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Rec. your favorite protein powder?


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I'm a long time vegetarian and never get enough protein. Lately, I've been mixing protein powder into my almond milk and mixing all of that into my morning coffee. It's good.


I asked my good friend from childhood who is a trainer and a health nut about her fave and she went on and on about Arbonne's protein powder. She sells it but only to get the percentage off, I guess. ??


She's never pushed it before but was suggesting I buy it. It's about $55 for a month and a half. (Those are escargot prices in my budget's world.)


Plus, she says, it doesn't have whey in it. I thought, what's wrong w/ whey?? (I thought whey is just a derivative of diary. . .?)


The first protein powder I bought at Trader Joes I really liked. Then I bought ARIA for Women at TJs and I don't like it.


That's when I thought I'd find out more about protein powder and whether some are nutritionally more sound than others.


Should a vegetarian know these things?? Probably!!


Thanks for the help!



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There's nothing wrong with whey unless you're vegan or dairy intolerant.  It is an excellent protein, in terms of being both complete and bioavailable.  We use CytoSport whey because you can buy it in bulk at Costco and that makes it pretty affordable.  I honestly haven't shopped around much, because we like that one well enough and it's convenient (since we always shop Costco anyway) and affordable. 

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I have a friend who sells Arbonne too. They use pea protein in their protein powder. I keep pea protein powder on hand for when my vegetarian dd starts feeling the need to be vegan (it come in waves), but I prefer the flavor of whey protein. I am not willing to pay Arbonne's prices and I am just fine with of the shelf brands.

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I practically live on whey protein powder, lol.  I just get the store brand from Wegmans. I prefer the vanilla, but will also get chocolate if that's all they have. It can't be too bad, the stuff flies off the shelves. It is often sold out.


I also blend it into my morning coffee. It's the perfect breakfast for me. I don't have to think, it's just: pour, dump, blend, done

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I use Bluebonnet whey protein, the French vanilla and the chocolate flavors. I limited myself to brands I could purchase at our local natural foods store because we like to buy from locally-owned and -operated businesses. I tried three other brands/types (omg pea protein made me want to hurl!) and settled on this as the best choice.


I blend the protein powder with milk and whatever fresh or frozen fruits I have available. The immersion blender is my new best friend. So thankful my inlaws purchased the metal and plastic measuring cups for it!


I may need to try the powder with my morning decaf :)

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