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What literature is on your list this year?

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What literature / classics/ literary works will your middle schooler be reading this year?


I've got so many lists from various sources that now I'm overwhelmed. I have a voracious recreational reader, so not concerned about her reading skills, but I'd like to hand her a short list of "required reading" for 7th and 8th so that she can be well-versed as she enters High School.  What's on your reading list for middle grade? And, more importantly, how did you narrow it down from so many vast options?

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DS loves literature, so our list is rather heavy and we have some selections that correspond with our history as well. We'll see how much we get through.


Here goes.


Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens


To Kill a Mocking Bird - Harper Lee


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien


My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell


Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie


Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne


Watership Down - Richard Adams


Short stories: "A Crazy Tale" - G.K. Chesterton, "A Day of Pleasure" - Isaac Bashevis Singer, "Wakefield" - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Poets: Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Keats, Maya Angelou


Historical Lit: 

Tales of Ancient Egypt - Roger Lancelyn Green


The Golden Goblet - Eloise Jarvis McGraw


The Children's Homer - Padraic Colum


Greek Myths - Olivia Coolidge


Theras and His Town - Caroline Dale Snedeker


Caesar's Gallic War - Olivia Coolidge


Julius Caesar - Shakespeare

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Seventh grade here. This year I'm requiring more reading for BalletBoy, but not for Mushroom. Because... reasons. Mushroom has to do the short stories and the books with an asterisk. They additionally have to read books of their own and we still read aloud. And we do poetry tea at least once a month and read and discuss lots of poetry together. Mushroom is a slower reader, is working on some other things, has a longish nonfiction list, and tends to choose much higher quality books to read on his own than BalletBoy.




* A Long Walk to Water

* Sounder

The Time Machine

Tuck Everlasting 


The Wednesday Wars

Call of the Wild


Short Stories (I may add some - we usually do one per month):


"To Build a Fire" by Jack London

"The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe

"A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury

"The Circuit" by Francisco Jimenez

"Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto

"The Landlady" by Roald Dahl

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Sixth-grade voracious reader here. We're doing...



  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain
  • Where the Red Fern Grows
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  • Enchantress from the Stars by Sylvia Engdahl
  • The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle
  • And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
  • Heidi by Johanna Spyri, Helen Dole, trans.
  • The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
  • A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
  • All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot

POETRY (We alternate between poetry and short story units each year)

  • Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot
  • Renaissance poets: Shakespeare, Donne, Edmund Spenser, Walter Raleigh, etc.
  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation
  • A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge


  • One Thousand and One Arabian Nights by Geraldine McCaughrean
  • The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli
  • Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
  • Beowulf, A New Telling by Robert Nye
  • King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green
  • The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green
  • The Canterbury Tales by Geraldine McCaughrean*
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My middle schooler had read a lot, too, but in 7th last year and in 8th this year I chise some books for us to read and discuss together.


The main book we had a detailed discussion about in 7th was To Kill a Mockingbird. Also include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (and Huck Finn) if your student hasn't read those yet. Also Watership Down was a great story.


For 8th, I picked out the books below. I am not very knowledgable about literature, and I decided on them after reading various posters' middle school lit lists.


The Yearling


The Princess and the Goblin

Sea Wolf

Master and Commander

The Golden Key


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Love the idea of incorporating more short stories into our reading. I must admit, I'm very familiar with the classics, but not sure where to start researching short stories. Did you use an anthology? Or?


There are a few good anthologies.


Little Worlds has a lot of classics - good for upper middle school:



Best Shorts has a mix, but more children's authors, good for the lower end of middle school:



The Guys Read series has a lot of great short stories and isn't just for guys, IMO:



This list is great:



So is this one:


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My 6th grader... I've only got Fall planned. We're doing a British Lit year.

He's doing

The Hobbit (read it before but we're going beyond)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Much Ado About Nothing

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

A Christmas Carol


Some selected Celtic Fairy tales

A weekly poem


That's just for lit, now to Christmas.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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Love book lists :).  These are in addition to their literature program (short stories, poems, drama, articles, etc.) and self-selected, independent reading choices.


The Read Aloud List (both 6th and 8th graders) - Novels only (nonfiction titles are chosen based on current events and content studies)

Quarter 1

Ungifted (Korman)

Class Dismissed (Woodrow)

The Golden Goblet


Little Women

A Year Down Yonder

Hammer of Thor (Riordan) 


Quarter 2

Alice in Wonderland

The Thief of Always (Barker) [halloween]

The Kid Who Ran for President [Election Week]

Roll of Thunder

Sing Down the Moon

Honus and Me

Diary of Anne Frank

Mysterious Benedict Society (#2) [Christmas Break]

Woods Runner 

Fever 1793


Novel Studies:

6th Grade:

39 Clues

View From Saturday

Bridge to Terabertha

Robin Hood

Summer of the Swans


8th Grade:

Call of the Wild

The Pearl

The Outsiders

Lord of the Flies

To Kill a Mockingbird



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I love literature lists.  And I love that the kiddo is getting old enough to read books I read and remember really well! 


