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My home school mom career is nearing the end.

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As I sat down with ds for our Monday "school meeting", I realized that my homeschool mom days are almost over. I felt my eyes tearing up as I looked at the calendar. The date of graduation. Our last last day of school. The date grades are due.


I started teaching my oldest dd to read when she was 3, almost 4, years old. That was in 1995. We did a little bit of "Kindergarten" in 1996. In 1997 we were full into homeschooling, with dd2 folding in and ds1 in "pre-k". Now, my youngest son will graduate from our homeschool in May 2016. 


I have taught four wonderful children through good times and bad times. Lots of "good" homeschool days. Lots of days when "nothing" was done. I remember a few years when "nothing" was accomplished for months because of illness, job loss, moving, deaths, births.


I have posted many questions on these forums. I have posted many problems here.  I don't know how many hours I've spent being encouraged here. Sometimes being discouraged, too.


I have not been active on these boards in the past year. Maybe even the past two years. But, as my calendar tells me that I am only a homeschool mom for 12 more weeks (really 10 as grades must be turned in early), I felt a NEED to come and post.


I'd like to spend more time here in the next 10-12 weeks, if time allows. Several years ago I had to go back to work part-time to make our financial ends meet.  I've had to work 2 part-time jobs some of that time.  I've scaled back some at work to relish the end of my homeschool career... and part of that is The Well Trained Mind.

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Right there with you Pam. We didn't homeschool from the beginning, so I haven't been a homeschool mom as long as you, but my youngest is graduating in May. In truth she is doing all but one class online or at the local CC already. My oldest is already away at college. I don't feel like a homeschooling mom now and it will be completely over in 11 weeks.


I too have found myself here more often lately. I just feel the need for other homeschool mom's. I'm very sad about it ending.


:001_unsure:  :grouphug:  :001_unsure:

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I'm there too. It's weird. I started with my 4 yo in '99, and am about to graduate my second senior. I still have a 12 year old at home, but she abandoned my classroom for purely social reasons, lol.


No regrets. But it has been such a huge part of my identity for so long, it is going to be an adjustment.

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I really like this post!  I am just starting with my son in K and read a lot on this boards. I love to hear from someone who has done it for so long. I am sure it must be bittersweet.


Trends may change, the popularity of programs comes and goes. But in the end, the wisdom of a veteran mom is invaluable and many of us appreciate it.



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Well, I am coming up on one year since the last graduation. My gap year is almost over! 


This summer we will have two weddings, also, so lots of change this year, too. I am wondering what I'll be doing when things settle down this fall. 


Still no big ideas about moving on from being a full-time homemaker. I don't drive due to motion sickness, so that really limits my choices.


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Not as long as you, but with one in college and one in 11th, my days are winding down too. I ordered a few textbooks for my younger one in February and realized that it was my last time through doing the planning/purchasing cycle. She may have a few more novels and some art supplies that we'll order, but that's it. I have all of the basics in a box, ready to go for her senior year.


Then my oldest will graduate from community college and the younger from high school next May.


Hard to believe!


I work in education and continue to have a lot of contact with homeschool families, so in many ways my post-homeschooling path is a natural outgrowth of that. Once my youngest is in college, I'll have more time to take my work into other areas. I'll probably work on a professional certification this summer that will open doors that way.

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I hear you!  I graduated one and only have next year left with my other dd.  


I am very sad to see it come to a close, but despite days of wanting to put them on the yellow bus that drives by every morning, I have no regrets.  


To moms of littles: The hard days will not be the ones that stand out in your memories....the years will go by in a blink.  

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