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Detroit schools :(


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I'm shocked that so many individuals were involved. One dishonest principal wouldn't surprise me, but 14 school administrators independently signing on to submit false orders for kickbacks!?! Corruption must run deep in the area.


So sad for the community :(

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We're in the process of moving to a new area where one school district is better than others.  The realtor said they're not actually better schools, but they are less diverse, and they are very good at evaluating all the children for disabilities in kindergarten and getting them on IEP's that either don't involve testing or involve significant time extensions.  I'd suspect similar corruption in many school districts.

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This isn't the first time I've read about something like this.  I don't think it was with Detroit, but somewhere else.  But yes it was basically wide spread fraud surrounding the testing stuff.


Atlanta had a huge testing scandal a few years ago. 

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Uh, the article isn't about testing. It's about 13 principals/school officials taking a combined 1 million bribe to submit fraudulent claims to a vendor for supplies they didn't receive (they spent 5 million on that vendor, of which 2.7 million for supplies never received).

Edited by luuknam
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Uh, the article isn't about testing. It's about 13 principals/school officials taking a combined 1 million bribe to submit fraudulent claims to a vendor for supplies they didn't receive (they spent 5 million on that vendor, of which 2.7 million for supplies never received).



Oh, I just glanced.  Thanks.  I will read it fully later when I have time.

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I watched this a few years ago and it was very eye opening. The problems with Detroit's schools are wide spread, not at all new, and they're not being fixed. The corruption and missing money for an already bankrupt system is disgraceful. At this point, I can't even begin to think of how you could realistically fix the problems they're facing. :(




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Uh, the article isn't about testing. It's about 13 principals/school officials taking a combined 1 million bribe to submit fraudulent claims to a vendor for supplies they didn't receive (they spent 5 million on that vendor, of which 2.7 million for supplies never received).


That would be Atlanta, too.  :)  Atlanta public schools did the testing scandal, but DeKalb County (next county over) wastes money like nobody's business in all sorts of fraudulent ways.

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Very sad but nothing new.  I grew up in Detroit, attended Detroit Public Schools and my mom taught in the system for over 30 years.  Even when I was a kid,  the corruption within the system was widespread and shocking.  As for supplies, there were definite periods when my mom and the other teachers had to bring in basic necessities, like toliet paper, or we wouldn't have had any.  My elementary school had asbestos and had to block off a section of the building because the ceiling was coming down.  My mom retired a couple years early because she had developed COPD from the black mold in her DPS classroom.  These problems have been going on for decades.  

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