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Am I totally missing something on the gas issue??

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I'm really not sure. I've seen several explanations on the local news, but I still don't quite get it.


Gas here is "only" in the low $4 range ($3.97-4.29 from what I've seen)... But gas stations simply don't have any. And those that do, have lines down the block.


I found one today where I could buy gas ($20 limit, regular only), and they sold out when I'd reached $12. ;)


And they're saying it could be 2-4 weeks before we're up to standard levels here.

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Why are folks having trouble getting gas? I'm in Louisiana, where we have dealt with 2 hurricanes, and I see no shortage (unless I'm just missing something).


What's up?


It seems to have to do with two things: 1) which refineries were shut down, and what kind of gas you need in your area; and 2) whether or not your area instituted price caps to keep gas stations from "gouging" customers

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It seems to have to do with two things: 1) which refineries were shut down, and what kind of gas you need in your area; and 2) whether or not your area instituted price caps to keep gas stations from "gouging" customers


Yes, and also the number of pipelines that go through your area...

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I'm really not sure. I've seen several explanations on the local news, but I still don't quite get it.




I don't get it either.


And, really, the point right now (imo) is not the price of gas, but more the fact that there really isn't much at all. It's easy to drive past 10 or 12 stations, all shut because of lack of gas. The next one might have gas, but as abbeyej said, the lines are huge. It's kind of eerie, esp. when you start hearing things like this will continue for the next 2 weeks, or 3 weeks, or ...??? (And, it's been going on for about 2 weeks already.)


I don't think I've seen or heard a logical/concrete explanation yet of 1) why this is happening; 2) what is being done to alleviate/end the problem; and 3) when the problem will be solved. The lack of information is pretty scary, in and of itself.

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I think one of the issues was the density of the population in areas that are running out. More people use up more gas.


That makes sense!!!


We aren't having any issues in Virginia, but we're leaving on Monday for our vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, so we called the rental office there and they said they're not having any problems at all in Myrtle with gas shortages. We thought maybe they were just taking care of the tourists, but what you said makes a lot of sense!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

LOL! We are leaving for Myrtle Beach too. We've got a free place to stay with a kitchen.


We've never been there before, do you know what's fun and cheap, besides the beach?


P.S. Dh says the presence of the Navy makes Virginia a priority.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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LOL! We are leaving for Myrtle Beach on the 10th. We've got a free place to stay with a kitchen.


We've never been there before, do you know what's fun and cheap, besides the beach?


P.S. Dh says the presence of the Navy makes Virginia a priority.


I wouldn't be so sure, we are an hour from Myrtle Beach. It all depends on the gas station, there are several here not open, and many with half open.

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I wouldn't be so sure, we are an hour from Myrtle Beach. It all depends on the gas station, there are several here not open, and many with half open.


The rental company advised us to fill up at home (we're near Fredericksburg, Virginia -- up near DC) and then fill up again just before we reach the NC line. Then we should be okay until we get to Myrtle because it's the areas before we would reach Myrtle that are having problems.

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Why are folks having trouble getting gas? I'm in Louisiana, where we have dealt with 2 hurricanes, and I see no shortage (unless I'm just missing something).


What's up?


I can speak for my area. We get our gas from the Colonial Pipeline which has a terminal and tank farm an hour south of us. The pipeline carries gas from the Gulf to us at a whopping 4mph--it just flat out takes longer to get the gas here. And on top of that, for some reason, much of the south was in a "just-in-time" situation for gas instead of having the tanks at the farms filled. So, add no gas in storage plus no gas coming through the pipeline while the refineries were down plus gas taking a long time to get here once the refineries were back up and you end up with a gas shortage.


Some areas in the south were not hit as hard because they were able to get fuel from alternate terminals/ports. Our local government is in the process of signing contracts with other fuel sources to make sure if something like this ever happens again we will still be able to get fuel.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm just repeating what I heard on the news last night. Some areas with high population density were having extreme problems, but you could get gas an hour away in any direction.

