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Mathematica vs MATLAB?


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Is there a preference for one over another for math majors and STEM majors in general?


It seems like MATLAB is cheaper and simpler to learn but will need more add-ons while Mathematica offers more functionality in one package but costs more (even the student edition)? Is that right? Ideally learn both?


Helping DS gather opinions so that he can decide which one to spend birthday money on and eventually use the software for research projects. Thank you!

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Helping DS gather opinions so that he can decide which one to spend birthday money on and eventually use the software for research projects

For research projects, the supervisor/mentor might have an ongoing project already using Matlab or mathematica. Also he may not need to spend a dime as he could use the school/research institute's site license for the software.



Kids played with Matlab and simulink at the bay area MakerFaire. The reps manning the booth were helpful.

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For research projects, the supervisor/mentor might have an ongoing project already using Matlab or mathematica. Also he may not need to spend a dime as he could use the school/research institute's site license for the software.


Yup, looks like he could purchase these later. Not because he will use their license but because they will be using something else for his project! I feel like such a dinosaur (hopefully, a cute one). :svengo:


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Start with Octave.  It's free.  Before we had a site license at work for Matlab (for more than 2 people at a time) many of us were using Octave.


My daughter has used both Matlab and Mathematica and has found Matlab to be a little more user friendly.  But that may be just because she was forced to use it more.


But I really wouldn't spend money on these programs until you know if you have to.  You probably will never need to.  Most colleges have site licenses.  If he just wants something to play with now, then try Octave.

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Is there a free student version of Mathematica?


I have a recollection that my daughter was supposed to get that onto her computer to do her math homework.  She never succeeded in getting one that worked (we have old computers) so just used the school computers to do her homework.  But I'm pretty sure they were told to download a version and that it was free.

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You forgot IDL... better graphics.


I used Mathematica in college and Matlab at work. DH swears by IDL.




We're winding down our IDL license at work (way too expensive), so I'm seeing if Matlab has as good a graphics now.


Things have been changing rapidly over the past few years and I suspect Matlab may be getting better.  It's ability to "read" data off images is a lot better than it used to be, for example.  (I don't even know how well IDL does that)


And there are just a lot more things written in Matlab code these days.


Also, I see that there is a coursera online course in Matlab (I think it's coursera.  If not, it's edx)  The first few lectures were pretty basic.  Not sure how far they're going to go.


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