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Such a random ?. If you have visitors from overseas, do you buy insurance?


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I'm hosting a kid that lives in Switzerland for 4 weeks in the summer, family friend. Quite apart from the fact that the summer camp I'm enrolling him into may require the insurance, I'm wondering if you ever bother about this when you have long term visitors from overseas. I guess because he is a minor I was thinking about it. My parents visit for a couple of weeks at a time and I never think to get it for them. I bought insurance when my DS was in France and it was very inexpensive, because child, same for my host kid who was here 6 months. I'm leaning towards spending the little money and getting insurance for the one month. I'm not asking his parents to do that because, well, I don't think it's appropriate as I am hosting him.

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I'm hosting a kid that lives in Switzerland for 4 weeks in the summer, family friend. Quite apart from the fact that the summer camp I'm enrolling him into may require the insurance, I'm wondering if you ever bother about this when you have long term visitors from overseas. I guess because he is a minor I was thinking about it. My parents visit for a couple of weeks at a time and I never think to get it for them. I bought insurance when my DS was in France and it was very inexpensive, because child, same for my host kid who was here 6 months. I'm leaning towards spending the little money and getting insurance for the one month. I'm not asking his parents to do that because, well, I don't think it's appropriate as I am hosting him.

I would find out if the hosting program will provide it, or if his sponsoring group will provide it.  


Who would be responsible to pay for a doctor visit while he is here? you or the program?

Edited by Tap
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That never occurred to me. Now that you mention it, though, it does rather seem like something that should be dealt with. Are his parents getting travel insurance for him, the kind that covers hospital stays? If it turns out that it is going to be expensive for you to do it, I think you could at least ask them if they are. It is usually pretty cheap, isn,t it? I would be willing to risk having to pay out of pocket for stuff like stitches, but would feel better if big stuff like a car accident were covered.



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I would find out if the hosting program will provide it, or if his sponsoring group will provide it.


Who would be responsible to pay for a doctor visit while he is here? you or the program?

There's no hosting program this time. Kids met in daycare while respective parents were grad students. When we did do an exchange program, they requested us to buy insurance for own child, but no requirements on amounts or company used. Edited by madteaparty
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Gosh, that never would have occurred to me.  On the other hand, it's a good question!  I'd guess though that he, being a minor, would have to go through his parents or legal guardians to arrange it?  Perhaps you could start by asking his parents if their insurance at home covers any international doctor visits or emergencies?  That would get the ball rolling.

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That never occurred to me. Now that you mention it, though, it does rather seem like something that should be dealt with. Are his parents getting travel insurance for him, the kind that covers hospital stays? If it turns out that it is going to be expensive for you to do it, I think you could at least ask them if they are. It is usually pretty cheap, isn,t it? I would be willing to risk having to pay out of pocket for stuff like stitches, but would feel better if big stuff like a car accident were covered.



I feel bad even asking whether they are getting travel insurance. I am paying for camp but they have to fill the forms which ask about insurance. Maybe I will forward those asap ;)
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Gosh, that never would have occurred to me. On the other hand, it's a good question! I'd guess though that he, being a minor, would have to go through his parents or legal guardians to arrange it? Perhaps you could start by asking his parents if their insurance at home covers any international doctor visits or emergencies? That would get the ball rolling.

It occurred to me only because camp forms ask, and I had a kid here for 6 months last year (different kid/program). And when I send DS to Switzerland next ski season ;) I'm getting his own insurance here :) Edited by madteaparty
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Huh, interesting question.


Is it even an option?  Can you buy insurance for a child for whom you aren't legal guardian?  I suppose if you're buying the airfare you could add basic travel insurance... but be advised it's generally more expensive from the outside, coming in to the US, than the other way around... and for regular insurance, I don't think we could add on a child for whom we aren't guardians onto our current or various other prior programs.


The child's existing coverage might be sufficient, though, so it's worth checking with the parents.


I'm interested now!  Please report back when you figure it out!  

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It occurred to me only because camp forms ask, and I had a kid here for 6 months last year (different kid/program). And when I sent DS to Switzerland next ski season ;) I'm getting his own insurance here :)


We've gotten travel insurance for our kids too, if they're going to be overseas for an extended period.  It's usually quite inexpensive, and I believe it always includes an evacuation policy (that is, in a health crisis, they will pay to fly them back home).

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Do you need a note saying you have his parents' permission to make medical decisions? I,d get one, if not. I,d be more worried about that than insurance, even. And asking for that might make them think about the insurance problem.


We bought travel insurance online for our children when they were overseas, and we sent a noterized letter with them giving them permission to travel out of the country without a parent.



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Huh, interesting question.


Is it even an option? Can you buy insurance for a child for whom you aren't legal guardian? I suppose if you're buying the airfare you could add basic travel insurance... but be advised it's generally more expensive from the outside, coming in to the US, than the other way around... and for regular insurance, I don't think we could add on a child for whom we aren't guardians onto our current or various other prior programs.


The child's existing coverage might be sufficient, though, so it's worth checking with the parents.


I'm interested now! Please report back when you figure it out!

I think you can buy anything, frankly. I'm being flip, but when I bought insurance for my own child to go to France it was a nothing process done online at the speed of Amazon one click checkout, and I do not recall having to prove in any way he was my kid. Maybe I had to (electronically) sign something, but I don't think so. I received an insurance letter (for visa purposes) and his cards instatenously via email.
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Do you need a note saying you have his parents' permission to make medical decisions? I,d get one, if not. I,d be more worried about that than insurance, even. And asking for that might make them think about the insurance problem.


We bought travel insurance online for our children when they were overseas, and we sent a noterized letter with them giving them permission to travel out of the country without a parent.



I have a model "parental authorization" (in five languages no less) we had to sign and receive when DS did his exchange program, and I'm going to ask parents to sign that. So much paperwork, hosting kids these days!
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We've gotten travel insurance for our kids too, if they're going to be overseas for an extended period. It's usually quite inexpensive, and I believe it always includes an evacuation policy (that is, in a health crisis, they will pay to fly them back home).

Yes, ours did too. It also paid for one of us to go to him if he could not be evacuated. I shudder reading what that thing covered, may no one ever need all that!
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They might already have Travel Insurance so I would just ask. Many bank accounts etc give it with the account inexpensively. The parents would need to check if he will be covered without one of the account holders.

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I would find out about it for sure.  A friend hosted a young man who ended up in a terrible bike accident.  Multiple thousands of dollars later...HE is fine..but paperwork and so on...oh my.  And not everyone can sustain the effort or the $$$ regardless of how it all turns out.  Yes.  Get insurance.


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Basic Swiss health ins will pay for up to 2x the estimated cost for the same treatment in Switzerland. Due to US inflated health costs, a US emergency treatment routinely passes the double of the Swiss cost. So yes, I highly recommend an additional travel insurance of some kind. If the family's has helicopter insurance through "la Rega", this should cover the overflow, though obviously they should check their policy first!!!


Long story short, either a US based temporary insurance or Swiss based supplemental travel insurance is a really, really good idea!!!

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It is absolutely reasonable to ask the parents to get insurance. You're doing them a favour, as I imagine that they would be legally responsible for any medical bills incurred. I'd just send an email reminding them to check that their medical insurance will cover US healthcare costs.

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Temporary coverage, to cover one in another country, in case of illness or accident, is a must.  I bought that for our trip to the USA next month. If someone were coming from the USA to visit us, I would recommend that they purchase temporary coverage to cover them outside the USA.   

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