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The Well-Educated Mind

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So I thought I would begin this project of reading through the great works. But first some questions have come to mind.


Has anyone used the Kindle free editions of these books with the highlighting capacity?  Is that just totally inferior to marking up a hardcopy?  I hate marking up books - I mainly mark in the margins of textbooks as I went through my own graduate education, so I don't think this will be a big deal for me.  Anyone else use the kindle editions?


Is there a forum for discussing our thoughts in the rhetoric stage?  I would have my husband be my partner but he is currently finishing his own little project started 3 years ago - his bachelor's degree...



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I used a spiral notebook and those little sticky-note flags numbered to match my notes, and that felt better to me than marking up my books.  Once I mark them, I find that I have a hard time re-reading.


At this point, I've decided to read through the list of novels, once each book, and then circle back.  I know it isn't the protocol, but I'm enjoying it.  I hated Moby Dick but loved one sentence of it so much that I burned it onto a wood plaque for our school room wall.  I just finished Crime and Punishment, and feel scarred, in a good way, by it.  (I disliked the ending; I thought it was too trite.  I feel qualified to criticize, apparently.  :hat:)​


There is a forum group, but it could really use a bump.  I hope someone will link it for you but I don't know how. 



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I hated Moby Dick but loved one sentence of it so much that I burned it onto a wood plaque for our school room wall.


Inquiring minds want to know (or at least one inquiring mind does!), what's the sentence?  I enjoyed parts of Moby Dick, but not all of it.


I have never been one to write in books.  It just feels wrong, and I won't do it.  I'm trying to start up a notebook with quotes and thoughts.  


When I've tried to make notes/highlights with ebooks, I've found that it takes me out of the reading too much - dealing with autocorrect, no I meant to highlight that sentence too, etc.  But you may have a different experience than I.

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"Glimpses do ye seem to see of that mortally intolerable truth; that all deep, earnest thinking is but the intrepid effort of the soul to keep the open independence of her sea; while the wildest winds of heaven and earth conspire to cast her on the treacherous, slavish shore?


But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God - so, better it is to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety!"


It's like Braveheart for the cerebral.  "THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK!"

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I am still stuck in Don Quixote as well! I have read many other books in the meantime, but am not often in the mood for Don Q. late at night when I finally have a chance to read.

Ugh. DQ is driving me nuts. I can't relate to him at all. What ridiculous fantasy will he dream up next that gets him beat up again?


Does it get better?

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Ugh. DQ is driving me nuts. I can't relate to him at all. What ridiculous fantasy will he dream up next that gets him beat up again?


Does it get better?


I'm ashamed to say, I, too, am still reading DQ.  It's been years.  I read a little, I get tired of his antics, I take a break from the book...for 6 months.  It's been a vicious cycle.  I feel like I'm in one of his fantasies and I cannot escape.  It's scary.  I don't like this book. 


Someone please tell me it will get better. (I'm 2/3 of the way through.)

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I thought DQ was sort of a slog in the middle.  I had to just read it. 


There were some things about how the story was developed, and how it ended, that stuck with me when I read some later books. 


I don't love it, but I see it's place in the developing art form of the novel, and it did have some interesting commentary on human personalities that I still think about.


C'mon ladies, get it done!  :)  I have things to discuss, and we can't discuss until you are done! 



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I thought DQ was sort of a slog in the middle. I had to just read it.


There were some things about how the story was developed, and how it ended, that stuck with me when I read some later books.


I don't love it, but I see it's place in the developing art form of the novel, and it did have some interesting commentary on human personalities that I still think about.


C'mon ladies, get it done! :) I have things to discuss, and we can't discuss until you are done!

Okay, fine! I'll push through! Might take me another year or two though... :P


I appreciate your insight. I figured there was a reason for including it in TWEM, and I trust that book's author so...


If SWB thinks it's important, it must be! ;)

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It took me about 3-4 months to read all of DQ, and while I'm glad I read it, I certainly won't be reading it again :laugh:


I did have the lofty goal of reading all the books in WEM but there are a few I just couldn't get all the way through--Gulliver and Pilgrim's come to mind. Now I'm halfway following the rhetoric recommendations in ToG for my reading list. Right now I'm reading Austen for the very first time!


So where is this group? Maybe I'm already part of it and never check, lol.

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OK, I will finish reading it.  I'll just think of transition in childbirth and keep saying to myself, "I'll make it through...I'll make it through."  Will someone send me a baby to hold and cuddle after I'm done?


Now, who said they couldn't finish Pilgrim's Progress??  Isn't that the next one after DQ?  I'm a little concerned...

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