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Just an announcement: I miss reps.

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I miss reps a whole lot, too. I keep wanting to rep someone and there is no way to do it. I don't want to post on a wall I don't understand or send a PM every time I think someone has made an especially wonderful post or needs some encouragement.


And I liked checking my reps. I was nearly to another square. Wah!Wah!Wah! Now my kids don't have anything to make fun of me for -- I'm sure they'll think of something, though it won't be as much fun for me.


For me, pitiful as this sounds, rep made things exciting.

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I miss them too. I was already feeling a bit disconnected because of going back to work, then this hit. Having "friends" is a fun new twist, but I find the boards much more impersonal without the rep system. I never know if what I have to contribute is really of value to anyone or if anyone agrees or disagrees with my pov without the rep feedback. It was much easier to feel a deeper connection to people and now it is gone. There was just something magical about that extra bit of connection. It just isn't the same. I'm afraid I feel less draw to come here now. It seems like such a silly little difference, and yet, it really added something special. Perhaps others don't miss it at all. I know a lot of unnecessary negative rep was thrown around at times. I just didn't happen to be the recipient of any of it, so it was always a good thing for me.


I feel much less a part of the group now. :crying:

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I miss reps a whole lot, too. I keep wanting to rep someone and there is no way to do it. I don't want to post on a wall I don't understand or send a PM every time I think someone has made an especially wonderful post or needs some encouragement.


And I liked checking my reps. I was nearly to another square. Wah!Wah!Wah! Now my kids don't have anything to make fun of me for -- I'm sure they'll think of something, though it won't be as much fun for me.


For me, pitiful as this sounds, rep made things exciting.


I couldn't have said it better--especially the "Wah! Wah! Wah!" part! :D

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I have to say I felt really stupid when I checked my reps upon logging in. It definitely put me in touch with that part of myself that wants approval - even from total strangers on the internet. Plus, everytime I posted a question, then spent a lot of time repping all who answered, or else I felt really guilty for not having done so.


I don't know. It didn't create a healthy community, in my humble opinion.

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I liked the reps that were sincere. Not simply the ones that were for the sake of getting rep points and green squares. But the ones that people left to genuinely say they liked/disliked what you said, those were good.


Although I miss them I can completely understand why they chose to eliminate them. With all that the moderators/owners do I think it's the least we can do is respect their decisions. That's my two cents worth. :001_smile:

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I use the visitor messages the way I used to use reps. I like the fact that everyone can see that I sent the message and what I said, because I want to only send positive reps and I want others to know how I feel about the cool things that people said. (I realize that you have to click on the person's profile though to see those messages).

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