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Okay, thanks. I got her an appointment this afternoon. I was hoping she could go in for a urine test without an office visit but they won't let people under 18 do that. She's happy to miss her English class today though, so she's okay with her appointment time. :)

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For future reference, they do sell over the counter tests at pharmacies if you want test without going to the doctor. If it's positive you will want to go in to the doctor for treatment.


My daughter is susceptible to UTIs and those tests have saved me a couple different times. She doesn't have typical symptoms though.

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if it's a true UTI - cranberry juice.  you can also buy pills otc in health food/supplement type stores.  (my rn mil did this.)  cranberry actually affects the lining of the bladder so the bacteria can't adhear.  too much cranberry juice can also make for acidic conditions that will burn all by itself.


if she's been eating alot of acidic foods (sugar will also increase the acidity level in the body) - that can make it hurt too. (with no infection.)  in which case - 1/4tsp baking soda in 4oz of warm water once or twice a day will reduce the body's acidity level and relive the discomfort. . . . (you don't need to ask me how I know.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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Note: the tablets to help the pain make your pee bright yellow which messes up the test at the doctor's office. I remember being in a great deal of pain and taking the pills before the appointment and being berated by the nurse for messing up their test. I didn't know and she was a jerk.


So...if she hasn't taken the pills yet and can handle it until the appointment, don't have her take them. Though, it's MISerable to wait. The more she drinks, the more she'll pee, but the less it will hurt. A UTI with just a little urine is so painful it makes me break out in a sweat. But a UTI with a lot of urine is easier to handle.


Start the pain meds the second after she gives the doc the urine sample.

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If you want to go the cranberry juice way, there's an easier way. D-Mannose is in powder form, and only tastes a bit sweet. You jsut mix a tsp with some water and drink it a couple times a day.


After my last pregnancy I started having a bad UTI, and was ready to take anti-biotics...as a last thing to try I bought some D-mannose. Within an hour my symptoms were as good as gone. I was having a slight fever, which immediately dropped. Brilliant stuff!

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The doctor said the test results were mixed and he couldn't say for 100% if she has a UTI. He went ahead and put her on antibiotics and is sending the specimen to the lab for a growth culture. If that is negative, he will call and have her stop the antibiotics. He worried her saying it could be kidney or bladder stones. She's kind of freaked out by that idea. He suggested the Azo tablets, cranberry juice and yogurt with active cultures. Is that how you say that? Is that Activia?


I was pleased that I got the antibiotic free at Publix though.

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The doctor said the test results were mixed and he couldn't say for 100% if she has a UTI. He went ahead and put her on antibiotics and is sending the specimen to the lab for a growth culture. If that is negative, he will call and have her stop the antibiotics. He worried her saying it could be kidney or bladder stones. She's kind of freaked out by that idea. He suggested the Azo tablets, cranberry juice and yogurt with active cultures. Is that how you say that? Is that Activia?


I was pleased that I got the antibiotic free at Publix though.

Not sure about Activia but yogurt with active culture will mention it usually near the ingredients label.
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