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No sugar! 30 day challenge. Who is with me?

Desert Strawberry

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Ate a ton of carbs today (sushi!) but nothing sweet! From my experience if I stay off carbs, then have one really carby day, then stay off carbs again, it actually improves the weight loss. So let's hope for this. I do need to lose weight, but I'm not stepping on the scale until I get a size down :lol:



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Ate a ton of carbs today (sushi!) but nothing sweet! From my experience if I stay off carbs, then have one really carby day, then stay off carbs again, it actually improves the weight loss. So let's hope for this. I do need to lose weight, but I'm not stepping on the scale until I get a size down :lol:

It usually works that way for me too.


We had a wedding yesterday, the only carbs I ate at home was an apple, at the wedding I had some salad that was pre-dressed with a  raspberry vinaigrette and a few dried cranberries(I picked off most of them). I also had a few sips of wine for the toasts. I was still hungry after we got home so I ate some pistachios and broccoli. My bg was 111 this am :( My numbers were good after the wedding but it doesn't matter because it still catches up to me later. I'm moving back to an am snack and making sure I'm not hungry at night. I'm eating earlier this am too as when I eat in the am my bg goes down. On the plus side I guess my pants are getting looser again- lbs wise I haven't changed much but I guess I was bloated some. Frustrating. 

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I took my visiting dd out yesterday for Chinese. I stuck to no or low sauce items but I'm sure there was sugar on some of it. I didn't have any obvious sweets though. I avoided cinnamon rolls and candy at the theater last night. I figure we live in the real world, I'll do the best I can and move on. So far so good today.

Edited by joyofsix
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Day3 is hard on the kids! There have been a few meltdowns because they want a sandwich or something sweet. We have dinner at my mom's tonight which will be difficult too because she'll have dessert and a table full of things they can't have. I made smoothie pops as their dessert so hopefully they'll be OK with that.

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You get a total pass for sushi. I'd eat it 7 days a week if I could! Yum.

Now that I'm grain free, I miss it a LOT. But I'm making these wraps with the seaweed paper and different things inside them for a similar experience. Not the same, but still pretty good.


Yes, I do this at home! I spread cream cheese (very, very thinly) on nori and then wrap things in it like I would with regular sushi. To me it is almost better than with rice! But we were out in all-you-can-eat sushi buffet! I was unstoppable! :lol:

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My wonderful mil made a meal that we could eat!!! And no one ate dessert while we were there. I would never ask someone to change their eating habits for us so it makes me so happy how supportive she is with helping us figure out dd's issues


How wonderful to have supportive family!

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No sugar. 2 servings of fruit(blueberries and an apple).Lots of veggies, low starch except a small carrot. But I ate more because I feel like I haven't been getting enough food(trying to stave off hunger so I eat less at night when it seems I don't handle it as well). Anyway, I made a delicious supper last night based off cold sesame noodle salad- I used zucchini noodles and it was so scrumptious. But it brought my bg up more than usual, last time I used the coconut aminos it did the same, I guess this is confirmation. Anyway fasting levels at 111 this am, the opposite direction that I am aiming, trying to decide if I should give up trying to have normal levels when this seems so hard to attain, while thinking that I surely don't want this to worsen where I have to take meds. Frustrating!! I'll try again today and hope that my Thanksgiving splurge of apple crisp doesn't take me 3 wks to recover from like my Halloween indulgence. Keeping on, keeping on.

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Day 4 is going fantastically. No food meltdowns!! Dd found a dish she really likes and has been eating it all day. While I would prefer her not eat the same thing all day it is better than meltdowns and eating very little.I have a turkey roasting in the oven that will feed us all week!

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I finally counted the days, and it's been 11 days of no sugar (except for a 1/4 cup of blueberries, twice) and low carbs, except one day when I ate only sushi. Things are going well. I think my joints are beginning to feel better. Anyone else is noticing health benefits yet?

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Day 6 is going well enough. I'm in an awful mood today, either PMS or withdrawal symptoms, and the kids are driving me insane! But their behavior is great.


Dh and I realized we need stocking stuffer ideas that aren't candy, we do stockings on St Nicholas Day which is Sunday.

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Still hanging in. Can't and cookies aren't what I miss though. I want a bowl of sugary cereal. It is a comfort food for me and it's stressful around my house right now. I won't have it but that's what my mind keeps going to.


When I feel this way I grab some roasted nuts. They are filling, crunchy, and satisfy some of the craving! Hang in there!


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Well, I had a fasting blood draw yesterday, usually that is no issue and last I'd checked I'd been at 100 but come 10am when we were in the grocery store grabbing stuff to eat I suddenly felt extremely ill, I nearly vomited. So, when I made it to the car I had 3 small gf/df cookies, an apple and some nuts and felt better. 

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Well, I had a fasting blood draw yesterday, usually that is no issue and last I'd checked I'd been at 100 but come 10am when we were in the grocery store grabbing stuff to eat I suddenly felt extremely ill, I nearly vomited. So, when I made it to the car I had 3 small gf/df cookies, an apple and some nuts and felt better. No sugar the rest of the day.

