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Who's currently on a diet?

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I started on a "diet" several years ago. It was the ABS diet by David Zinczenko. I lost 40 lbs. in 3 mos. I went from 148 lbs. to 108 lbs. That was too much to lose. I went back up to 118 lbs. and I try to stay there.

Since then, I don't consider it a diet, I just consider it the way I eat. I started out very strict but I've relaxed quite a bit and I lose and gain the same 5 lbs. depending on what kind of month of eating I've had. The only difference I made in his diet was that I am a vegetarian so I just changed the protein. I got a lot out of Tosca Reno's Eat Clean diet as well. They are very similar.


Oh, yes, I exercise 4-5 days per week. It really depends as to what. I change around. When I lost the initial weight, I was running, doing pilates and weights. Now I just do some bowflex, I walk and do free weights. I just want to maintain. I would love to start pilates again, I loved it.

Edited by mrsdash
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Who *is*, or who *should be*?

I fall into the latter group. I have 35 pounds to lose.


I said it.


Now I just have to get my act together and shed the weight. Nothing like waiting until the holidays are just around the corner, eh?


I have been doing my physical therapy exercises consistently, so my back is feeling better. As a result, I have been able to walk about a mile and a half each day without too much pain.

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Starting in June I decided that I wanted to just slim down. I watched my portions, we eat very healthy anyway. I started walking for 1 hour everyday and doing light pilates 2-3 times a week. I have since lost 31 lbs. I am quite tall and I have lost this weight very evenly. Which is both a pro and con. I haven't seen the dramatic difference I was hoping for (all my clothes still fit, they are just a little bigger) but I feel much stronger and I am sleeping so much better. I would like to continue losing and I think I have just permanently adopted this regiment. Good luck. It really does come down to lifestyle changes, not so much a single diet or goal weight. :)

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I just started Weight Watchers at Home this week. I haven't lost anything yet, but hey, it's only been 3 days!!!! ;)


I am starting my running program over from the beginning because of an injury in August. That means that right now, exercise consists of about 30 minutes 3 times a week. That'll increase next week though.


I need to add back in some toning and my Callanetics. Life is just better when ya do your Callanetics :D

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Starting in June I decided that I wanted to just slim down. I watched my portions, we eat very healthy anyway. I started walking for 1 hour everyday and doing light pilates 2-3 times a week. I have since lost 31 lbs. I am quite tall and I have lost this weight very evenly. Which is both a pro and con. I haven't seen the dramatic difference I was hoping for (all my clothes still fit, they are just a little bigger) but I feel much stronger and I am sleeping so much better. I would like to continue losing and I think I have just permanently adopted this regiment. Good luck. It really does come down to lifestyle changes, not so much a single diet or goal weight. :)


I agree with this. I think, though, if you find the right "diet" and make it a lifestyle change, it will work for you. If you find a diet and make it a temporary way of eating, you will most likely put all the weight back on. It has to be reasonable, realistic and healthy.

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I'm on Weight Watchers. I started in June. I'm hoping that I'll reach my 10# loss at weigh in this week (yes, that's 4 MONTHS to lose 10#). To be fair, though, in the past 2 months I've had 2 minor surgeries that have kept me from being able to exercise at all for several weeks.


Since I started exercising again, I am seeing a difference. I try to go on the elliptical trainer 30 min at least 3 times a week, with walks and/or bike rides on the alternate days. I do Wii Fit a couple of times a week, and use hand weights 2-3 times a week for about 15 minutes.


I like Weight Watchers. I find it's very easy to work into a regular life, and it doesn't feel like a diet per se. I did try it online, but find it's easier for me when I attend the meetings.

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I lost 7 lbs the first week of Phase 1. I'm in the second week now and will weigh myself on Monday. The diet is going very well in that I never feel hungry and am satisfied with the food choices


Walk ~5 days/wk, 2.2 miles/day

Wii Fit -aerobics, yoga and strength training several times/ week for 20-30 min. each session

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I started watching portion sizes earlier this year. I lost 10 pounds quite easily. ALL of it was off my chest! I was bummed as I wanted to lose it off my hips! I was also exercising 45 minutes/5x/weeek. I kept this up and still didn't lose more weight.


So, two weeks ago, I started the Abs Diet. I really need a kick start. My goal was another 20 pounds. I've lost 7 more pounds. 13 to go! I am never hungry and I can see this as a lifestyle change for me. I'm loving the results - the weight is coming off my waist and belly - finally.


I am also running 5x/week between 3 and 6 miles. (I've worked up to that since April or so. My first race is the Detroit Marathon Relay next weekend!)

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I do Weight Watchers. I go to meetings. Over 100 lbs gone but need to lose another 50 lbs. I do the flex program but *try* to eat as much "real" food as possible rather than all the processed stuff. I walk 5 days a week on my treadmill. Walk outside when I can. It seems to be either too hot or too cold here to go out and exercise.

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I started Feb 07 and have lost 107#s so far. I have been struggling since June to get below 160 and it's driving me bonkers.:banghead: I want to get down to 140 and hope to by the time Feb rolls around.


I am eating a low fat, high fiber plant based diet and excersizing 5-6 times a week ( when I am being good lol).

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I consider mine more of a lifestyle change with the goals to:


eat more whole, beneficial foods

lose weight

tone muscles

improve cardiovascular/respiratory systems

increase bone density

sweat everyday (I believe it cleans the system)

decrease stress


So I workout at least 6 days a week and eat much better. It sounds so simple, but that's really my plan.


I've lost 10 pounds (5 more to go), fit into lots of the clothes I wore when I was dating my husband, and now wear a size 6 again. One not-so-serious goal is to try to get my old jeans on. :) We'll see.


I was up to 140 when not pregnant and aim to be 115 again. I actually was down to 105-110 at one time. This is actually a healthy range for me because I am small-boned and only 5' 3".

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Who *is*, or who *should be*?

I fall into the latter group. I have 35 pounds to lose.


I said it.


Now I just have to get my act together and shed the weight. Nothing like waiting until the holidays are just around the corner, eh?


I have been doing my physical therapy exercises consistently, so my back is feeling better. As a result, I have been able to walk about a mile and a half each day without too much pain.


I'm with you. I have 15 that I'd love to lose (again). I lost it a couple years ago and have put it back on. I know how, I just haven't done it! I like to use the Weight Watchers point counting (not going to meetings). It works great because it doesn't restrict anything and teaches great portion control.

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I do Weight Watchers. I go to meetings. Over 100 lbs gone but need to lose another 50 lbs. I do the flex program but *try* to eat as much "real" food as possible rather than all the processed stuff. I walk 5 days a week on my treadmill. Walk outside when I can. It seems to be either too hot or too cold here to go out and exercise.


Congratulations!! That is awesome. You should really be proud of yourself.

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I started Feb 07 and have lost 107#s so far. I have been struggling since June to get below 160 and it's driving me bonkers.:banghead: I want to get down to 140 and hope to by the time Feb rolls around.


I am eating a low fat, high fiber plant based diet and excersizing 5-6 times a week ( when I am being good lol).


Wow, great job. That is incredible and you should be proud. This has inspired me to get back on WW to lose the weight I need to lose.

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