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Exercise Thread ~ September 13th - 19th


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I didn't do anything yesterday other than a ramble through the yard for our nature walk, it was a busy day and then when I had a few free hours I spent it reading in the quiet.


today- No major bodyweight work, I'll have Aerial tomorrow and I don't want to be sore. I will be at the park with the kids and I imagine we'll have some walking and I should do some monkey bar work and core stuff, we'll see.

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I added a new MMA class last night because I just found out I'm allowed to take it: it's the kid's advanced and Black Belt candidate class.  The warm up really kicked my butt- I'm used to being about  as fast as all the adults in the adult class- but racing around with teens?  They have a lot of vip and vigor:)  


Today is an active rest day with some jujitsu drilling.  


Saturday- no open mat but for the first time I work at our MMA school's testing day- 6 hours of hopping around the mat, encouraging people on, I'm pretty sure it will be a workout all it's own.


Soror- quiet reading sounds lovely.

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Another morning walk/shamble; nearly made it up to 2 miles. I chatted on the phone last night with the personal trainer at the YMCA--I must go over there and join up--and she had helpful suggestions, and said when I joined she would meet up with me and help customize a weight training routine for me. Basically confirmed that slow jogging and the right kind of weight training is what I need for my goals.


Laura--I know when we were staying in St Andrews, both my oldest girls were at first nearly bedridden with what seemed like flu but which we quickly figured out was violent allergies to rapeseed. (Of course that season is well past.) I thought Austin had the world's worst allergies until I went to Fife. But the fields of blooms are so beautiful....

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Any recommendations for workout videos? I really can't do a gym right now. I've been doing Fitness Blender for years but I'm bored with it. I want a LOT of strength training/lifting. I don't want tons of HIIT. Are Cathe Friedrich videos any good? Is P90X a gimmick? I don't like Jillian Michael's method.

I big puffy pink heart P90X! I'm sure the exercise thread is sick of me talking about it. It's a fantastic combination of strength, cardio, and yoga. I'm on my phone and I can't copy and paste right now but I'll come back later and link some stuff if you want. P90X is truly my favorite full body program. It's so good.

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I don't think I've posted this week. I took Monday off, did bootcamp Tuesday (legs) and Wednesday (core), missed yesterday because I could hardly walk and had to run errands. Today I went back for a killer ab session. I started running on Wednesday for the first time since my foot injury. I still have pain in just the toe area when I try to bend it, so I try not to bend it much, lol. A couple of exercises have needed to be modified, but overall I feel like I'm making progress.

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Laura--I know when we were staying in St Andrews, both my oldest girls were at first nearly bedridden with what seemed like flu but which we quickly figured out was violent allergies to rapeseed. (Of course that season is well past.) I thought Austin had the world's worst allergies until I went to Fife. But the fields of blooms are so beautiful....

Calvin has only ever reacted to two things: pollution in Hong Kong and rapeseed flower in Fife.


I don't know what's going on with me though - not very much is in flower in the fields. My garden/yard is full of pollen though.

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I big puffy pink heart P90X! I'm sure the exercise thread is sick of me talking about it. It's a fantastic combination of strength, cardio, and yoga. I'm on my phone and I can't copy and paste right now but I'll come back later and link some stuff if you want. P90X is truly my favorite full body program. It's so good.


I'd love to hear more about it. I'm bored and I can tell it is going to make me not want to exercise anymore and I don't want that. 

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A lot of zoo and museum steps are more of a shuffle.  If there is no heel strike, pedometers often miss them. I find.  I bet the times when you are striding between exhibits is recorded.  If I am carrying a full cup of tea, no steps are recorded, because I am walking in a deliberately smooth way.

I have noticed that when I'm holding a kid's hand that it doesn't pick up on it, and I do that *a lot*, and I'm usually carrying at least one water bottle and a coffee.  :lol:   For the museum, we actually go through several times and through an artificial cave at least 3-8 times, so I'd figure that alone would boost me...

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I'd love to hear more about it. I'm bored and I can tell it is going to make me not want to exercise anymore and I don't want that. 

