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perimenopause ??


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My doctor recently told me that until you are skipping periods you are not perimenopausal. But that is different than what I have heard from others...but none of them had an MD behind their names. 


But I also know that even starting in your early 30s there are hormonal changes etc.


I personally take the herb Vitex twice a day, every day to help with hormonal balance and I use a progesterone cream that I buy from Amazon.  Together those help with hormonal insomnia, and sore breasts that hurt for weeks.


My periods are still regular. I haven't ever skipped one

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How do you know for sure if you are going through this? and are there any natural/alternative remedies that are effective?

Upping my exercise helped me. At 12,500 steps a day and two yoga classes a week, my hot flushes and mood swings have gone away. And I've lost over an inch off my hips.

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Upping my exercise helped me. At 12,500 steps a day and two yoga classes a week, my hot flushes and mood swings have gone away. And I've lost over an inch off my hips.

Regular exercise has helped me, too. I haven't had any hot flashes or anxiety in more than two years (I'm 49). I lift heavy weights with the help of a trainer, do cardio like elliptical and biking, hike with dh once a week, and do pilates at home.


I don't take any supplements or vitamins. I eat as close to a rainbow as I can each day. I have no underlying health issues, thankfully.

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I'm 45.  I dont have hot flashes.  I'm cold more than I am hot.  I am more irritable and less patient than I used to be.  I have always been a terrible sleeper and it has gotten worse.  I am tired all the time.  Since I stopped breast feeding a few months ago my breasts are more tender and the lower back cramping have gotten worse and my periods are about 25 days instead of 28 apart.  I have had my T3 and T4 levels tested and they are normal.  They were tested because I am having issues with tachycardia, which the doctors are still trying to figure out.  My MIL thinks it is just anxiety(the heart issue), but I'm not a worry wart.  I have had a heaviness in my chest, more on the left side for a few days now and heart palpitations earlier this morning.  I didn't go to emerg this time, because everytime I do, nothing shows up really out of the ordinary.  I do see a cardiologist next month.  I have been low in vitamin D in the past and I haven't been taking any for a while now.  I probably should start taking them again.  I'm tired of feeling so tired all the time.  

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I'm 45. I dont have hot flashes. I'm cold more than I am hot. I am more irritable and less patient than I used to be. I have always been a terrible sleeper and it has gotten worse. I am tired all the time. Since I stopped breast feeding a few months ago my breasts are more tender and the lower back cramping have gotten worse and my periods are about 25 days instead of 28 apart. I have had my T3 and T4 levels tested and they are normal. They were tested because I am having issues with tachycardia, which the doctors are still trying to figure out. My MIL thinks it is just anxiety(the heart issue), but I'm not a worry wart. I have had a heaviness in my chest, more on the left side for a few days now and heart palpitations earlier this morning. I didn't go to emerg this time, because everytime I do, nothing shows up really out of the ordinary. I do see a cardiologist next month. I have been low in vitamin D in the past and I haven't been taking any for a while now. I probably should start taking them again. I'm tired of feeling so tired all the time.

Google estrogen dominance. It would explain many of your symptoms.

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I'm 45.  I dont have hot flashes.  I'm cold more than I am hot.  I am more irritable and less patient than I used to be.  I have always been a terrible sleeper and it has gotten worse.  I am tired all the time.  Since I stopped breast feeding a few months ago my breasts are more tender and the lower back cramping have gotten worse and my periods are about 25 days instead of 28 apart.  I have had my T3 and T4 levels tested and they are normal.  They were tested because I am having issues with tachycardia, which the doctors are still trying to figure out.  My MIL thinks it is just anxiety(the heart issue), but I'm not a worry wart.  I have had a heaviness in my chest, more on the left side for a few days now and heart palpitations earlier this morning.  I didn't go to emerg this time, because everytime I do, nothing shows up really out of the ordinary.  I do see a cardiologist next month.  I have been low in vitamin D in the past and I haven't been taking any for a while now.  I probably should start taking them again.  I'm tired of feeling so tired all the time.  


Aside from the breastfeeding you have just described my life to a T.  Off to google estrogen dominance as Lawana suggested.

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My doctor recently told me that until you are skipping periods you are not perimenopausal. But that is different than what I have heard from others...but none of them had an MD behind their names.


But I also know that even starting in your early 30s there are hormonal changes etc.


I personally take the herb Vitex twice a day, every day to help with hormonal balance and I use a progesterone cream that I buy from Amazon. Together those help with hormonal insomnia, and sore breasts that hurt for weeks.


