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the show "Merlin"...


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We have been watching the series for quite some time, and finished last night . Both girls and I are still sad at the ending. we really enjoyed it, and didn't want it to end.


Any good suggestions that would be appropriate for a family to watch together? the only other TV show that they've seen has been "once upon a time" and the older watched part of "flash" (though we didn't intend for that to happen- she stayed up late during nanowrimo and dh had it on)


Suggestions please?

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Have they seen Stargate? I highly recommend that for good characters and a family friendly plot. It can get heavy and slightly violent but nothing a fourth or fifth grader couldn't manage :)

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We just finished Merlin too and LOVED it. I have Robin Hood on my list but we've not tried it yet. I've watched some Stargate and Babylon 5 in the past and don't recall them having a similar feel, granted it has been a while. We also enjoy Once Upon a Time and Dr. Who but those aren't really the same either- the story line is not nearly as strong in OUaT(although it is in the same template of taking old tales and giving them a different twist) and Dr. Who can be a bit scary. 


Looking on Amazon under similar ones and looking through the details and reviews




Also from BBC, made by the same producers as Merlin and reviews say that the feel is similar- although it isn't as good. Reviews are mixed- although decent, only 2 seasons.



Again from BBC with mixed reviews, another show based on classic lit redone.


Legend of the Seeker

fantasy based on book from ABC pg13. Young hero, supposed to have a Lord of the Ring feel with a tv budget.

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Legend of the Seeker has some pretty scary looking creatures in a few episodes--maybe the first couple? The books are very violent, and I can't remember how much of that violence carried into the tv shows because I wasn't thinking "kids" when I watched them and it was a number of years ago.


I just remember some creepy things in a few episodes. You might want to preview it. There might be a reason it's PG13.

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Babylon 5: my dh and I love, love, love that show. It's a little dated with the special effects (which is a shame, because at the time, they were cutting edge, but now are obviously dated.) The story is just magnificent.


My 13 year old has been ready to watch it for at least a year, but my 10 year old isn't ready yet. Not because there's anything inappropriate for kids in them, but because they're so character driven that there's not enough action for him. He needs to mature a bit to patiently watch a show without a lot of action. If your kids are ready, go for it! But if they need to mature a little more, put that one on a waiting list and check it out again later.


What we love best about B-5 is that the writer wrote the entire 5 year series BEFORE filming. There is no "oh no, we have another season to write, what'll we have happen in the story?" No scrambling to try to pull the story together.


The entire 5 years has a beginning, middle, and end and everything goes together like a puzzle. When you get to the very end you'll realize that things that happened in the very first episode were foreshadowing the ending. It's so cool. We love it for that reason.


There's one episode that has a part 1 and it's not until about 2.5 seasons later that you see part 2. It's so cleverly done. Part 1 doesn't leave you dangling, but when you see part 2 you'll be like, "OooOoo! So *that's* what was going on!"


Ugh! I wish DS10 was ready for it! I can't wait to watch it with my sons and pass on the love.

Edited by Garga
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That's why I recommended B5 and Stargate - not because they were the same as Robin Hood or Merlin, but because they are high quality and family friendly entertainment with really great characters. But I'm of the opinion that the quality of the characters matters way more than anything else :)

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What we love best about B-5 is that the writer wrote the entire 5 year series BEFORE filming. There is no "oh no, we have another season to write, what'll we have happen in the story?" No scrambling to try to pull the story together.


Well, that was the goal. It was prematurely cancelled in season four, so they had to scramble to finish, and then when it was renewed for season five they were stuck. Which is why season 5 is a little weak.


Still, they did have a plan in mind, and modern arc-based shows could learn a thing or two from B5.


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