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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning....


Should have went to church, but decided to stay home.


Vacuumed the main floor

Tidied everything and put stuff away

Cleaned up the kitchen


To do:

Finish Hamlet our Circe Intensive is tomorrow and we need to finish up the last act.

Cook a yummy dinner 

Maintain my house for the week.


Have a good day!


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I will post as I do stuff but I do need to

- help dh hang up cabinet- done

- fold laundry- haha well I got dh's and I's folded and put away along with the towels and sheets. I still need to do the girls

- iron dd1's stuff- nope

- while iron is out put dd1's stuff on her brownie vest - nope

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- school work- done, though I ran out of time on my review homework for stats because my internet went down for a bit and then the website had issues

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- touched up stain, put numbers on 911 reflective sign, put away what I could, tidied living room and kitchen, and did the dishes

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Continuing with my weekend list:


--house: two loads of laundry, put clean slipcovers back on Ikea sectional, chair, and ottoman (a zillion cushions!)

--food: make fruit-nut bars for dd, plan meals for week, write grocery list, finish making food for family Oktoberfest tomorrow

--errands: farmers' market, natural foods store, liquor store

--yard: trim broken limb off tree, weed, plant new perennials purchased yesterday

--email: volunteers, state SO, K, group re AMC

--personal: exercise twice, text dsis about dinner tomorrow

--school: prep bio labs, file papers from this week, work on my portion of dd's application for a summer program

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Hi!  Our houseguest arrived last night, so part of today is entertaining him and trying to make sure my kids don't annoy him too much.


In other news, I have mostly reclaimed my bedroom, i.e., cleared out most of the stuff that wasn't mine and set myself up so I can work in here.  It's still somewhat disorganized and dusty, because the construction guys still need to finish a patch they made on my wall.  There's no point cleaning it all up just to have it messed up again in a day or two.


The annoying thing about my room is the internet connection.  It is extremely weak / inconsistent unless I push the computer almost to the door.  I need to address this issue, but right now I have too many other things to deal with.


At the moment I'm trying to get some work done in the privacy of my dusty room.


Later I think we'll go out to lunch with our guest, and then I'll work some more.  The kids have "Sunday Fun Day," and I think they are hoping I won't notice when they go over their screen time limit.  :P

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