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Help Plan Baby Girl's Registry


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I'm pregnant with my 4th child and ONLY girl :) After 3 boys, I'm having fun picking out things for a girly nursery with coral, peach and blush - I just can't take too much pink all at once (at least not yet ;)


At the same time, a lot of our baby items like car seats and bouncers really need to be replaced.


We haven't bought a lot of this baby stuff for a while, so... Help me plan my registry! What are your favorite baby items? What do I not want to forget? And what's great for a can't girl?


And also... Where should I register??


Thanks for your input!


(You can share your favorite baby girl names too ;) Our last name is Baddeley, and our boys are James, Connor, and Grady)

Edited by KBadd
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Congratulations! I have three girls (no boys), but I can't really think of any baby gear we have had that is gender specific. My favorite baby items were a baby Bjorn babysitter, a beco Gemini carrier, and an inglesina table chair (we used this in place of a highchair). Now that I think about it, those are the only things we had for baby 3, haha.


My only other suggestion for a new girl mom is to go really easy on collecting dresses in the 6-12-18 mo sizes. I know it is fun to buy dresses, but wait and see how practical they are at each stage/age before buying too many of them. Dresses really got in the way when they started crawling, and then learning to walk. We still had dresses in those sizes, but I reached for cute pant sets and tunic sets way more often during that age range. Consequently, I had a lot of dresses that were worn just once or twice. When my girls did wear dresses at around 9 months (and crawling), the dress was usually tucked into the tights/leggings, just to get it out of the way. ;-)

Edited by Upptacka
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If I ever have another little girl, I would love to have a pink stretchy wrap (like a Moby) and a pink woven wrap.  (My stash of baby carriers is all blue or black.) 


I also have a couple of girly sun hats that I put on my daughter.  I remember the frills and ruffles fondly, now that I've been firmly in "ballcaps and camo" territory for the last decade.


Oh!  And DD had pink kitty cat Robeez.  They were SO cute! 


If pink's not your color, there's plenty of purple, and just girly stuff in general.  Have fun!



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My brother and SIL had a boy then a girl and replaced almost everything with girly stuff.  Actually, so did we but I reused most stuff.  The pink/pastel stuff like carseats, strollers, etc tends to look dirtier and worn much faster than the darker tones like navy, black, etc IMO.  None of it seems gender specific to me at all. 


I did have fun with girly clothes though.  Both my kids had pretty gender neutral nurseries even and mostly ended up in my bed.  I just think don't buy too far ahead.  Buy the basics and then add on if you need more stuff.  Like I never had a swing until my 2nd was 6 weeks old and DH was travelling and baby was driving me nutso.  And I think I used it for like a month and then I was done.  So much of that stuff is so short lived and some babies never end up liking it. 

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Definitely watch out for too many dresses! SUCH a pain from about the time they are sitting up until they are truly walking full time. Cute as all get out, but not actually wearable.


Like a PP, my favorite baby gear items are the Baby Bjorn babysitter balance, a great carrier (I'm partial to Lillebaby), and the Inglesina fast chair. I'm expecting (mystery gender) number three in sixish weeks. We moved about two months ago, and aside from the crib (which DD is still sleeping in), the travel crib (love baby Bjorn for this, too), and the boxes of baby clothes, I got rid of basically every other baby item we owned. Oh, and I kept the car seat, too, because it hadn't expired yet.


Pretty much everything I own is gender neutral, bc we don't find out ahead of time. It only took a few weeks after DD was born for pink stuff to sprout everywhere, though, thanks to friends and family.

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Congratulations!!!!  :party: 


Down to business, a girl doesn't need anything special. You could probably use everything, and I advise khaki rather than pink / girly because it washes better.


That said, I chose pretty white dresses because they could be bleached. Light pink dirties and can't be bleached. Sailor dresses you can spot-clean, and dark blue sailor dresses with dots are adorable.


Also, buy short dresses that hit the top of the thigh. In addition to being simply precious, they are plenty easy to walk in. Nothing like a baby girl's chubby thighs toddling around in a short sailor dress with her little ruffled diaper cover poking out. Every child should be adored by grandmothers and nothing does it like a little sailor dress and chubby thighs.


As for names, I see you have a Celtic theme. I love the name Grady by the way. Way to be meaningful, classic but not trendy. I love Celtic names and I'm not even Celtic. Elspeth (Elizabeth), Aileen, Roisin [ Rosheen ], Emilia (Emily). Connor, Grady, and James would go nicely with Aileen in my opinion, but there are a lot of jokes about Aileen and unfortunately your last name isn't helping.

