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A lot of forums allow HTML in the signature line and this one *still* does not.

So only ONE sig pic is allowed, that should keep it from bogging down.

Plus you can adjust how many replies are listed per page and if you keep that number low the load time will be improved also.


Most forums allow HTML so people often have several sig pics, which can really bog things down. One pic shouldn't be too bad.

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Honestly? A sig should be as inconspicous as can be. No HTML no images, nothing. The info is repeated from post to post, and anything flashy about it deters from the post.

That's my opinion.


As for changing the number of posts per page, I like my pages real long so I can scroll through the answers. Why should I change that, when it's my preferred way of reading message boards?

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I'll come out as a message board curmudgeon on this and say I agree with Cleo. Not that Cleo is a curmudgeon, but I'll label myself that way.


I really don't like "mommy" boards and other girly boards where there are tons of pictures with glitter (that one is for you Elaine), flowers, scrapbook pages, etc. etc. Sorry. :tongue_smilie:


A nice little avatar to help me place a name with a picture (yes, I know I need one too, something's broken there) and some information about age of kids and curr. in the sig. I like that clean look. Then I can concentrate on the ideas being communicated better.


It could be I just lack to mental discipline to tune out the other stuff (most likely that's true), but there it is. My grumpy issue with boards populated primarily by women.



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I'll agree with Cleo and Jami here. I far prefer the simpler sigs that just give a little info (kids' ages or grades, perhaps curricula or other important characteristics about who that person is)... I don't care for signatures that are often larger than the body of a post, and would certainly prefer no pictures. A single picture in an avatar is nice for helping to give a "face" to each poster. But I would rather simpler sigs.


But then, maybe I'm an old curmudgeon like Jami. ;) I'm a bit put off by glitter and frills. ;)

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Wow, I am surprised at the strong feelings. :confused:


Uh, I've never really been on a forum where all of the sigs were glitter anything.

My husband does graphic design, graphic art, and web design. My sig is one of his creations and is graphic ART. The plumerias are a picture HE took.


All in all, it is a good thing it can be turned off for those who dislike it.

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The graphic your husband made is beautiful! Did you grown the flowers?




Wow, I am surprised at the strong feelings. :confused:


Uh, I've never really been on a forum where all of the sigs were glitter anything.

My husband does graphic design, graphic art, and web design. My sig is one of his creations and is graphic ART. The plumerias are a picture HE took.


All in all, it is a good thing it can be turned off for those who dislike it.

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I also agree. My scrolling finger is sore from scrolling past all the posts with signatures that are longer than the actual content of the post. LOL Huge fonts used, pictures, advertisements...er, links for blogs...just way too much. Put a few short things in a signature and then the rest into your profile or the new photo gallery thing they've supplied for us!

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Wow, I am surprised at the strong feelings. :confused:


Uh, I've never really been on a forum where all of the sigs were glitter anything.

My husband does graphic design, graphic art, and web design. My sig is one of his creations and is graphic ART. The plumerias are a picture HE took.


All in all, it is a good thing it can be turned off for those who dislike it.


But look how subdued and pretty and small it is! LOL You can bet that many, many people who don't know how to crop and edit photos are going to slap huge pics of their kids--more than one!--or just grab something off the web and stick it in there. ;)


The glittery things are made at all of those free sites that let people "make" signatures and avatars. Hopefully, those stay in the hands of teenagers... LOL!!


Whatever happens, it seems like everyone will have a choice that will be workable for them. If only there were a "shrink signature" option, though, so that we didn't have to turn them off completely... ;)

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I think it's fun if you can put pictures or links in your sig. It gives you more of an idea of what a person is like.


I have to say, even though Dawkins can irritate the heck out of me and I generally don't like comlicated or picture sigs, I really do like that pic in your sig. He is SUCH a hottie. :D

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But look how subdued and pretty and small it is! LOL You can bet that many, many people who don't know how to crop and edit photos are going to slap huge pics of their kids--more than one!--or just grab something off the web and stick it in there. ;)


The glittery things are made at all of those free sites that let people "make" signatures and avatars. Hopefully, those stay in the hands of teenagers... LOL!!


Whatever happens, it seems like everyone will have a choice that will be workable for them. If only there were a "shrink signature" option, though, so that we didn't have to turn them off completely... ;)



Only *one* picture is allowed. AND there is a *restriction* on size.

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Well, good news, I found a way to get signatures *and* not get the pictures!

When you go to your control panel and "edit option", you can scroll down to find the following

Visible Post Elements

You have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.

Show Signatures

Show Avatars

Show Images (including attached images and images in code)


You can select Show Signatures, and unselect Show Images.


Instead of the images, you get a url to the image itself. Just in the wild case where you really do want to see said image. Of course, this applies to all images, including those posted in messages, so you have to click on each image in turn. But since that comes up rather rarely, I'm fine with it.


However, don't assume people can see the image in your sig! They may not.

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Well, good news, I found a way to get signatures *and* not get the pictures!




:hurray: Thank you so much! On a side note, this is the first time I am really missing the rep system!


ETA: I am happy that those who want to use a signature picture finally can, and those that don't can just turn them off. Win-win for all! :)


I know there are people who turn signatures off altogether because they find them distracting, I guess that's the way I feel about sig pictures but I can't really explain it because I do love to see peoples sig's. :confused:

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Sorry, but I am not happy with this at all!

I'll have to turn "show signatures" off. The download time is too long when a thread gets long, if everyone has a pic in their sig.

I was forced to take that exact step on the Sonlight forum, because threads were taking way too long!


I'll be doing the same. Though I'm not on dial-up anymore, old habits are hard to break and I remember waiting *forever* for pages to load. The good thing is, the people who are excited about the feature will still be able to use it, and the old "stick-in-the-muds" can turn it off. :D

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Well, good news, I found a way to get signatures *and* not get the pictures!

When you go to your control panel and "edit option", you can scroll down to find the following

Visible Post Elements

You have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.

Show Signatures

Show Avatars

Show Images (including attached images and images in code)


You can select Show Signatures, and unselect Show Images.


Instead of the images, you get a url to the image itself. Just in the wild case where you really do want to see said image. Of course, this applies to all images, including those posted in messages, so you have to click on each image in turn. But since that comes up rather rarely, I'm fine with it.


However, don't assume people can see the image in your sig! They may not.


Awesome. I was reading along here and thinking there *should* be an option like that somewhere, was about to go check and see if I could find it for ya - glad there is...


This way, people who like 'em can have 'em and those for whom they slow things down can change it. :)

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I far prefer the simpler sigs that just give a little info (kids' ages or grades, perhaps curricula or other important characteristics about who that person is)... I don't care for signatures that are often larger than the body of a post, and would certainly prefer no pictures. A single picture in an avatar is nice for helping to give a "face" to each poster. But I would rather simpler sigs.


Yep, I agree, and I tend to gloss over posts with bulky sigs. I'll have to see if turning off the images, as Cleo mentioned below, helps.

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