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LOL! We are leaving for Myrtle Beach on the 10th. We've got a free place to stay with a kitchen.


We've never been there before, do you know what's fun and cheap, besides the beach?


P.S. Dh says the presence of the Navy makes Virginia a priority.


That's so cool!!!!!!!!


We're renting a 4 bedroom condo, on the beach, with a kitchen, for $500 for an entire week. What a deal! Since there are 6 of us, we can't stay in hotels (we violate fire codes) so we're thrilled at the price!! I mean, we go to a hotel near my MIL's house for Thanksgiving and we need two rooms at $150 a night each. :glare:


Myrtle Beach is fun fun fun! My kids love to visit the aquarium, and they love to play laser tag and putt-putt golf. My suggestion is to stop at a grocery store / 7-Eleven / what have you and pick up the newspapers and vistor's guides. They'll have fun suggestions and lots of coupons. We usually find good deals on admission rates, etc., off-season. And my kids also love to visit the t-shirt shops and their prices are much more reasonable off-season, too.


Have fun!!! :D

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In Atl it's a combination of a number of factors. Type of gas we use (the switch from summer to winter grade), distribution was effected, and basic panic buying. People are topping off all their cars daily. The system is just not set up to handle folks filling up every day. We got gas last Friday and there were many in line filling up containers in the back of their trucks/vans. Things looked a little better yesterday, only ten cars in line and one intersection blocked. I plan on filling up later in the week at 5am. Heard there are no lines then. :lol:

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from "The Oil Drum":


Gasoline Shortages: Our Inventory Problem


I am writing this article from Atlanta, one of the places hardest hit by gasoline shortages. A person can drive for miles without finding an open gas station.


One of the major reasons for gas shortages is that fact that inventories were not very high going into the hurricanes. Then when not one, but two, hurricanes hit, inventories dropped to the level where there wasn't enough to go around. (In fact, the shortages started even before the second hurricane hit.) How could this happen? Isn't there anyone who cares about gasoline inventories?


More at the link. The problem mainly is that inventories were low before the hurricane, because it takes money and credit to keep inventory on hand, and the credit crisis is affecting that.


Is there anyone here really topping off every day? Seems like it would take hours in line and searching for gas stations in order for that to happen.

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i just filled my minivan and, yes, 5 gal gas can, at Costco in Morrow, GA (south of Atlanta). i called first to make sure they had gas and i had other reasons to go to costco. most of the stations i passed on the way there (about 10 miles) were out; those that had gas didn't have lines at this time of day but the price ranged from $4.19 - $4.29. Costco's price today is $3.83. there was not a line.


i leave for Pensacola thursday morning so a full gas tank takes a load off my mind.

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My dh has been topping off. He has a 20 mile one way commute and if he can't get to work, we will not have enough money to pay our bills. But we won't be going to meet with dd's tutor tomorrow (also 20 miles one way) and I won't be going to my HS support meeting either. I am hoping to still do ballet on Thursday.

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Is there anyone here really topping off every day? Seems like it would take hours in line and searching for gas stations in order for that to happen.


People in and around Atl drive a lot. Some might easily say we are a city of car lovers. Oh, and most also like to drive fast, very fast. In fact, that is the one thing I have noticed this last week, how slow everyone is going in order to make that milage go just a tiny bit farther. :tongue_smilie:

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My dh topped off this morning because the gas station called him and let him know they were running out of diesel. He went and filled up the rest of his tank because it could be a few days of no diesel. Otherwise he will have to drive further away to fill up (which costs more because he uses fuel up getting there!)

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Is there anyone here really topping off every day? Seems like it would take hours in line and searching for gas stations in order for that to happen.


Apparently there *are*! Yesterday when I was "filling" my car (less than 3 gallons when they ran dry, but there was a $20 limit anyway), the woman next in line was asking what to do if she didn't *need* the whole $20 maximum. It was all I could do to pick my jaw up off the ground and *not* say, "If you don't need four gallons why are you here?!?"

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