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The stomach flu has hit


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I've been up with my 14yr old all night.  He's really sick.  His oldest sister (who doesn't even live at home) had it on Weds. when I had her kids.  She ended up in the ER for IV fluids.  I think the drs. were being overly cautious, but still, she was pretty sick.


I feel like a ticking time-bomb.  No sleep, handling loads of barfy laundry, and a barfing kid= I'm doomed. 


I've been washing my hands like crazy, but what else can I possibly do to try and avoid this?

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I am freakishly paranoid about germs and getting sick. If it were my house, I would be wiping down door handles, light switches, appliance handles, tv remotes, faucets, etc. with Clorox wipes and a spray of Lysol. Also, I'd be wearing a mask when dealing with a sick one and their stuff, and probably shower and wash my own clothes after the barfing had settled down. Good luck!!

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Two things. 


Get some Kefir.  The cheapest place I've found it is Aldi's, but all large grocery stores with a health food section, and also health food stores carry it.  Get one bottle to drink immediately, as fast as you can stomach it. Get another bottle to have small glasses of throughout the rest of the day.  And another bottle per day as long as you're caring for sick people.  There have been several studies that showed high dose probiotics prevents developing stomach bugs, and Kefir is the highest bio-availible dose you can get.


While you're at the store get a couple big bottles of bleach.  Forget clorox wipes or lysol, only use those for things that can't tolerate bleach. The only thing that kills stomach viruses (rotovirus, norovirus) on surfaces is bleach.  Wear clothes you don't mind getting stained, and mix up 90% COLD water (hot water makes the bleach evaporate) and 10% bleach.  Put some in a spray bottle.  Put some in a big bowl.  Get some rags that you won't care about bleaching. Spray what can be safely sprayed (in my house this is only the bathrooms).  Soak a rag in the mixture in the bowl, wring it out well so there's no drips, and bleach everything.  Doorknobs.  Lightswitches.  Countertops. Remote controls. Wipe or spray down the outside of the toilets, especially in the bathroom your kid uses.  Pour straight bleach into the toilets DO NOT MIX WITH TOILET CLEANER THOUGH!  Every surface you bleach, let sit for at least ten minutes without touching afterwards.  Use this bleach system for at least a week after the final person is ill.


Bleach out your washing machine too.

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So I thought I'd update for future stomach flu sufferers:.


This is probably going to be TMI for some people: Just sayin'


I spent Friday keeping son comfortable and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  I cleaned both bathrooms he had used.   I sprayed some clorox/water mixture on his mattress before re-making it.  Washed down door-handles, etc. etc. I took Katy's advice and drank Kefir.  I basically drank some all day long. 


I went to bed and was awakened at 1am by horrible stomach pains.  Spent the next 1-1.5hrs barfing my toenails up. So badly that I think I pulled a chest muscle.  it's tender.   Let me tell you, ladies, throwing up curdled kefir is gross.  I'm the queen of barfing, having had hyper-emesis with all 6kids.  I know these things.  It was up there with salad and eggs.   :cool:   Was able to get back to bed until sometime after sunrise and barfed again.  I've felt miserable all day.. pretty much sleeping and sipping on juice or water and light foods.  I haven't barfed since this morning (thank God!).


The big difference was I was not as sick as long as my son.  He threw up every 30-45mins for 8hrs.  It was awful.  He's still recovering today. 


So maybe the Kefir helped, I dunno. I am thankful I wasn't as sick as long as ds. 

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Hope you're all better soon!


Youngest recently came down with it and actually got sick in her middle school cafeteria. I would have been mortified but thankfully her classmates acted like it was no big deal. No one else has picked it up yet and I'm hoping it stays that way. 

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I glad you are on the mend.


Definitely one going around. My daughter and I got hit with a stomach bug Friday night. Hoping ds and dh don't catch it.


I hate stomach bugs. If there is one within 50 miles of me I will catch it. Ds is the same way. Which is why I was surprised dd caught it first. She usually has an iron constitution.

Edited by kewb
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Hope you're all better soon!


Youngest recently came down with it and actually got sick in her middle school cafeteria. I would have been mortified but thankfully her classmates acted like it was no big deal. No one else has picked it up yet and I'm hoping it stays that way. 


Oh dear... how embarassing.  I hope no one else gets it either.

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I glad you are on the mend.


Definitely one going around. My daughter and I got hit with a stomach bug Friday night. Hoping ds and dh don't catch it.


I hate stomach bugs. If there is one within 50 miles of me I will catch it. Ds is the same way. Which is why I was surprised dd caught it first. She usually has an iron constitution.


I hate the stomach bug too.. just hate it.  After spending 6 pregnancies throwing up for 3-4months I feel like I've paid my debts.  I hope the rest of your family is spared.

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I've been up with my 14yr old all night.  He's really sick.  His oldest sister (who doesn't even live at home) had it on Weds. when I had her kids.  She ended up in the ER for IV fluids.  I think the drs. were being overly cautious, but still, she was pretty sick.


I feel like a ticking time-bomb.  No sleep, handling loads of barfy laundry, and a barfing kid= I'm doomed. 


I've been washing my hands like crazy, but what else can I possibly do to try and avoid this?


If it makes you feel better, it hit us last week - EVERY single kid.  I tell you this for the high point - BOTH parents did NOT puke.  We got sick, we got dizzy, we got nauseous.  We had body aches and slept a ton, but NO puking.  I am hoping at least that for you.  (((Hugs)))

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If it makes you feel better, it hit us last week - EVERY single kid.  I tell you this for the high point - BOTH parents did NOT puke.  We got sick, we got dizzy, we got nauseous.  We had body aches and slept a ton, but NO puking.  I am hoping at least that for you.  (((Hugs)))


I remember you posting about that earlier this week.  So glad you and your dh didn't get it.  My dh has an iron stomach. I'd be surprised if he got it too.  He's never had the stomach flu in the 30yrs we've been married, even with all the kiddie exposure.

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I remember you posting about that earlier this week. So glad you and your dh didn't get it. My dh has an iron stomach. I'd be surprised if he got it too. He's never had the stomach flu in the 30yrs we've been married, even with all the kiddie exposure.

Kinda makes you secretly hate him, doesn't it? ;)


Although a Man Cold is bad enough for a wife to deal with... Imagine dealing with a Man Stomach Bug... :eek:

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