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Zelda is the person to see for the cheese. Though she hasn't given her definitive position statement on the subject despite being invited to do so.


So I don't know about her. She keeps getting McCain's cars mixed up. :auto:



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I do believe there is a chance of riots but not related to race relations but more to do Obama being supported by a socialist organization. I have read several reports that he was a member of the socialist democratic party in Chicago known has the New Party. I have read several articles stating he was or is a member. The only article I found on there official website states they endorsed him/he won and attended and spoke at there membership meeting in 1996. His politics remind me of socialism and his friends like Ayers are socialist.

There is a history of socialist revolution with violence. It would seem with those type of people supporting him that riots could happen. The socialist party inciting the whole thing

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I do believe there is a chance of riots but not related to race relations but more to do Obama being supported by a socialist organization. I have read several reports that he was a member of the socialist democratic party in Chicago known has the New Party. I have read several articles stating he was or is a member. The only article I found on there official website states they endorsed him/he won and attended and spoke at there membership meeting in 1996. His politics remind me of socialism and his friends like Ayers are socialist.

There is a history of socialist revolution with violence. It would seem with those type of people supporting him that riots could happen. The socialist party inciting the whole thing

"New Party" rang a bell. You mean this New Party? Could you please explain the "socialist" part? And the propensity to violence? Do you know that there are actual democratic socialist parties in many European countries (there's even one in Canada :eek: ) that have managed not to riot upon losing an election? :rolleyes:


I have no idea whether or not Obama was a member, and am not speaking to that assertion.

Edited by nmoira
corrected typo
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It's not socialism that's scaring me. It's fascism.

It was all I could do to keep DH from leaving the country after the last election (I love, love, love Portland and don't wish to leave) -- he thinks it's heading towards theocracy.


Anyone else?



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I do believe there is a chance of riots but not related to race relations but more to do Obama being supported by a socialist organization. I have read several reports that he was a member of the socialist democratic party in Chicago known has the New Party. I have read several articles stating he was or is a member. The only article I found on there official website states they endorsed him/he won and attended and spoke at there membership meeting in 1996. His politics remind me of socialism and his friends like Ayers are socialist.

There is a history of socialist revolution with violence. It would seem with those type of people supporting him that riots could happen. The socialist party inciting the whole thing


Sorry, I have to laugh... have you read the news this morning? Our Republican President "W" and his administration are considering taking control of a number of banks. HELLO!!!! You are scared of some hippy wanna bees but you are paying little attention to our so-called conservative capitalist president. :lol:

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Sorry, I have to laugh... have you read the news this morning? Our Republican President "W" and his administration are considering taking control of a number of banks. HELLO!!!! You are scared of some hippy wanna bees but you are paying little attention to our so-called conservative capitalist president. :lol:
I'm happy for you that you still have a sense of humour. Wanna share? Please? I think I've lost mine.



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It was all I could do to keep DH from leaving the country after the last election (I love, love, love Portland and don't wish to leave) -- he thinks it's heading towards theocracy.


Anyone else?




Vancouver is very nice! Come on up.


One of the scariest reading combos is:


Kevin Phillips' American Theocracy


& Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale

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It was all I could do to keep DH from leaving the country after the last election (I love, love, love Portland and don't wish to leave) -- he thinks it's heading towards theocracy.


Anyone else?




Theocracy? No, not at all. Not referring specifically to you, just a general musing - but it does stun me sometimes how incredibly opposite people see things sometimes.


Pam hit the nail on the head in a different thread. When I see the news I probably see it very different than she does and I really do find it fascinating.


The fear of theocracy and the charge that anyone who happens to vote with religious conviction, or feel passionate about a moral subject is pushing for this, is more dangerous, imo. Usually it's simply a case of someone being offended by another's belief so they jump to the worst possible ideas of how everyone will be forced to worship one way in just a year if this person is given a say.


It can happen in almost every side humans are able to pick, not just against one particular religion or view.