My periods are still regular. I haven't ever skipped one

What brand of cream do you use?

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What brand of cream do you use?


Come join me on estrogen dominance island, lol.


I use emerita.  It has the best reputation.  I buy a 4oz tube on Amazon and it last me a couple cycles.  But you might want to start with a 2 oz tube to see if you like it. 


I use 1/4 tsp in the morning and again at night for days 8-21 of my cycle.  On day 22, or when it is 1 week until my period I used twice that amount until my period starts. So, 1/2 tsp twice a day.  On the day my period starts, that is day one of my cycle and I don't  use the progesterone until day 8 and the whole cycle starts again.  It's really not a big deal.


You might also want to look into the herb Vitex, which is available at my regular grocery store for 5.99 for 100 capsules, and I take 2  day every day, and Natures Way DIM plus.  I get the best price on that on Amazon, 120 capsules for 20$ on prime.  It last me 60 days because I take one capsule twice a day, every day.


Yes, it is costing me some money, but I feel SO MUCH BETTER that will not be without any of it.  And DH would rather give up coffee than have me go back to how things were. 


I want to add that I was actually diagnosed with having low progesterone a long time ago.  I had many miscarriages and my low progesterone was determined to be the cause. I took a simple progesterone supplement and I stayed pregnant.  It was very low tech.  When I asked about my low progesterone I was literally told not to worry about it, that it wasn't a big deal and not uncommon.  Umm... that was really bad advice.


So, to save some money, you could always start with the progesterone cream and the vitex for a cycle or two and see how you feel. If you want to step it up with the DIM you can try that after.  No need to do everything all at once.

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I'm 45.  I dont have hot flashes.  I'm cold more than I am hot.  I am more irritable and less patient than I used to be.  I have always been a terrible sleeper and it has gotten worse.  I am tired all the time.  Since I stopped breast feeding a few months ago my breasts are more tender and the lower back cramping have gotten worse and my periods are about 25 days instead of 28 apart.  I have had my T3 and T4 levels tested and they are normal.  They were tested because I am having issues with tachycardia, which the doctors are still trying to figure out.  My MIL thinks it is just anxiety(the heart issue), but I'm not a worry wart.  I have had a heaviness in my chest, more on the left side for a few days now and heart palpitations earlier this morning.  I didn't go to emerg this time, because everytime I do, nothing shows up really out of the ordinary.  I do see a cardiologist next month.  I have been low in vitamin D in the past and I haven't been taking any for a while now.  I probably should start taking them again.  I'm tired of feeling so tired all the time.  


Fatigue, long-term sleep problems, tachycardia in the morning? You really want to read up on POTS/autonomic dysfunction. It can be triggered by a virus, surgery, or anything else stressful on the body. My third pregnancy was my trigger. I have POTS, though I'm a lot more functional than I used to be. It took me a long time to find the right cardiologist; before that well-meaning people would just say it was anxiety. I get feeling grrrrrrrr when people suggest anxiety as an explanation for tachycardia. I hope you are able to see an electrophysiologist (a cardiologist who specializes in heart rhythm disorders) who is familiar with autonomic dysfunction.


Increase fluids (at least two liters a day)

Increase salt (assuming you don't have high blood pressure)

Start to gently exercise consistently even when you feel tachy, just a little and work up, and NEVER overdo it, even when you feel great

A regular sleep schedule

Moderate eating


There are meds but the above is the best way to start


Magnesium helped with PVC's but these suggestions help with the tachycardia.

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My first sign was unexplainable weight gain. Like lots of it. I've gained 25 lbs. in 2 years. And weight loss diets that I've tried in the past and used to work, have not worked. At all. Then AF got crazy. Like 3 of them in a 6 week time span, interspersed with yeast infections. Then I got hot flashes and skipping AF. Then crazy mood swings. Horrible mood swings. Scary mood swings. What's helped those is Women's Balance herbal supplement by Gaia. It's been a long process over the past 3 years. Not fun!

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You can have your hormone levels tested


my dr will not test hormone levels until my cycle length is consistently at least 90 days.  until then - it can be like a normal cycle with levels going up and down.  you could test the levels every day, and get a different number.

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my dr will not test hormone levels until my cycle length is consistently at least 90 days. until then - it can be like a normal cycle with levels going up and down. you could test the levels every day, and get a different number.

Oh, that makes sense. My doctor did test mine, but she warned me that the test is just a snapshot, and that the levels can fluctuate wildly from day to day.

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