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I'm pregnant with my 6th and we hope it's a girl. I made a list on my computer of baby stuff I want. I plan on ordering the big things from Allbeebaby because I read they have great shipping. I don't have any baby stuff at all as we thought our DD (7) was going to be the last one! If I was registering I would not put baby clothes on the list. There are too many cute options! I also advise, unless you have small babies, do not buy anything in newborn/0-3 month size as they grow out of that very quickly. I am trying to involve my younger 3 in the selection process so they feel more a part of the whole deal than "Bam! Here's the Baby!" I don't like baby pink at all so lavendar is my girl's color.


I have the following in my spreadsheet:

UppaBaby Mesa carseat in Grey (Son 4 picked the color)

UppaBaby G-Luxe stroller in Amethyst (Son 3 picked the color): I looked/loved at the Cruz but I don't want a massive stroller

JuJuBee BFF or Be Classy diaper bag: I have found a backpack option is awesome! (DD is picking the print)

Nuna Leaf with Wind swing seat

Nuna Sena full size portable crib or any pack-n-play: not sure we will get one as we don't travel much

sleep sacks: safer than blankets

crib and sheets (we use ours as a toddler bed, too. IKEA has great pricing. Skip the bumper pad

Infantino Mei Tai: only because I don't know any other brands and the price is great. I've never had one before.

nightgowns: as someone else mentioned, easy diaper changes

zip front sleepers: I hate doing all those snaps on a wiggly baby

onesies: who doesn't use these?

glider rocker: usually my DH buys this for me 

socks: but I did keep my DD's Robeez sizes 0-18 months! Baby GAP baby socks stay on the best

delicate wash bag: keeps baby socks from becoming lost in the laundry

receiving blankets: I use mine as burp towels, nursing covers, you name it!

WubaNub paci's: these are attached to a little stuffed animal so never get lost

changing pad and cover

disposable nursing pads

diapers/wipes: go for the size 1's!! We only use Pampers Sensitive Care wipes as all the others are too rough for our kids. I don't know of any "natural/green" kinds for diapers or wipes that are reliable. Or maybe you do cloth...

Shusher: miracle worker! It is a little machine that makes shushing sounds that Baby finds very soothing. My sister had them stashed everywhere!

baby monitor

bottle set/breastmilk storage bags

breast pump

clothes for me!: I tend to wear out my clothes right before I'm pregnant then end up with nothing to wear after! I'm not a big shopper/clothes person.

shopping cart cover: never had one before so don't know if I'll actually buy one or not

diaper cream: we like Aveeno

baby shampoo/stuff: we like Aveeno

super soft blankets: just because they are sooo soft!!!


If you live where it gets cold, I would add a carseat "muff" to keep Baby warm.


Congats and have fun!





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I like when people register at Target, probably b/c that's the most convenient store for me, lol.  Of course I can order online from BrU, but then I can't wander through the baby section oohing and ahhing!


I know there are zero "musts" for girls, but every girl in my family gets a bonnet and frilly butt covers from my mom.  They are so hard to find, and pretty much only get used for a cute photograph, but it's such a sweet throw-back.


As far as names go, I vote Morgan.  I may be a little biased.  ;)

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My favorite new items:


My Brest Friend (fixes everything that bugged me about the boppy, and even has its own back support!)

Aden and Anais swaddles (OK, total luxury, but I do like them)


Best wishes!




Agree on both of these.  My Brest Friend keeps form better than a Boppy.


FWIW, I'd think carefully about registering with a single store.  Amazon used to (still does?) offer a registry where you can choose where you bought the item from.  I dislike how BRU marks up products 20% because they have an exclusive pattern or color.  If you're flexible on items, consider just putting down "Chicco Keyfit" or "Baby Trend Inertia" on your list without specifying pattern, or pick a pattern that is more widely available.


Carriers are a more personal thing.  You may want to look at this chart to decide what's best for you. http://www.softstructuredcarriers.com/

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Pretty much everything I own is gender neutral, bc we don't find out ahead of time. It only took a few weeks after DD was born for pink stuff to sprout everywhere, though, thanks to friends and family.

Isn't that funny, how that happens? We've never found out ahead of time, so our newborn stuff is neutral. Somehow, however, MIL showed up with a pink outfit when she came the day after DD was born, and she arrived within hours of DS1's arrival with blue stuff. After the pink explosion, I wasn't surprised when my baby laundry all turned blue after DS1. ;)


Re: dresses. We did some, and I don't recall them being a problem. However, my only little girl was also my only non-crawler; she crawled for about two seconds, long enough to figure out how to get herself to a table or something so she could pull herself up to walk. At nine months. So dresses weren't a problem. Or maybe she took them as a personal challenge. She did that with most things. Still does, actually. :)

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