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My fitbit died and I'm looking for cheap alternative


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How long did you have it?  Fitbit replaced mine when it died.  The fitbit zip is also a less expensive option.

It died after 6 months of use, but it's been 6 months since it died. I wasn't quite proactive. Not sure whether they will replace it. It was also a gift, so I have no receipt.

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First check to see if your phone has any good options.


I didn't realize my Note was set up until I spent the day at the zoo and my pocket went crazy.  My phone was congratulating me for walking the most I have since getting my phone.  Of course that means I've been lazy for quite some time!


I have no cell phone. 

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I've used the same Omron pedometer since 2009. When it dies, I'll replace it with another Omron. The model I have is no longer made, so I'll have to research whatever is available at that time. My Omron has been one of the best purchases I've ever made. Best wishes.

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I got my fitbit zip on ebay for just under $40. It was brand new but the box had been opened (most likely a return). It worked well and then the second time I needed to replace the battery, the fitbit wouldn't turn back on after putting in the new battery. I emailed fitbit and they gave me instructions to check a tiny little spring that can get bent. I fixed it with a mini screwdriver and it's working great again. I would email fitbit and see if there is an easy fix before buying something new. 

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Are you sure it's dead, and doesn't just need a new battery?


It charges to 4 dots. Then when I take it out it goes dark. If I press around it with my fingers a dot would appear and the disappear again. What does it look like?


I cleaned all the contacts and everything they adviced to do when it first stopped working well.

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Definitely talk to Fitbit, they might replace it. It's worth a try. If not, I would highly recommend a Fitbit Zip. It is quite accurate because it is worn at the hip (you know, where steps happen), and uses a watch battery which is replaced every 3-4 months. I've had mine for 2 years and love it!

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It charges to 4 dots. Then when I take it out it goes dark. If I press around it with my fingers a dot would appear and the disappear again. What does it look like?


I cleaned all the contacts and everything they adviced to do when it first stopped working well.

I have a Zip, and it doesn't have a charging feature, so I can't answer this question, I hope someone can!

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