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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Work in the wee hours.

Kids up & out to school.

Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.


Pick out light fixtures for house addition.


Some personal bills / paperwork.

Figure out temporary partial laundry solution.

Kids' work.

Kids to soccer.

Practice TKD form.

Kids to bed.


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Back to normal!



--Arabic on campus 12:30-1:20

--physical therapy 4-5:30

--ballet 6-9


Everything else:

--daily and Tuesday things

--pick garden; water seedlings and deck planters (going to be hot again!)

--exercise at gym


--make dinner before going to PT so dd can eat before ballet

--check to see if SO rules app is out yet

--check NACLO website for this year's dates; email to dd

--return library books

--make a peach pie because peaches :D

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I say we call it Mother's Day, sit on the computer, do little, drink coffee, and ask the children to make cookies.



Or we could do life I guess.   :p ;)


So the baby was delivered to me nekkid.  Apparently he worked off his diaper sometime early last night - I guess I'm washing sheets today?


Moderate school with kiddos:


Barton x 2

Baths x 5

Straighten garage because my great - grandpa is coming this afternoon and walking up the porch is really hard.

Read aloud

Writing with Skill with Liz

Figure out Abbie's birthday gifts & order cake.

Simple school with the pre-k/k

Pick up oldest DS from class

Make something (Giant cookies???) for oldest DD - the kid has been working to death between school and work.  (They opened a new store and they haven't figured out who  is responsible and who isn't yet, so unfortunately they find themselves short handed a LOT.  The girl worked 6AM - 4PM yesterday and then went back in to close from 8PM to 11PM.  I'm not super thrilled but I admire her spirit I think.)


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Good morning. It's raining AGAIN!!!!

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work- made discussion posts for psychology and statistics about 2/3 done of study guide for A&P

- fold laundry- didn't happen, didn't help that we had to hide out in the bathroom for an hour

- get dd1 off bus- done

- the first day of school paper work and recall from dd1 on how it went (I'm sure she's rather PO'ed that it is raining)- done

- soccer practice???- canceled

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- trying

- anything else I get done- called in dh's meds for refills, went to store for lettuce and tomato, looked up info for next portion of dh's CDT exam.

So he passed the portion he took in Missouri :D

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Good Morning!


Slept in until 8:15am...bliss!  Woke up knowing we were caught up and it feels awesome!



vacuumed the house


3 loads of laundry 

dressed and with makeup! 


To do:

make sure ds doesn't need anything from me before leaving this afternoon 

read Hamlet and make notes for next act

go to dinner with my hubby to my favorite restaurant

go see the Washington Nationals play tonight

get home late but happy!


Have a great day everyone!


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Hi everyone! Yestereday was a cruddy day but today started out great, so I am content. DS13 is working very hard in his online classes, and TOTALLY independent from me (!!!!) so I get to focus on DS10 more. THat's a good thing, because he is smart but lazy, and needs me on his behind daily to make him work to his ability level.


  1. new drivers license
  2. clean kitchen
  3. fold laundry
  4. wash
  5. vacuum floors
  6. take supplements
  7. knit shirt
  8. knit socks
  9. homeschool from 9 am to 4 pm
  10. pick up new phone? what kind??? Decisions decisions!!
  11. exercise
  12. bible
  13. kids to TKD tonight??
  14. what's for dinner??
  15. put away clean laundry
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