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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Still wrapping up my 9/15 deadlines.  For this last one, I consider it on time if it's there before they check their email in the morning.  ;)  The last report will probably go out around 4am.


The girls are sleeping in their own rooms for the first time.  Most of the furniture is up, but there are still many bags, boxes, and bins of stuff that needs to be sorted and put away.  They are in an awkward arrangement because the guys are still working in those rooms.  I hope they put in the closets soon, so I can start filling them up with the storage bins etc.  We also need to rearrange the furniture in the family room today.


A couple of the bookcases I bought turned out to be broken, so I have to figure out how to return them.  :/


Today's list:

  • Work in the wee hours.  [done]
  • Kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Lots of garbage out.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms and kitchen and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Deal with construction guys.
  • Rearrange downstairs furniture.  [done]
  • Organize and put away kids' stuff.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swim.  Work while they swim?
  • Kids to soccer.  Work or walk?
  • More kids' work.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.



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Drive kids to bus stop...get in accident...drive home.

Get younger children started on school.

Morning chores

More school

Lunch and afternoon chores

More school


Maybe do a load or two of laundry.  There is plenty of laundry to fold and put away.


Leave for swimming, sit at the pool for four hours, minding younger children.  eat dinner, maybe work on lesson plans.  Home. Bed. 

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Good Morning!  


I'm so loving these warm days and cool nights with the windows open! 



ds will work on school work all day...online class this afternoon

I'm going to deep clean our hardwood floors and do some rearranging on the first floor

dh is home today and is smoking pork butts for dinner...all I have to do is make the sides...easy peasy!


basically I'm trying to get everyone done during the week so I don't spend my whole weekend working on housework!


Have a great day!


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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

on 2nd cup of coffee now


To Do:


shower and get dressed

take van to begin repairs and get rental car

post office to drop mail

library to return books/pick up hold

school: history, literature, math, grammar, science, Fix-It, spelling




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breakfast and family worship


To Do:

School - Ds math test/evaluation, History for both (We don't usually do content subject on Weds.)


Lesson review for Wed night church class



Tomorrow's dinner (We will be out all day tomorrow and I have an evening meeting.)


Remember to pick up Vivaldi Cd for choir


AHG financial update for tomorrow.


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Drive kids to bus stop...get in accident...drive home.



Oh no! So sorry :-(



Today I have to do everything I didn't do yesterday and Monday.


Exercise - done!

School - 

Finish correcting school work - 

Make adjustments to school schedule - 

Put books on hold at library for next week - 

Take out chicken from freezer for dinner tomorrow - done!

Finish putting together science lab list - 

Dinner - 

2 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded, put away - 


Have a great day, everyone!

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I need to add exercise in there somewhere.  I did get some by taking out the garbage (many trips, including stairs).  But I need to do some stretching and stuff.


Also it's been a while since I read anything other than work.  I need to finish the boring book I'm working on so I can move on to something better.  ;)

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Good morning

- balance check book- done

- pay bills- done

- school work- statistics discussion post and responses for A&P and psych, did about 1/2 of a statistics assignment

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in dryer

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dd1 soccer game- done, her team won :)

- get some groceries- done

- dinner- Done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- 1 done 1 to go

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Good morning! Regular Wednesday here. Dd1 left early for practice. She is meeting friends for breakfast, calling coaches, and then going to class. Here at home, we have school and chores. We have been doing school for a month, maybe it is time for a fun day.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Random house things

Make sure dd1 has everything for trip

PM practice/aikido

Pizza for dinner


Have a great day!

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hi all!

rainy day here in south florida. kids are at their project school til 3, and I have time to get a million things done before i go to work.


1. pay car pymt

2. clean kitchen

3 fold laundry

4. start a load

5. train dog

6-exercise kippy if it stops raining

7. make ortho appt

8. make dentist appt

9. call comcast-reship cable box

11. figure out knitted christmas gifts for family and friends

12. call ann

13. call kelly

14. soccer practice cancelled tonight????

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And I thought yesterday was busy...


--Arabic 12:20-1:10

--training sessio at gym while she's on campus

--physical therapy 4

--dh Chinese class 5

--dd Model UN carpool pickup 5:30

--get kids at Model UN at 8


--daily and Wednesday things

--score FRQ w dd; go over material/assignments/expectations for next Comp GoPo unit

--dd English chat 10 am

--wash next batch of slipcovers

--print bio test

--prep next part of calculus


--prep dinner before leaving for PT so dd can eat before MUN

--pick garden; water young plants as needed

--weed out front


Dd's been having a bad time with food the past week. Allergy testing is next Thursday. Once that is done she can see the ped GI to determine if surgery is the next step. She is so ready for this to be over.

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Got the stretching done.  I will probably walk later as well.


I had the nicest feeling yesterday.  Like my jeans were not snug.  It brought back memories.  :P  I still hold out hope that I can get back to what I would consider a healthy (for my age) situation.  I've moved more in the past week than in many previous weeks.  I kinda wish I had a lifestyle that required that sort of thing (so I wouldn't have to feel like I'm taking time "for myself" when I have conflicting demands).

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I need this because I totally want to flake now and read or play video games or something.


School is 90% done.  (dd is doing the last 10% now).

grocery shopping is done

dinner is in the crock pot.  


So now what?  Finish cleaning the kitchen?

work on laundry?  I think laundry is a higher priority and after dd is done we are leaving for the big city for errands.  

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Well, the day was going along fine until I decided to do some laundry.  Apparently the construction guys did something to the washer since the last time I used it, because water came gushing out and filled the entire laundry room.  Needless to say I took the better part of an hour cleaning that up.


Can't really say what the construction guys accomplished today.  To me, it looks about the same as yesterday, though they were here all day.  Oh, they put on some doors and did some patch-up plastering/painting/staining.  I'm sure they did other things, but not the things I am really waiting for.  They say tomorrow.


I did not do some of the work I promised a client.  I am too tired to do it now.  So I will try to get up early Thursday and do it.  Here's hoping.

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