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Fringe show--what did you think?

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I'm still mulling it over. It was good, but I think the part that sealed my decision to keep watching was the very end when (**Spoiler for those who still haven't watched!)...















The lady from Massive Dynamics looked at John's corpse and asked how long he'd been dead, asked for him to be questioned and then the body is wheeled off into some cool secret lab place!! LOL Ooooooh, I think I like the idea of whatever was inside that room. :tongue_smilie:


I felt like there was almost too much drama, BUT I know that they needed to set up the characters. I think that Peter Bishop is an interesting guy with possibilities.

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Very reminiscent of X-files. I will definitely keep watching. Dh thought they hit too fast, too soon with the mythology instead of having a plausible start and building from there. I kind of agree, but I think that the actors are good and the potential is there for great character development with time--which also reminds me of X-files. The lead lady reminds me ever so much of Sam on Without a Trace, though. That's not a bad thing, since Without a Trace is a fave of mine. All in all, I was pleased--not completely sold yet, but excited by the possibility. :001_smile:

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I'm intrigued, but it almost went past where I was willing to go when the Massive Dymanic chick peeled off the glove and showed the too-obvious-for-me CGI hand and arm.


I don't know. My husband liked it and will record it, probably. And I'll give it another episode or two to see if it gets better. But, for the moment, I give it a big "eh."

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Dh and I loved it! Right up our alley. A plus is that one of the creators of the show is one of the creators of LOST. We're big fans of LOST, and follow a lot of the behind the scenes, extra stuff and additional online LOST stuff.


Dh says that some of the ideas used in Fringe (probably the airplane stuff) was some of the ideas considered for LOST.

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There was a little *too* much Lost and Alias for me. Even the sound effects were from Lost! Actually, about 15 minutes in, dh and I looked at each other and wondered aloud if this was going to be some sort of hoax -- if all the Fringe hype was going to turn out to be some alternate take on the whole Lost mythology and the shows were going to merge at some point. ... I thought it got better as the episode went on though.


Jenny, I agree that the CGI arm was a little off-putting. I know what they were trying to do, and it might have worked 15 years ago, but I think audiences are too sophisticated for that level of CGI to fly, even on a tv show. Blech.


I thought it was funny someone else thought the lead reminded them of Poppy Montgomery. I said the same thing while we were watching...


I was really sad they melted Keen Eddie! (Mark Valley...) I love him! But the credits said, "with Mark Valley", not "guest starring", so I assume he'll be reanimated and back to the show as a recurring character. I just want him to be a *good*guy*! Denethor was creepy, Pacey was still the sweet and slightly vulnerable almost-bad boy...


But I wished I hadn't thought the pilot was a total mishmash of Alias and Lost. I wanted something new.


I'm also worried because Abrams disappointed me so strongly in both of those shows. Phenomenal first seasons. Good second seasons. Descending into utter chaos, where nothing that was true at the beginning of the show remains true, and characters' change completely... I hope that's not what happens here. But having been "fooled twice", I'm leery.


Still, lol, I'm going to give it a shot. ;) It's still better than most other stuff out there... ;)

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My dh LOVED it and I thought it was okay.

I know that this is probably heresy to some......but I stopped watching Lost a while back. I got really angry at the sex scenes that were just totally unnecessary. Both my dh and I stopped watching for awhile. He couldn't stay away and picked it back up. He does say that it hasn't been too bad. I never wanted to catch back up... to much energy and time to do so.

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Dh heed and hawed about me recording it, but I was tired of reruns and needed something new. I came downstairs tonight and started it, he came down and was like, what are you watching this "crap" for. I said, oh there's nothing on, just watch it. He was like it's like x-files meets Silence of the Lambs. In the end, I said, oh I doubt you want me to set it to record, do you? and he said, we'll you can if you want and was smiling. So we'll give it a try.



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I forgot to mention what made my husband & I crack up several times. The random, floating, bubble font to let the audience know the geographical locations. That was the weirdest thing I have ever seen!!

Dh and I thought that was kinda cool! Of course, we wouldn't want to see that technique everywhere, but they did have some clever ways of incorporating it (like when the helicopters were flying overhead, and the viewer looked up through the letters).

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Pacey was still the sweet and slightly vulnerable almost-bad boy...



I never watched Dawson's Creek, but Joshua Jackson's character on Fringe was what kept me interested. I really don't like the female lead, but I'll give her a chance to grow on me.


It wasn't "fantastic" but it was good enough to keep watching.

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