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Quick, Car seat recommendations!


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We were in a minor accident last week, and the car insurance has agreed to replace our car seats. They need to be "comparable" but not the same model, make, etc. DS is turning 4 in a month, about 34 lbs, and is forward facing in a First Years True Fit Recline, which isn't made. Looking, the closest thing I can find is between $100 and $220, I think? So I need something in that price range, give or take, for him. DD is 6, and weighs 45lbs. She is harnessed still, in a Radian 100. Price looks to be about $279. 


So I need seats around that price range, give or take, that harness to high weights. I like them in a 5 pt harness, and so far no push back about being harnessed. (except from my neice...but that's another story, ugh). I would like seats that convert to a booster (belt positioning) later. We do have kids that fall asleep often in the car, so I don't see us going to the booster phase for a while still. 


Any help? Available for quick shipping via Prime or in a Babies R Us or Target or whatever, so we can get it ASAP. The accident meets the "minor" criteria, but still. 


Edited to Add: space/size not a huge issue, we drive a mini van. But ease of installation is....I'm going to be putting this in myself and I'm not the most strong person. 


Edited to Add: Looking like either Radian again, or the Britax Frontier 85. The Britax has higher weight limits, and comes in more color options. Any reason I would NOT choose Britax over the Radian?

Edited by ktgrok
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get the britax click tight.

The frontier is your best bet.  It will last them until they are out of carseats.



i would only get the radian if you were wanting 3 across or to RF a long time.  But the Britax go to 40lbs RF and can fith a normal 3-5 year old.

Edited by mommyoffive
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I'd get two Britax Frontiers and pay the difference. Frontier's Click-Tight is so much easier than the other options. Pioneer is cheaper, but it doesn't have the Click-Tight. Do you want to RF the not-quite 4 year old a bit longer? Then a Graco Extend-2-Fit (RF to 50) would be in that range. 




Yup - we loved our Britax frontier! 

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Is Coral pink enough? https://www.diapers.com/p/britax-pioneer-combination-harness-2-booster-car-seat-coral-1140419 (this isn't the click tight model, which is why it's so much cheaper. darn.)


We had a car accident and replaced seats. DD went from a pink one to a gray and black one that matched the car. She recovered. I'd get some bright pink, sparkly sunglasses for her and tell her that's the safest seat. Safety trumps color. :)

Edited by zoobie
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Any opinions on the nautilus?

Love it.  My 7 year old daughter is still in a 5 point harness.   Its a little heavy, but she is well protected.  We can do the 5 point harness till 65 lbs I think, and then a regular seat belt as long as the adjustable headrest can be adjusted up.  After that I can be used as a backless booster.  Hidden storage, cupholders, and all the pinkness....all helped to soften the blow of not going directly to a little booster. We ordered ours from Amazon after testing it in the store.  It was recommended by all our friends who have bigger kids, but can't afford a Britax.  


She wondered the other day if she would be able to use it in the front seat to learn to drive when she's 16.... LOL

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The Nautilus is similar to the newer version 4 Ever which also comes in pink. But either way, kids may outgrow them before they expire. We had to ditch our Nautilus earlier than expected. Don't make our mistake... the man. date was a bit old even though we bought it straight from the shelf. Sadly this happens sometimes.


I'm currently car seat shopping and have been posting on car-seat.org, Car Seats for the Littles facebook group, and reading the reviews on Car Seats for the Littles. I like their side by side comparison charts. Like, it will tell you if the car seat requires vehicle head support (which I'm concerned about because ds is tall and that means the vehicle seat must be above mid point of his head/above his ears. Depending on the vehicle this may be hard to accomplish). See if these lists help: http://csftl.org/recommended-seats.


Keep in mind the height of the child's torso matters more than overall height for when they will outgrow a harnessed seat/booster. And keep in mind the highest height allowable for belt positioner to go. Like I was looking at two High Back Boosters and they have a few inches difference in shoulder height allowance. I don't know if it's just where I live but almost every seat I've wanted is NOT available in stores (Target, Walmart, Babies R Us). Very annoying.

Edited by heartlikealion
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