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Isn't it a patient right to be able to get a copy of your

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health records and any test results? I'm outraged with my doctor's office right now! I called to get test results from the doctor that requested them. I like to keep a copy of test results and notes so *I* can remember what I had done when, etc. I mean it's MY BODY and MY HEALTH, right??!?!? (Can you tell I'm irritated?) The nurse said I'd have to call my primary care doctor to get them because he is the one that referred me to them. Is that not insane or what?!?!?!?!!?!? I shouldn't have to call my PCP to get my OWN test results that I am paying $269.00 for, should I? Maybe I'm wrong. What say you?

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health records and any test results? I'm outraged with my doctor's office right now! I called to get test results from the doctor that requested them. I like to keep a copy of test results and notes so *I* can remember what I had done when, etc. I mean it's MY BODY and MY HEALTH, right??!?!? (Can you tell I'm irritated?) The nurse said I'd have to call my primary care doctor to get them because he is the one that referred me to them. Is that not insane or what?!?!?!?!!?!? I shouldn't have to call my PCP to get my OWN test results that I am paying $269.00 for, should I? Maybe I'm wrong. What say you?


You get them from the ordering doc. A doc who just gets a cc can get dinged for releasing second hand records. Same with chart notes. It could well be a lazy staff member and nothing to do with the doc, BTW. Or a staff member with anxiety issues and afraid of violating the privacy regulations. I know I often think "is this okay?" rather than "is this the right thing to do". Sad, isn't it?

You may need to submit a signed ROI (release of information).

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You do have a right to get them, but the lab doesn't want to liable for you getting uninterpreted info. That's why they want you to go to the PCP. You are actually not allowed access to everything. For example, a psychologist is not required to release his notes about you to you.



Funny. I had the opposite happen. PCM referred me for a 2nd "look" about something, when I called PCM later to hear what the bottom line was with 2 opinions or whatever, I was told to call the specialist directly.


Or maybe it's like you say, about how the info is interpreted. :confused:

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of labwork from other doctors before. BUT this doctor is a little peculiar, so I bet he is going by the privacy rules like the other doctors should've been doing. Well, I guess we learn something new everyday, don't we? I've cooled down now, but I will still try to go by his office and submit a written request. I don't want to go to the PCP just to get test results and have to pay a copay if I'm not sick, kwim?

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Yes. But the doctor's office has the ability to charge you for a copy of that paperwork. :thumbdown::thumbdown: Our initial pediatrician's office will not send copies of file to either new doctor or myself without my paying $25/patient. Like that is going to happen...We've repeatedly requested copies by I won't pay on principal.

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"Yes. But the doctor's office has the ability to charge you for a copy of that paperwork. :thumbdown::thumbdown: Our initial pediatrician's office will not send copies of file to either new doctor or myself without my paying $25/patient. Like that is going to happen...We've repeatedly requested copies by I won't pay on principal. "



Maybe $25 seems high. I don't know how long you were with the doctor. However, do you think photocopying is free. The paper, machine, maintenance and electricity are not free. Neither is the time the office manager (or other salaried employee) spends on the photocopying and not other duties. Any business needs to charge to cover these costs. I don't particularly like doctors, but I do understand there are costs to any business.

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to get copies of any medical records any health provider has on you. The provider can charge you a reasonable amount for copies, but I would certainly argue that a $25 flat fee is unreasonable.

They can require you to ask in writing, but they are not required to do so.

Try faxing or mailing them a written request, and mention HIPAA.


I hate, hate, hate dealing with the front office staff at most dr.'s offices.



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However, do you think photocopying is free. The paper, machine, maintenance and electricity are not free. Neither is the time the office manager (or other salaried employee) spends on the photocopying and not other duties. Any business needs to charge to cover these costs. I don't particularly like doctors, but I do understand there are costs to any business.


No, but it does seem like one could do that for less than $25. It seems if I pay for tests, I should get a copy of those tests. Even the termite inspector gives me a copy of the work he did for free. I didn't even know that my doctor diagnosed me as having fibrocystic breasts until I discovered it from my insurance company when we reapplied for a different plan.

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One of the perks of living in MExico comes directly from my day today. Yesterday I stopped at my ENT/Neuro who strongly suggested I get an MRI. Stopped by the MRI place in the afternoon (I could have showed up without having any doctor involved; just right off the street without seeing a doctor) and they said they could take me right then. I was too nervous then so decided to show up this morning. Unfortunately they were a little busy so I had to wait an hour (never made an appointment). Picked up my results at 6pm, (7 hours after my MRI) carried my results and the report to my ENT/Neuro after reading the results, walked into my ENT/NEuro's office without an appointment, waited 15 minutes for him to finish with a patient and then spent 30+ minutes with him while he went over the results. At one point he wanted a copy of one of the MRI sheets so he put in on a backlight, got his own personal camera out and took a photo of it. When I left, all the test results and reports came with me.

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