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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I just want to say thank you to Jean for these tackle posts.  It really helps me!  Thank you!


Get bagels for breakfast at bagel deli


do some in depth housework (kitchen - why is my kitchen always a mess???? and vacuum and dust upstairs, the dust is thick on all the dressers!)


meal planning and grocery shopping (this could happen today or tomorrow)


Someone has to pick up dd from her sleep over (dh?)


I never did get the dog clean yesterday but dh kindly offered to take her to the pet spa for me today (she's officially my dog).


Get some kind of exercise in


Read my book


Take out for dinner



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Farmers' market

drop off glass recycling

Ds' basketball game

take Dd to get a gift for her friend

ask Dh to take dog to the park

make dinner for Dh and Ds?

meal planning


laundry and check kids's church clothes

Take Dd to her friend's birthday party

general house pick up

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Hi all! I'm back, broken big toe and all. My feet are up right now, so this is my weekend list:


Massive grocery shopping (dog has a raw diet, we do about 6 weeks of food at a time).

Dog food (cut, grind pork, beef, chicken, liver...) weigh portions and freeze.

Clean and reorganize chest freezers, both refrigerators.

Organize pantry and cleaning closet.

Prep veggies for this week's salads, and our freezer meals.

Prep Spaghetti Sauce/meat for freezer.

Marinade Asian chicken

Make fried rice (freeze half)

Make breakfast burritos, and freeze.

Make shredded chicken for quesadillas, portion and freeze.

Make taco meat.

Make twice baked mashed potatoes, steak, and black truffle risotto (birthdays).

Clean kitchen.

Put away Christmas.

Clean up yard.

Bathrooms...socks to match...laundry to put away.


Hopefully my walking boot will arrive this week. Marble stairs are unforgiving.


It is now 1:03pm. My list is done except Christmas and the yard. The kids will do the yard while I cook dinner. But Christmas is going to stay up. Maybe I can tackle that during the week. I'm elevating my foot, because my toe is throbbing. Little kids are at a birthday party, so I have about 3 1/2 hours to rest until I need to prep dinner. I need to finish my Italian lessons for the week, too.

Edited by LisaK in VA is in IT
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Good morning

- school work- working on drug cards and EAQS (the EAQS are more helpful on narrowing down the drug cards)

- help dd1 make her SWAPS- done

- get dd1's friend and take them to the Girl Scout movie- dh did

- pick up rest of groceries (this is mainly food)- dh did

- laundry- in dryer

- fold laundry

- dishes

- tidy house

- mom taxes

- my fafsa

- dinner

- baths

- bedtime routine

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Hubby was out of town 2 weeks, I took the kids to a friend's and got snowed in there til he got home on Tuesday. We had appointments Thursday and Friday. So you could say:


major clean up today!


Ice-skating for some


Nap for others


My sister's place for supper

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I've been dealing with a headcold that I suspect may have become a sinus infection. I will call the dr if I'm still in pain on Monday.


Dd and I visited colleges this week :eek:


Today and tomorrow:


--plan meals for week (dd20 will be home between her study abroad session and the start of spring semester)

--drive dd to/from rehearsals

--more college research

--plan school for week


--usual daily things

--natural foods store for organic orange, protein powder for me, whatever produce looks good

--walk today if I can find a dry route (much snowmelt mess!); gym w dh tomorrow before heading to airport

Edited by Luckymama
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Somehow this Saturday doesn't feel like a day off?  


My dd had a sleepover last night.  I leave at 10am to take one girl home.  


DH is on call this week and had a huge deal for work at 10pm.  I have no clue when he came to bed last night, but it wasn't much before I got up today. So he and my boy are sleeping late....


I want to sweep/mop kitchen, get recycle bin clean, wash my car, kids vacuum rooms, and get a nap.  It's not raining right now...so maybe a walk later around the neighborhood.  


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Saturday is almost never a day off here, much to my kids' dismay! Off from schoolwork, but loaded with housework, errands, sports etc. 


Morning things done, about to leave for the second half of the day. 

Hoping that Dh can manage the boy and the dog and the house for a few hours....









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Today is a bust.  Dh is on call and the phone keeps dinging, so he's busy.  Then he shifted to helping Ds with a computer thing.  I did go for a walk outside since it's nice.  Chilly, but not rainy.  I just went through my closet.  And dumped my trash.  But otherwise, my house is a mess, and nothing has really been cleaned.  I didn't even feed the kids ;-)  At some point everyone ate doritos for a snack.  I will make dinner though....  


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Forgot the recycling but we made it to the birthday party on time, with a gift.

Didn't iron Ds' church clothes, but he can worship in wrinkled khakis. :)

Dh did a fabulous job of managing Ds and the dog and the house. :)



Last load of laundry is in the dryer.

Dishwasher is running.

Kids have bathed and are in bed reading.

My phone is charged and the alarm set.


"See" you tomorrow.

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Today was a weird Saturday.


My kids went out of town with an auntie for the weekend.  The morning was spend doing laundry and packing and sending them off.  I also got a little needed housework done.


Then I took a nap until it was almost dark!  Then continued with the laundry.  I woke with a "coffee headache" which is starting to come back now.  :/


Theoretically I am working right now.  Today is sort of an official "big deadline," but in practice, weekend deadlines are really for the following Monday.  I have a lot of work to do, but the urgency is not bearing down on me.  Nice.  However, I know the boss-partner will call tonight and want some sort of accounting of what I've done.  Blah.  I guess I'd better get on it - after another cup of coffee.


I also need to get on Amazon.com for some needed purchases.  And pay some bills.

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Good Evening...I got my nap this morning and dh and I headed out for some fun.  We hit the Shenandoah Parkway, Skyline Drive and then he took me to Luray Caverns.  We rode through loads of back roads and had lots of fun.


It's fun to be out of the house for 9 hours and have no responsibility to anyone else...no cooking, cleaning ah....like a mini vacation! 



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