That said, fascism is a great threat in today's society and we have a history of it in this country and in our world in a far more recent way. Our current climate does not lend itself to a theocracy but it seems fascism is always just one fear away from happening. You have a group you fear, you silence them. Again, it's happened recently and it's been attempted on many sides at one point or another. If this takes hold on one end or another and is coupled with crisis, the blame game begins, fear of the other person sets in, and it can get dangerous. I think I fear the fear more than anything else, in a way.


Hmmm... that reminds me of a quote somewhere... ;)


Just remember that when they round me up, okay? You can come get me.

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Theocracy? No, not at all. Not referring specifically to you, just a general musing - but it does stun me sometimes how incredibly opposite people see things sometimes.
That's DH, not me anyway. I've been politically interested and aware a lot longer than he has and tend to see things less in black and white terms. [i hope I said that tactfully. :) ] However, I can see his POV, especially with respect to US environmental and Middle East policy.
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"New Party" rang a bell. You mean this New Party? Could you please explain the "socialist" part? And the propensity to violence? Do you know that there are actual democratic socialist parties in many European countries (there's even one in Canada :eek: ) that have managed not to riot upon losing an election? :rolleyes:


I have no idea whether or not Obama was a member, and am not speaking to that assertion.


They endorsed him, because the alternatives were the Harold Washington Party candidate (read: let's make sure only a black person gets into office - yikes!) and the Republican. On the 1996 ballot, the year he was supposed to have been their "party candidate," he's on the ballot with a "D" beside his name. (And no, he's not on there twice, because that's illegal in IL.)


As some have found to their chagrin in many elections past and present, you can't control who endorses you.

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I do believe there is a chance of riots but not related to race relations but more to do Obama being supported by a socialist organization. I have read several reports that he was a member of the socialist democratic party in Chicago known has the New Party. I have read several articles stating he was or is a member.


links, please?


That's the sort of claim that should be very easy to prove or disprove.

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What does the OJ trial and Obama running for President have in common other then the colour of the main characters? Just because the main players are black we're going to see riots?


Yes, because of the color of both players. I'm not saying that I agree, so please don't read that into my post. I'm answering the OP who asked if anyone thought that riots were possible if Obama loses. For some people, this *is* a race issue. I know of Democrats who will not vote for Obama just because he's AA. I won't vote for Obama, but that's because I'm Republican. I would have absolutely no problem voting for a Republican candidate of any race or gender. I just want to make sure that this post is not a reflection of my personal opinion, but what I observe around me.


Because race issues have strong emotional charges, I do believe that the possibility for small scale riots is there. Editorialists are already writing about such things in racially charged cities. When I mentioned the first OJ trial, I was trying to remember if small scale riots did indeed break out. The threat was there, much like people are speaking about this election. This was seen by many as a racially motivated trial. Here was an AA man accused wrongly of murdering two caucasians. Racially charged statements were made and crowds reacted. People are more involved in this presidential election. If Obama loses and people start insinuating that it is racially related, our history demonstrates that crowds react by rioting in some cities. This is not a right wing propaganda line, just an observation of our history. Riots are so illogical; it's hard to try to discuss and predict them from a logical standpoint. They are based on emotion, passion, and loss of inhibition.


While it may seem like the two events are not related, they do have a common thread. They link the perception of AA's in the US as not being given a fair chance, and the emotions that come into play with that perception. Since I am not AA, I am not going to speak as if I have experience in that arena ;) I can only speak as an outsider.

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I'm happy for you that you still have a sense of humour. Wanna share? Please? I think I've lost mine.




And I need some perspective. I'm fresh out.


From that delicious little movie, Ratatouille:


Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir?

Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?


Mustafa: With what, sir?


Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it?


Mustafa: I am, uh...


Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this BLOODY TOWN, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.

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Sorry, I have to laugh... have you read the news this morning? Our Republican President "W" and his administration are considering taking control of a number of banks. HELLO!!!! You are scared of some hippy wanna bees but you are paying little attention to our so-called conservative capitalist president. :lol:


I gotta agree with you there. This and the bailout are the issues that have made me say, really, finally, and truly, that I cannot vote McCain. I am 3rd party for sure now.

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