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And I made my goal ( fitness related)


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Was supposed to be for my bday (37) last Wed. But I didn't put in enough practice, so a mere 5 days late I got my first ever pull-up. Sqee!!! I've got chin-ups before and can do them now but I've hardly practiced pull-ups and never enough to be able to get one in my life. Next step is to get it from the flying trapeze and be able to knock out 3 at a time.

Edited by soror
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That must feel AMAZING! :party:


I've never been able to do one, so I am in genuine awe.


And great job setting a goal, and meeting it. It's so easy to miss a deadline and to give up instead ... or worse, to just not set a goal at all.


What's next for you?

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Thank you everyone! Glad to finally have this goal knocked out, it has been on my list forever BUT when you don't work on something you don't get better.

That must feel AMAZING! :party:


I've never been able to do one, so I am in genuine awe.


And great job setting a goal, and meeting it. It's so easy to miss a deadline and to give up instead ... or worse, to just not set a goal at all.


What's next for you?

I want to improve my form first off, shoulders further down my back and I'd like to get my chest all the way to the bar. 


After that I want to get a pull-up on the trapeeze bar, which is considerably harder, I'll be glad to try it out now that I can get it at home and home I'm not disappointed with where I'm at there.


After that I want to get multiples, 3 is my first goal.


Longer term I'd like to work towards a muscle up, need to get some rings for that. Upper body wise I want to be able to climb a rope w/out using a feet- or minimally use them. I can climb a rope now but use my feet too much.


Otherwise I need to work on my handstand, was getting decent but haven't practiced in awhile so when I tried the other day it was rather pathetic. 


Oh, and lastly I'm working on the front splits, inching my way there.

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Thank you everyone! Glad to finally have this goal knocked out, it has been on my list forever BUT when you don't work on something you don't get better.

I want to improve my form first off, shoulders further down my back and I'd like to get my chest all the way to the bar. 


After that I want to get a pull-up on the trapeeze bar, which is considerably harder, I'll be glad to try it out now that I can get it at home and home I'm not disappointed with where I'm at there.


After that I want to get multiples, 3 is my first goal.


Longer term I'd like to work towards a muscle up, need to get some rings for that. Upper body wise I want to be able to climb a rope w/out using a feet- or minimally use them. I can climb a rope now but use my feet too much.


Otherwise I need to work on my handstand, was getting decent but haven't practiced in awhile so when I tried the other day it was rather pathetic. 


Oh, and lastly I'm working on the front splits, inching my way there.


Amazing! I only know what a muscle up is because of my parkour/fitness obsessed children, but those are tough! If you can do a pull-up I can imagine that a muscle up is somewhere in your future if you stick with it :)


I would be totally thrilled with the ability to do a chin-up or a pull-up. For now I'm going to continue to muddle along with my couch to 5k jogging and maybe set a chin-up goal of completing one in 5 years  :lol:  Some of this extra weight is going to have to go somewhere first  :laugh:

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Amazing! I only know what a muscle up is because of my parkour/fitness obsessed children, but those are tough! If you can do a pull-up I can imagine that a muscle up is somewhere in your future if you stick with it :)


I would be totally thrilled with the ability to do a chin-up or a pull-up. For now I'm going to continue to muddle along with my couch to 5k jogging and maybe set a chin-up goal of completing one in 5 years  :lol:  Some of this extra weight is going to have to go somewhere first  :laugh:

My son is especially interested in parkour, he calls me his parkour buddy, we climb and monkey around but no official moves. I'm actually planning a trip to the parkour gym in the city(no gym around here or I'd be all over it) for my b-day(just haven't been able to make it yet). I have no illusion I'll kill it but thought it would be fun and I like to try new things.


It certainly helps to have less weight to pull-up and also part of it is how we're built. Flexiblity comes easier to me, the pull-ups and chin-ups have not come easy at all. There is a lady in one of my classes that said she's pretty much always been able to do pull-ups, she struggles w/ a lot of tightness though. We are all built so different. Keep on, keeping on! 

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Congratulations! I have always wanted to do a pull-up, also! Can you share what you did to achieve your goal?



Most of my strength gains have been from Aerial Silks and Aerial Yoga, we do so much pulling in there but it is not just pulling but doing fun/cool stuff so you(I) push more than I would otherwise. We also do some strict pull-up practice in class(although we should do more). Pull-up is a skill we are expected to have, so I should have been practicing 3+ times a week and kept meaning to, as I should have had this months ago but I just couldn't motivate myself(and it is hard to practice things you suck at). Also, it is a crapload of core work (which is required w/ the pulls & chins- when I first started practicing after my last baby I could feel a lot of discomfort in my core), I started w/ MUTU mamas, then onto planks and other basic stuff and now do all kinds of stuff, I've been working on hollow body holds, l sits and other things. My core is rock solid now, so if you have any weakness there you need to start w/ that. 


But I still wasn't getting all the way there with it because the silks moves aren't exactly the same as strict pulls and chins(hands are generally on separate pieces and hand position is just different). I finally conquered the pull-up with greasing the groove, aka practicing it several times a day. So, before breakfast, after breakfast, 10 am, before lunch, after lunch, afternoon...etc, etc. You get the idea, I have a pull-up bar in my kitchen on the door to my pantry. I only every did one, and I would just do it as far as I could go. The idea is to only do about 50-80% of your capability, so never push your body to the max because you don't want to get so sore you can't keep with it. 


 I only practice strict form, no body swinging or kipping. If you are just starting you might need to just start practicing hanging. Hanging is so not something we generally do so most of us don't have very good grip. Also, the body has to get used to hanging, you need to practice engaging your shoulders, hands on the bar (keep the feet on the ground) and pull your shoulders down your back. That is the position you want to stay in to protect your shoulders throughout the move. You can also practice negatives, use a chair, jump or whatever to get you to the top of the move and hold that and go as slow as you can on the way down. 


Here is a None to One Pull-Up program- I like that she focuses on grip strength, engagement, core, etc because there is a lot to the move. It is 8 week long in total. 

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