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Exercise Thread: September - October 3rd


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Pardon the mom brag and I hope it doesn't bother anyone: Saturday was the last day of testing for my son's junior black belt- It's been a year long test that ended in 3 days of testing in front of 5 masters from all over the country. This video shows the last thing he did after an 11 hour day on the mats on the last day.  It's the first kata he ever learned.




Rest and food and family.



Today marks the first day of my black belt year of testing.  I'm trying to get my brain around it and failing.  Pushups, 100 kettlebell swings, pull-up work, kata practice in the a.m.  Tonight 5 hours at the dojo.

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My youngest face planted off her bike while playing keep away with the garage door opener from her sister...right before dh and I were supposed to go running together last night. I stayed behind with the kid and an ice pack for her poor nose while dh went off for his run. He didn't exactly pay attention to time so no run for me. He thought it was light enough, but the last time I went running in low light I tripped and scraped up my leg and my hands. Not eager to repeat that.


I'm trying to figure out when to go running now. I have to have a day between runs - too much, too close together and my feet act up. I also need to work three workouts in for the week around the weather, homeschooling, and soccer (practices and tournament this weekend). My stress-relieving exercise is feeling kind of stressful this week.

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Went to a good yoga class on Saturday - Vinyasa flow and pretty tough.  I had sweat dripping from my forehead during downward facing dog.  It's at 9am though, so I'll only go when I'm up anyway - I'm very protective of sleep time.  I will ask her if she teaches any other classes.  I was energised for the rest of the day and got a lot done.


Yesterday I worked in the garden and walked the dog - 15,000 steps.

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I led the conditioning portion of the adult class at MMA last night for the first time.  I was surprised to discover that the men didn't "snap to" like I expected them to.  No one was adversarial but evidently I still need to get my voice louder and more authoritative to command respect.  That's a new time of work out goal for me:)


Today 2 MMA classes and maybe a run.

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Left shoulder here too. I'm having trouble with rotation still too. I can't do

on the left side and it's frustrating.

Yeah I wouldn't be able to do that.


I was posting from PT this morning. I'm heading to the gym in a bit after dropping dd at class. I'll probably do 45 min or so of mixed cardio (bike and rowing machine, I think) with some core work mixed in. Shoulder is a bit sore from manipulation.

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Just off to try out another new yoga class.  I never imagined that I would be so picky.....  I'm up to 9,000 steps after my lunchtime walk, but the dog will need walking late tonight.


ETA: Calvin is walking the dog.  I'm already up to 13,000 steps and two glasses into the Cremant de Loire.


Yoga class was okay.  Instead of being the oldest in the class, I was one of the youngest, and instead of working in the middle, I was at the top of her variations.  If I didn't have to block book I might drop in occasionally, but it's not my ideal class.


So it sounds as if I've found two fairly easy but worthwhile classes (Tuesday and Thursday) and one workout yoga class (Saturday morning).  Not bad.  All are at the expensive studio.  Oh well.  I'm still hoping that my original teacher might come back one day.

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Library? Pirate Bay? :leaving:


February is a good time to look. All of those new years resolutions gone south. My buddy got a free Boflex last March. Brand new.

Nope on the library. They had Jillian Michaels and that was it. Bleh Our library stinks.


Pirate Bay? I have no idea what that is but I'll google it.


Yep, my best bet is probably after New Year's, I hadn't thought about that.

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Nope on the library. They had Jillian Michaels and that was it. Bleh Our library stinks.


Pirate Bay? I have no idea what that is but I'll google it.


Yep, my best bet is probably after New Year's, I hadn't thought about that.

Don't Google it! It's a site for getting pirated DVDs for free. Sorry. Bad joke.

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Left shoulder here too.  I'm having trouble with rotation still too.  I can't do these on the left side and it's frustrating.



Nice link!  Did your injury make it more inflexible or are you still having to build up the strength again in order to put weight on it when rotated?


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Hi all!


I haven't been posting mostly because I was just doing the same thing all the time and it seemed so boring, lol.  But then in August I was mostly just swimming. I got up to swimming a full mile several times a week!  One might think I would have some arm muscles after doing that. One would be wrong.  I have the same old pipe cleaner arms and bony shoulders I've always had. And I can't do a pull up to save my life. I wriggle like a worm on a hook.


