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Gift closet


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Having a bad day, so I've decided some idle chit chat is the perfect cure :)


With all the clearance sales going on at Target and other stores, plus Prime Day, I took some time today to clear out a shelf in our bedroom closet to store gifts because the back of the coat closet wasn't cutting it any longer.  The first time I heard about gift closets I thought it was a silly idea that just tied up money and space, but it's saved my bacon a few times now.  At least here, it seems like invitations for kids' birthday parties are given, at most, a week beforehand, and I've had two parties this summer we were invited to with 2 days' notice.  It was nice to not have to make a special trip to the store, and nice knowing that I saved money buying the toys on sale or clearance.  I know people have been doing this forever, and I know of at least one mom who typically completes her Christmas shopping by August, but this has been a revelation for me.


Do you have a gift closet?  Is it for kids' gifts only, or for adults as well?  Is it just for storing holiday or birthday gifts for your family, or do you buy things meant as general gifts as well?  How do you keep track of the stuff in there?

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I have had a gift closet for 20 years.  I stock it for baby and wedding showers, weddings, graduations, house warming, kids, teen, and adult birthdays and Christmas. as well as small odd and end gifts to give as appreciation gifts and other miscellaneous times when a small gift is needed.  My teens raid the closet often to get gifts for friends and work events.  I also keep the closet stocked with items to give in case of a tragedy or loss.  My best friend lost her house in a fire last year and I we were glad that we had many new items to give to their family while they were waiting for their house to be rebuilt.

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I have one but it is mostly for kid's Christmas gifts and birthdays. My kids' Christmas gifts are currently in there and one gift for a nephew. The gifts I get for adults are always so personalized that I can never find them well in advanced. I usually handle adult gifts with black Friday sales because by then I know what most of them want

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I did it for kids, but around age 10 or so, DD really started wanting to pick stuff out specifically for her friends--and at about the same age, the "invite everyone you know" parties started to drop off and be replaced by "just a few friends", so it worked out.

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I used to buy general gifts in advance, but eventually found it to be a waste of money (for us). I would buy something with some kid in mind, but then we would drift apart and I would have no need for a preschool boy's toy, the gift didn't match well for the giftee, etc. I also care a lot about giving gifts that people really like/want/need, and it's hard to do that from a gift closet. I'm trying to instill an appreciation for giving in DD, but this also means she enjoys picking out gifts for her friends and family that she believes they will like...Plus my exSIL was a HUGE proponent of the gift closet - whenever she saw a good price on something at Ross, she would pick it up and it meant every year for Christmas we got something (usually a large, unneeded kitchen item) that promptly went to Goodwill (we have a VERY small kitchen and can't house unitaskers.) It kind of soured me. 


However, I DO keep a big wishlist of specific gifts I need for friends and family, and keep an eye for good prices! I have just about everything plugged on camelcamelcamel and they send me an email if they hit a record low price. I have probably 1/3 of my Christmas shopping done. DH was eyeing a scroll saw that's at a record low on Amazon and I am seriously considering buying it for Christmas...

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Yes, for me it makes more sense to only shop for specific people (or have a general idea of who they could go to like "ok this will work for one of two people"). I have done some Christmas shopping so far though this is probably the earliest I have ever started. Dh told me to stop thinking about Christmas already ha but one thing I already bought went back up in price (I got two for the price of one and have two recipients designated for them). We are giving ourselves a more strict budget so I figure I'm shopping smart. The past couple years proved to me that most of my deals are not Black Friday deals, anyway.



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When my older two were young, I did this.  Just random gifts for b-day parties or even for a rainy day with my own kids.  I usually had a couple random adult gifts too, for unexpected b-day or for someone who just needed a little something special.


I donated the last of my toy gifts to a donation drive last year.  The last couple of housewarming gifts are in the garage sale pile.  Since the kids are grown and I don't hang out with the parents of their friends anymore, I don't need the random things taking up space. 



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I have a bunch of large boxes full of things that I picked up for a steal, mostly toys and books for kids, stocking stuffers, etc.  We save a lot of money this way and also give presents that are higher quality/better brand than we could normally.  When I can get a discount of 70% or more on a high quality item, I stock up.  It is so nice to effortlessly put gifts together when they are needed, have something on hand for a toy drive...  But I try to avoid things with batteries included because they may die while sitting in a box for a long time.


The only downside with this method: because the toys were bought so long ago, or for so low a cost, it doesn't make sense/is impossible to include a gift receipt.  DH's family is all about the gift receipts, so I know it must annoy them.  But I don't really care...

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I have had a gift closet for about twenty years though much of its usefulness is fading now that I have  fewer children for whom I shop.  My gift closet contains gifts for children as well as for adults (generally my husband and a few other family members).


In addition to new items that I have found at good prices, my gift closet also contains items found at thrift stores such as books, candles, games, and more.




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We have a locked gift storage closet. This has worked very well for DS's gifts. I also put other family gifts in there. I keep a list in Word of what is in there (so I don't accidentally buy it again).


This year, for Christmas, I have started wrapping presents when I buy them. Hopefully, most of my wrapping will be done before the big holiday rush.

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children's place website has free shipping and a 60% off code right now. I just ordered a couple Christmas gifts. Not everything had a great price, but I did find a few good things.


I just bought DS 4 pairs of size 16 pants and paid $30. Excellent score! I wish they had more items of clothing in older teen sizes. Only their pants go up to size 16.

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