This a review I wrote back when I first got into extreme fitness. It's still my all time favorite program.


My Thoughts On P90X
Posted on June 1, 2014

P90X is a 90 day fitness program which Beach Body categorizes under  their “Extreme Results†section. During the 90 days you do various exercises, including weight training,yogaplyometrics, and martial arts. I’ve been through the program twice, but the second time I discontinued so that I could begin P90X3, which only takes 30 minutes a day. The full P90X program includes diet, exercise, and supplements. I only did the exercise, as I was borrowing the program from a friend. These are my findings:

It’s easy to modify. I started with 5 pound weights, and quickly worked my way up. I was able to down-scale many of the exercises, and near the end, I was able to up-scale many of them.

Don’t watch the scale. My first time through the program, I lost 1 shirt size, 2 pants sizes, and had a more sculpted body, but I gained 20 lbs. As a woman, I had a hard time with the weight gain, but I am very satisfied with the results.

Fast results. Within one week, I could see my body tightening, and every week I noticed drastic improvement in the way I looked and felt.

I had an increased desire for water. I was always someone who had a hard time drinking a lot of water, but with this program I found myself chronically thirsty. My water bottle turned out to be  a good investment. I advise you get one too.

P90X is time-consuming. You can plan on spending an hour to an hour and a half a day on the workouts. I had a hard time fitting my workouts in every day, which is why I have since switched to P90X3.

It requires supplies. In order to do the program, you need free weightsa pull-up bar or bands, a yoga mat, and maybe a yoga block.

This program completely transformed my body, and I would recommend it to absolutely anybody. My fat loss was intense, my energy level increased, and I feel amazing

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Since then I've done P90X again, P90X3, Insanity, Insanity Asylum, Les Mills Combat(dropped out), 21 Day Fix, T25 and C25K twice, but stopped the second tome because they stopped air conditioning the gym in our apartment. Oh, and I climbed Mount St Helens.  :coolgleamA:


I think P90X is the best out of those. 

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Thursday was 90 minutes of yoga.  

Friday--I ran 4 miles but now I'm having a bit of knee pain. :(  I also did a bit over an hour of yoga this afternoon.  


It's been a crazy week, with lots of school stuff and emotional stuff with my dd17.  I am looking forward to the new Doctor Who tomorrow night. I can you some fun escape time. :)

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Since then I've done P90X again, P90X3, Insanity, Insanity Asylum, Les Mills Combat(dropped out), 21 Day Fix, T25 and C25K twice, but stopped the second tome because they stopped air conditioning the gym in our apartment. Oh, and I climbed Mount St Helens.  :coolgleamA:


I think P90X is the best out of those. 


I think I'll PM you. I have a lot of questions! ;-)

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No workout so far today. I woke up at 5:45 AM instead of sleeping in to 7 as I had planned to. Now I have a major headache and I need to get school work corrected, so I probably will be taking a nap after lunch instead of working out. Oh well. Tomorrow, right?


Yes - naps.  Tomorrow is fine.


A little work in the garden this morning


Walked up the coast of Angus from Carnoustie towards Arbroath this afternoon.  Hobbes set off fast and made it to Arbroath; the rest of us took it easy - Husband's back went out last week, so he's working his way back to health.  Two hours gently.  Total 16,000 steps.


Tomorrow I have book group in the morning and will spend the afternoon planting the new bed in front of the house.  Probably a bit of a walk later.

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I was awake during the night with a migraine and then had all the attendant GI issues they always bring me. Dh thinks it's my body saying "Slow down already." Yesterday was especially insane sooooo he has me puttering around the house today and not much else. I did do some stretching and maybe a stroll tonight.


Stretching and stroll sound good.

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I was awake during the night with a migraine and then had all the attendant GI issues they always bring me. Dh thinks it's my body saying "Slow down already." Yesterday was especially insane sooooo he has me puttering around the house today and not much else. I did do some stretching and maybe a stroll tonight.


Feel better! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. :-(

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