Anyway, a yesterday and today I did a 30 min mat workout and I also did a T Tap workout.  I can't decide if she is a scammer. Her 'basic workout' does seem to raise my body temperature, which is an issue for me in the cold weather.  I am trying to get it down pat so I can do it during the day once the cold hits. But I don't believe anything she says about what her workout does. Mostly I treat it like a gentle yoga workout. It feels good and makes me feel stretched out. It is good for my health but doesn't improve my fitness.

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Ok, people who use BeachBody videos:


How does one choose which one to follow? Maybe you could help me out. I want to mix up my routine (lifting at the gym 2-3x a week, bike/elliptical/bit of rowing machine/walking for cardio 3-5x a week, pilates 1x a week).


I cannot do anything high impact, so no crazy jumping on/off boxes, no burpees either (yuck).


I do not have full rotation back for one shoulder. I do have strength back---I can plank on one hand again. I cannot do the side plank when you rotate your body so that one arm points straight up. I cannot do proper pushups yet (still on an incline).


I have hand weights (3/5/8/10/15), bands, and an exercise ball at home.


Also, if you have used BeachBody on Demand, have you had issues canceling after the free 30 day trial? I am leary of "free" things that must be canceled by phone instead of online.


Thanks :)

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Ok, people who use BeachBody videos:


How does one choose which one to follow? Maybe you could help me out. I want to mix up my routine (lifting at the gym 2-3x a week, bike/elliptical/bit of rowing machine/walking for cardio 3-5x a week, pilates 1x a week).


I cannot do anything high impact, so no crazy jumping on/off boxes, no burpees either (yuck).


I do not have full rotation back for one shoulder. I do have strength back---I can plank on one hand again. I cannot do the side plank when you rotate your body so that one arm points straight up. I cannot do proper pushups yet (still on an incline).


I have hand weights (3/5/8/10/15), bands, and an exercise ball at home.


Also, if you have used BeachBody on Demand, have you had issues canceling after the free 30 day trial? I am leary of "free" things that must be canceled by phone instead of online.


Thanks :)

I followed the routine at first. After really getting to know several of the programs I've mismatched and made my own, but always in P90X fashion. Full body strength, at least 2 days of cardio, 1 day of yoga.


I canceled online with no problems like a month ago.

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13,500 steps.  Beautiful day.


We are booking a cottage in the Highlands for a few days next week - it will just be me, Husband and the dog.  Hoping the weather will be good enough for some long hikes.  In the mean time, I need to drive Calvin down to university this weekend, so no exercise....

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52 minutes of Fitness Blender. It kicked my butt and I had to stop occasionally to catch my breath, but that is only because I really pushed it as far as I could.


Way to go on Fitness Blender!  They are tough.


My abs ache from Kettlebell Tuesday night.  It's the first time that's ever happened from kettle bell but I've only been doing lighter core workouts and lighter kettle bell at home for several months.  Time to re-think that.


Today: 2 MMA classes followed by Kettlebell class.

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Ran 3.5mi, witnessed a car accident. You know...your average workout.

Oh my goodness.  Everyone ok?


I've been so busy. Forgot I had the Barre Groupon to use up and we're moving Saturday.  So I think I'll fit three in of my four.  Also, I'm not sure I'll take more classes in rooms filled with mirrors. ;)  TMI alert-anyone else bleed pretty bad at the wrong time after Barre or Pilates type workouts?  I don't with my other workouts. 


Monday- 1 hour Krav

Tuesday- 1 hour Barre and 1 hour Krav

Wednesday- 1 hour Barre

Thursday- 1 hour Krav


Tomorrow I have Barre. 

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Well since I'm able to workout again I'll join in. This week I've done 2 45 minute cardio kickboxing classes. They are at 6 am and I'd be able to do them 4 days a week if I get up. This week I made it to 2! Good start for a night person. Aside from the cardio class I took this morning I will also be doing my 45 minutes kung fu class at 11.

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Thursday: 2 MMA classes


Friday: 1 mile stroll, some bag work.  Maybe something this evening between all my busy young teen's events...


Saturday: 2 hours of open mat.  Hopefully an hour of that will be working on spinning kicks, at which I'm horrible, and then the second hour free- rolling and joint lock flows. It just depends who else shows up to partner with.

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