Edited by soror
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I've done sorta good this week.


I have not eaten anything that is verboten to my whole30.


I did make myself a spicey sweet potato bisque soup in a large pot and since I'm the only one who likes it, I've been reheating it as my quick what to eat when everyone else is eating something like a cheese covered pasta casserole option all week.


And I boiled 18 eggs at the start of the week to make a quick protein hit to get me through too. Just slice and salt and done.


So there's that. I'm really tired and stressed and it's making me crave things so for now, I'm just happy I'm not indulging and eating things I am better off without.

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I've been really lenient with myself. It seems I'm through the worst of it. 

I've lost 3 pounds and I'm noticeably smaller in the belly, waist, and butt. So that's good. 

We FINALLY paid for our house and signed the papers today. It's been insanely stressful, including D driving to San Antonio and back in 48 hours (it's a 15 hr drive by Google, each way), sleepless nights and a heated 3am text exchange with my cousin/seller. I don't think I've ever been through anything this grueling, but we are officially homeowners as of 1pm tomorrow. 

We had 5 medical/dental appointments in the past 2 days, on top of everything else. 


I think my stress level is about to plummet. Hallelujah. 


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Strawberry - congrats on the house, ya for lessening stress!



Yesterday was another day, I was hungry but didn't feel like cooking, I ate 3 salads- 1 for lunch, 1 for snack and 1 for supper! I had homemade icecream but it was just made with some cherries and coconut milk, no sugar. Today I'd like to make some fat bombs for some good fat and to hopefully quell some of this appetite so I'm not just starving.

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Sugar free and very low carbs (not eating even fruits!) for about 2 weeks now, and had to put on my "tight jeans" as they are my "nicer jeans." Disappointing. Just as tight...Didn't expect that. Booooo! :huh:

Sorry :(. I haven't had any sugar and weigh precisely the same as when I eat all the sugar and carbs I want. ~sigh~

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Sorry :(. I haven't had any sugar and weigh precisely the same as when I eat all the sugar and carbs I want. ~sigh~


In the past I'd lose about 10-12 lb easily on the first week of no sugar and low carbs...And now my weight is at the highest ever, so I thought for SURE I'd lose some!


I'm going to continue, because I do feel more energy. I sleep better and I'm less tired on less sleep.  I don't have the carb fog anymore.


I think my next step is to have a semi-fasting day once a week and see how that goes. Or reduce my portions. But I'm definitely not eating more, probably even less!


I surely hope I'm not stuck at this weight, that's depressing! I finally got my act together and decided to lose weight, after months of "not caring."


How's everyone else doing?



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I just want to encourage you ladies to stick with it and avoid the scale.


Really the scale will lie to you that it doesn't matter or it isn't enough.


It does matter and it is going to help.


You are more than weight. It's about being healthier in so many ways beside that number at your feet.


And typically, you will see scale results start to really show up between end of 3rd week to 4th week.


Also, measurement matters more than the scale. There are times when my scale never moves, but my waistband does.

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Day11 and we've had our first meltdown since day 3 from dd. The only change in the diet was some noncompliant bacon that slipped passed my radar. I'm happy that this happened actually. Dh and I decided we'll not have bacon for 2 days and then on the third day have it and observe dd's behavior to see if an ingredient in that was the culprit of the meltdown. Other than that we'll still be sticking to whole30 guidelines.

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Day12 and we've been derailed. Dh's uncle died unexpectedly yesterday. We went to his grandmother's house today for lunch to be with most of the extended family. We obviously just didn't worry about what the kids are and told them ahead of time that a family crisis isn't the time to worry about what food we're eating. We'll be waiting until after Christmas to try again.

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Day12 and we've been derailed. Dh's uncle died unexpectedly yesterday. We went to his grandmother's house today for lunch to be with most of the extended family. We obviously just didn't worry about what the kids are and told them ahead of time that a family crisis isn't the time to worry about what food we're eating. We'll be waiting until after Christmas to try again.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Day12 and we've been derailed. Dh's uncle died unexpectedly yesterday. We went to his grandmother's house today for lunch to be with most of the extended family. We obviously just didn't worry about what the kids are and told them ahead of time that a family crisis isn't the time to worry about what food we're eating. We'll be waiting until after Christmas to try again.

So sorry for your family.
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Ugh. I have a head cold from hell today. All I want is smooth creamy cold or hot comfort foods that I can't have.


One of the kids is putting in a baked sweet potato for me. I hope that helps.


Feeling rather pitiful and just want some ice cream or a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup.

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It seems like our thread is not very successful (I blame the time of the year!). It didn't come up on the search for me, and I found it by careful scrolling pages and pages back!


I ate some moderate sugar and carbs in the last 3 days. Now going back on track.


How's everyone else doing?

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Still hanging in. I do better totally abstaining than moderating generally. I do plan to throw caution to the wind on Christmas Eve and Christmas and then get back on the no sugar train after that. I'm not a huge sugar eater though so I might not be the average.


I'm much better totally abstaining as well.

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