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Someone smack me. Please.

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I know better than to look at political threads.


Now my stomach is in knots and it's taking every bit of self control I have to not respond to some things, and I'm actually fighting back tears and if I didn't have to be somewhere in a few minutes I would probably sit down and cry (and it's not even that time of the month).


I wish I would've had the self-control to not open the thread. I deserve a good smacking for opening the thread I knew better than to open. So someone, smack me, please.

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See, this is what makes me not respond to political things. It does make a difference who our next President is, but from what I can see, they are all really about the same. You take the good, you take the bad and there you have the President. All of them make mistakes. All of the screw up. I am sure my opinion is not a popular one, and my dh has lots of reasons for his party favoring, but me, I prefer just not to care too much. Whatever will be will be - and any crying, yelling, etc that I can do will NOT help one bit. I will go cast my vote like a good American citizen and beyond that, it is out of my hands.



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See, this is what makes me not respond to political things. It does make a difference who our next President is, but from what I can see, they are all really about the same. You take the good, you take the bad and there you have the President. All of them make mistakes. All of the screw up. I am sure my opinion is not a popular one, and my dh has lots of reasons for his party favoring, but me, I prefer just not to care too much. Whatever will be will be - and any crying, yelling, etc that I can do will NOT help one bit. I will go cast my vote like a good American citizen and beyond that, it is out of my hands.




Agree. Furthermore, when the world never seems to be living up to your dreams...wait. What? Why am I singing that?


Presidented. Out. :D

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Consider yourself "thumped"! :smash:

Note to self: read political threads only when bowl of chocolate is convenient and time is too scarce to read the opposing opinions. We all have those moments when a political (or any other emotional topic) thread will force us to physically rebel.

Take a deep breath, yell really loudly (!) and find a happy thread to reinvigorate yourself.

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I know better than to look at political threads.


Now my stomach is in knots and it's taking every bit of self control I have to not respond to some things, and I'm actually fighting back tears and if I didn't have to be somewhere in a few minutes I would probably sit down and cry (and it's not even that time of the month).


I wish I would've had the self-control to not open the thread. I deserve a good smacking for opening the thread I knew better than to open. So someone, smack me, please.


you might toss me on my back. :D

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I know better than to look at political threads.


Now my stomach is in knots and it's taking every bit of self control I have to not respond to some things, and I'm actually fighting back tears and if I didn't have to be somewhere in a few minutes I would probably sit down and cry (and it's not even that time of the month).


I wish I would've had the self-control to not open the thread. I deserve a good smacking for opening the thread I knew better than to open. So someone, smack me, please.


I'll give you my blindfold, but I'm not smacking anyone who calls herself JUDOmom!

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I know better than to look at political threads.


Now my stomach is in knots and it's taking every bit of self control I have to not respond to some things, and I'm actually fighting back tears and if I didn't have to be somewhere in a few minutes I would probably sit down and cry (and it's not even that time of the month).


I wish I would've had the self-control to not open the thread. I deserve a good smacking for opening the thread I knew better than to open. So someone, smack me, please.



"smack" BIG :grouphug::grouphug:!! It's okay, really.

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