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Grammar in 1st grade?


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I've read a few comments that it's ok to hold off on grammar until 2nd grade. On the flip side, I've read that many people use FLL,WWE etc in 1st.

I've been doing FLL with my 6 yr old boys......but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time. They still need much practice with their handwriting. I have WWE and it looks wonderful. I've decided to hold off on it till Jan at the earliest because I want their handwriting to improve first. Should I hold off on FLL as well? BTW-they read fairly well.

Those who have gone through 1st grade what do you think?



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I'm in the process of going through first grade and I'm using Primary Language Lessons very loosely. We will cover parts of speech, a little bit of subject-verb agreement, and punctuation. I'm incorporating grammar into his reading and copywork/writing. It's not that my son couldn't do FLL or Shurley or something else, it's more of a, "there's plenty of time for that later on" attitude on my part.

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I believe that I read somewhere that you shouldn't start FLL until you are about 2/3 of the way through phonics, ie. your kids are reading somewhat. I don't recall it being tied into writing. Most of the exercises are oral, with some copywork but you could easily leave that out to focus on the handwriting. Asuming you have FLL, my recommendation would be to go back and read the section on How to Use this book. There's alot of good info there and it may help you to decide. We do use FLL and it's very gentle but I do consider it worthwhile, I'll let you know for sure in a few years!


That said, I don't think that you have to do grammar with a 6yo. I think that your child is still getting a great education if you are getting the three r's done. Hope that helps!

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I started FLL with my daughter this year for first grade. I originally had not planned to do anything with her for grammar until she was older, but I had FLL on the shelf and decided to give it a try. She loves it and it only takes a few minutes a day. I just ordered the audio cd because I think that will cement things for her.


However, if you feel like it is making your school day too long or you have other things that need to take priority, I wouldn't worry about it. I really think that you could definitely wait until 2nd grade to start grammar.



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My plan would be to do PLL in 1st, FLL starting in 2nd.

I've got a dd that is ahead a grade so we'll be doing FLL 2 in 2nd instead of 3rd. IMHO, a child that age doesn't really NEED the grammar and terms just yet anyway. They need to be exposed to proper usage and save the terminology of it for later. I think waiting till 2nd for FLL 1 is a great idea (I read somewhere that even the author stated most children will forget what they learned in FLL 1 before they start FLL 2). I think 1st graders need to get phonics down pat and be great readers first. Could you pick out verbs and verb phrases if you coudn't read? LOL


But then there are those kids that are just ready for it...like my dd.

Just don't feel obligated to start before your dc is ready just b/c the grade levels listed on the cover.


An analogy once shared with me: There's the teenage driver in his sports car rushing to get to his destination, weaving in and out of traffic and really pushing his limits, keeping himself on edge...then there's me, the mom in the mini van, taking it easy and enjoying the relaxing drive. As I pull up to the red-light, I see that fast-paced teenager...you can enjoy the drive...you don't have to rush to get to the end point. You'll get there one of two ways. Relaxed and having enjoyed the journey, or on edge and just glad its over realising you didn't have to drive like a maniac to get there. LOL


ETA: BTW, many "experts" highly recommend waiting for formal grammar as late as 10. So waiting a bit won't hurt at all!

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There's hardly any writing at all in the first 100 lessons (Grade One). It's pretty much all oral--and it is fantastic. It's also quite short the first year--15 minutes, tops. I highly recommend it--even though I personally have wanted to throw the book at the wall many, many times. But it is a fantastic program. (Yes, even with 50 lessons on nouns!)

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WWE is copywork and narration, the focus isn't grammar. My 1st grade is using level 1, I was making up my own copywork for her but level 1 is pretty short and gentle so we switched to that. FLL also is mostly oral and has short lessons, I don't use it myself because I don't do grammar in 1st and FLL drives us nuts, but I don't think it's that rigorous.

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I've read a few comments that it's ok to hold off on grammar until 2nd grade. On the flip side, I've read that many people use FLL,WWE etc in 1st.

I've been doing FLL with my 6 yr old boys......but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time. They still need much practice with their handwriting. I have WWE and it looks wonderful. I've decided to hold off on it till Jan at the earliest because I want their handwriting to improve first. Should I hold off on FLL as well? BTW-they read fairly well.

Those who have gone through 1st grade what do you think?





I was going to hold off on grammar as well, but I took my 1st grader's lead on it. She wanted to learn grammar. We also practice handwriting (A Reason For) but it takes just minutes a day also. We just started WWE and just do the short sentences for copywork. Anyway, I decided to continue with FLL but in a relaxed manner. We just do the grammar portions and sometimes the narration.

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I hadn't read that before. Do they have any particularly good reasons for it?





One person I can think of right of the top of my head is Andrew P...something. The author of IEW. He only introduces grammar as needed in his writing curriculum. He doesn't feel formal grammar is needed so early.


That doesn't mean no exposure. I think an informal exposure is called for, such as at least PLL in 1st or 2nd. Then a gentle, less informal exposure like FLL. But, like I said before, there are those kids that just want more of it...like my dd. She really enjoyed R&S 2 in 1st grade.

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