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The Padded Room . . . er, The Teachers Lounge! 10-14-2015


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While it hasn't been the craziest week it has been an off week so . . .


The Teachers Lounge is open! Qualifications for coming in: Teachers and Parents Only, No students!


This is a place for us to sit back, breathe deep, share a snack or a drink, and just be us for a few.


Today, I might even set up a dark corner with a fuzzy blanket and call it the nap room.


Has your week been off? How so? Here: started with dd, then ds, then dh being sick with some lovely virus. Continued with dh

being off of work on Monday, plus dd having a meltdown at drama class. HA! With everyone sick, schedules have been off (always fun with an autistic kiddo), not a lot of schooling has been done, dd 'started' today, etc. Then, today I find that the math curriculum I ordered is a first edition and not completely what I needed/wanted. We've had so many fits and starts with Algebra I'm tempted to just move on to an entirely different math and come back to it in a year. Does she REALLY need Algebra to graduate high school? Hmmm. . . . 


What's the weather like where you are? Here: too darn hot STILL. We're still getting close to 100*F most days and it's annoying! Somebody send us your cold weather! ;)


What's for lunch? Here: we had Gluten Free Frescheta's Pizza because I haven't planned our meals yet for this week. Anyone else want to add to my To Do list? ugh.


Is it nap time yet? For the teacher??


Talk to me! :bigear:


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DD10 has been doing the World Education games and tumbling skills exams. I'm kind of glad that most of her other stuff is on fall break, so we could mostly just focus on those. She finished both today, so I'm thinking we might get back in gear tomorrow. Maybe.


I picked up subs for dinner on the way back from the gym.

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Hi ya Scrap!


Weather -  a beautiful fall day with a high of 61 degrees.  


Monday and Tuesday - went off without a hitch.  Well, except for having to rush the cat to the vet yesterday to discover he has bladder cystitis.  Today - ugh.  Dh's coffee exploded all over the kitchen right when he was rushing out the door to get to the airport.  The vet has been calling and calling about the cat and I've been trying to make a cat pee and . . .  it's ok in the end because the cat finally did his thing in the litter box and seems to be chilling.  I was terribly backed up on laundry.  Dd and I took the day off from school  Ds (aspie) kept his routine intact (very important).  Dd and I had to go do yardwork at the IL's rental property which has put me in pain (expected but couldn't be helped).  But we were able to finish the day with a nice snack and nature walk so that erases everything that went before and makes us come out ahead.  


Lunch?  Um. . . salad with kale greens and apple and turkey.  And some chocolate which I'm not supposed to have but had anyway.  

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Our week has been off here too.


My husband had been working nights for 7 months, and finally was switched back to days. Unfortunately it only lasted a week. ðŸ˜


A virus has made its way through our house the last week and a half. Everyone had mild stuffy noses, and sore throats. As for me I am on day 5 of next to no voice, trouble breathing, and feeling miserable.

Trying to read SOTW aloud today led to a coughing fit. I'm about ready to give up on trying to talk over the noise.


The kids are taking advantage of my lack of voice, not just with school, but everything else as well.


With DH on nights, it leaves me alone with 4 kids, and all the activities.

Today alone, we have had Gym, swimming, hockey practice, and scouts.

We didn't eat dinner until 8.


I'm thinking I really need to get myself some kind of organizer to keep track of everyone's activities, meal planning, and school planning. I feel like I'm juggling, and I'm going to drop a ball.

Thank goodness work is slowing down right now, or I would be sinking.


Our weather is sitting around 60 during the day right now. Perfect sweater weather. I love fall. 😊

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Good morning! Staying open today too because I need the company!


Depression tried to come in without knocking this morning but I sent it packing with a good dose of Scripture! 

At least this time, I thought of that right off the bat. Sometimes it takes all day (or two) to get out of the quagmire! :-P


DS is still battling the congestion and that 'sleeping pill hangover.' Had to give him something to help him sleep, which it did,

but he didn't sleep long enough to let it process through. He may be taking a nap later! Even if he is 11!


Finances are at the bare bones but I may cave and buy us a nice hearty lunch anyway so I don't have to THINK about what to make!


On a good news front: I figured out when to go visit my mom in the Midwest (she's been asking. I had offered since I received a nice

travel voucher the last time I visited her.) AND while I'm there, I get to enjoy a former classmate's retirement party. Plus enjoy some 

actual fall weather - not this 100*F degree business the desert thinks is fall!


Question: if you were going to buy lunch for you and the kids today, where would you go/what would you buy?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Chipotle!! Steak burrito bowl.


The kids and I went to visit DH (working out of town) Mon-Wed last week and we're really struggling to get back into the groove and workable routine we finally managed to carve out in the first 6 weeks of our school year. Trucking along in math, but everything else is hit or miss.

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We have been "off" here, too.  I finally am admitting that DD7's anxiety is making it impossible for her to do school right now.  She has an appointment that we've been waiting forever for next Wednesday, so hopefully she will be on a better track after that.


Meanwhile, DS9 is mad because he has to do school when his sister doesn't have to.  <sigh>



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Our week has definitely been off! Oldest sprained her ankle "somehow" (I suspect it was while doing something outside that I'd not approve of) and we had the fun of the clinic. Waited only an hour this time!  The clinic didn't have crutches in her size so I had to profusely beg them off the Japanese school nurse who insisted on a 20 minute briefing on how to use them properly before handing them over. She also took down *all* my information and I swear by the end of it I was shocked I didn't have to swear a blood oath over a fire with a dagger. 


Weather has been getting nice and chilly. I love fall but the kids are whining about not being able to wear their shorts anymore. I suggested the weird Japanese fashion of tights with shorts but that didn't go over well. 


For lunch, pasta for the kids and a salad for me. I wasn't feeling cooking much today. I even asked Dh to help with making dinner. 


School went OK. Oldest tried to play the ankle pain card but I gave her some Advil and told her we're doing school, kiddo! Little is killing it in Math lately. Still thrilled with the combined science and history. I'm keeping that up until high school, I swear. In-laws coming to visit in a week and a half so I'm trying to get a bunch done before then. 

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Stupid weather. I'm supposed to take Senior Pictures for my friend's daughter this weekend. She really, really wants fall leaves in her pictures. We were set for this Saturday, but the leaves aren't quiiiiite as orange as she likes yet, so we changed it to next Saturday. But then, there's supposed to be a cold snap coming and I didn't want her freezing in her pictures (a session takes 2-3 hours), so I said, "Let's make the pictures both Saturdays. I'll get more of the closeup shots on the warm day before the cold snap. We'll do the leaf pictures quickly after the cold snap and when the leaves have had a chance to change."


Well, the cold snap is coming earlier. So, on Saturday, it'll be windy, cloudy and between 48 and 50 degrees when we take her pictures, outdoors, for two hours. The girl will be frozen. I'll have to photoshop the goosebumps off of her.


Stupid weather!!!


But on a bright note, I've been saying NO to absoluately everything I can say NO to in my life. These pictures are the last thing I said yes to. They are my very last committment to anyone. My weekends have been booked solid for 16 weekends straight. After these pictures, my weekends are completely free and open. I can't wait to start feeling human again and not like a mouse running on a wheel.

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Garga, I know how you feel! For the month of October, I told people I was taking off from everything extracurricular, just to get 'centered.'

Easier said than done but had to do it.


Today I find myself really impatient (internally) with my kids. Our continuous hot weather isn't helping, either. :/

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