She's doing early Modern this year and is doing chemistry, so I have books set aside for that period and field of study.  But the books I am looking forward to discussing with her that are "required" enjoyable reads are:


Watership Down

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Lord of the Flies


because I read them as a middle schooler.  :)  but I agree that these are the years when intensive studies of short stories and poetry work seem to really bear fruit, so I will try to incorporate a lot of that into this year's work too.  I remember reading To Build a Fire and The Most Dangerous Game at about this time of my life...

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My 8th grader will be using Build Your Library's grade 8 schedule, and for once I won't have to add a stack of extra readers on the side. You can see the books BYL schedules here.



My 7th grader's list probably won't be very helpful. She is all about the Shakespeare lately. We picked 9 major plays and hope to keep the pace of about one a month. We have No Fear versions with modern English juxtaposed with the original, biographies by Landmark, Bryson, and Horrible Books, and her independent readers will mostly be lighter modern spin-offs of the Shakespeare stories to help balance the depth/meat. She is super excited. 

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Ds12 and Dd13 both enjoy reading. They will be reading the lit books (primary and many secondary) from Tapestry of Grace Year 2.



Aladdin and other Tales from the Arabian Nights
Canterbury Tales (short retelling)
Medieval Myths, Legends, and Songs
Men of Iron
The Second Mrs. Giaconda
Almost Home
Dangerous Journey (already read this, so this might become the real Pilgrim's Progress)
Robinson Crusoe
Witch of Blackbird Pond
Early Thunder
Gulliver's Travels
Johnny Tremain
Justin Morgan had a Horse

Dd13: (although some of these are selections and not full works)

Canterbury Tales

The Divine Comedy
Song of Roland
Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves
Henry V
King Lear
The Tempest
Paradise Lost
Pilgrim's Progress
Gulliver's Travels
Sense and Sensibility

Both will read various other books for history, secondary readings, primary books that weren't right in front of me :tongue_smilie:, etc.

They will also be doing a Tolkien study this year which will require a lot of reading. Although school starts in a week, I don't have a final reading list yet. Some that will definitely be included are:
 The Hobbit

The LotR Trilogy

The Silmarillion

The Black Douglas
The Invisible Man
The Children of Hurin
one of the Arthur books
Tales from the Perilous Realm
The Hobbit Party
The Philosophy of Tolkien

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Sixth and fourth grader are schooled together. We are doing a year of "cleaning out Mama's homeschooling stash". She also does very well with the Book Basket approach, so there will be a lot of non-fiction books on each topic. Here is the sixth graders list:


Anatomy Unit: Tuck Everlasting & A Hat Full of Sky

Medieval Europe Unit: Redwall & The Sword in the Stone

Naturalist Unit: My Side of the Mountain & Heidi

Winter Holidays Unit: Still working on; will incorporate The Gift of the Magi and something else

Early Americas Unit: ??

Harry Potter IV: hoping Build Your Library's unit study will be out this year; we've done books 1-3 using those.

Women's History - biography project month, so lots of biographies

Hobbit Unit: The Hobbit & poetry unit


Sixth grader will also sit in on older sibling's Shakespeare unit and read A Midsummer Night's Dream this year. 

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Right now we've got four on the list- Amos Fortune, Free Man; Crispin Cross of Lead; Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and we will use Progeny Press with all three of these. Then I have The Giver with Total Language Plus guide. I'm hoping to add in maybe one or two more with the TLP guides if we like it. If not, we will use Progreny Press.  I'd like to add in The Bronze Bow as well.



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Here is our list for 8th grade:


David Copperfield

North and South

Pride and Prejudice

Robinson Crusoe

Saga of the Volsungs

Bulfinch's Mythology

English Literature for Young People


Scottish Chiefs

King Arthur

Men of Iron

Canterbury Tales Retold

Tales of the Crusades

Stories from Dante


Poetry with Longfellow, Frost, Tennyson and maybe Dickinson

Shakespeare-Merchant of Venice and Macbeth

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8th grade literature with a selection of old and new classics, plus some nonfiction. My reader is not a fan of historical fiction .



The Handmaiden's Tale &  The House of the Scorpion

Animal Farm & Lord of the Flies

To Kill a Mockingbird 

Tom Sawyer

Of Mice and Men


Our Town & Romeo and Juliette

Into Thin Air & Night 

Fallen Angels & Sunrise Over Fallujah



I also bought Literature: and Introduction to Reading and Writing. DD is a strong reader and she should be OK with this if I modify it to meet her needs. 

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Some of ours (the ones we have planned so far):


The Sword and the Circle (Sutcliffe)

The Black Arrow

The Brendan Voyage

Daughter of Time

Joan of Arc (the Mark Twain version)

Watership Down

Idylls of the King

Taste of Chaucer

In Freedom's Cause


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