidate, at least not that I've seen. But wow, we were in Missouri last week and were really surprised! I'd forgotten what things are like in a "battleground" state. Makes me kind of glad to be in a state which isn't really disputed one way or the other.

Edited by Jami
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I love that!


When my two-year-old says Barack Obama, it comes out "Bawk Bama". Lately we've been playing little games where I'm the mama cat and he's the baby cat, or I'll tell him I'm a big kid and he'll say, "No, you're my mommy!" The last day or so, he's been telling me he's Bawk Bama, and I've been saying, "No, I'M Barack Obama." I said it tonight, and out of the blue, he yelled triumphantly, "No, you're A'Cain!" We just about died laughing, and he knew he was funny, that little booger! He did a victory dance in his chair. I had no clue he knew who John McCain was, or that the two are connected.

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During dinner tonight, a political commercial came on tv. DD (who will turn 6 in nine days) had this to say: "We can't afford John McCain and Barack Obama lied...what are we supposed to do???" (Do you think she's seen too many of these commercials?!)


DH and I just lost it. :lol:


Wise words from such a small person! I just had to share.



ROFLOL! That's precious. I hope you wrote it down somewhere.



Mamagistra could tell her. She knows what we're supposed to do. :D

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It is amazing how much the little ones pick up on adult conversations.


I realized tonight that my kids think 2 guys are running in a race. Literally. They wanted to know if they were at the end yet, how many miles they have to go -- "80,000 miles left" says my ds.


Every once in a while I'll hear my dd say "Bawack Obama" and that is it... I think she likes the sound of his name.

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:lol: Let us know if she comes up with an answer!


When K was 2 (last prez election) we were walking down the street and she randomly said, "I'm Strawberry Shortcake and I approve this message." :D




I know what I'm going to be saying all day tomorrow.

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