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Exercise thread: Aug 16 - 22

Kim in Appalachia

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I'm back from our Alaskan Adventure :D


Active highlights


• a nine-hour hike to and on the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau (will be back to add link to guide); most exhausting, frightening, and exhilarating hike of my life; with dh, four other people plus one guide; I was the oldest in the group and the one with the shortest legs by far, which made for difficult scrambles at times


• kayaking on a glacier lake in British Columbia; first time ever kayaking and I loved it, so much so that we are planning future kayaking (though we have to get better coordinated at kayaking together--dh, in the back, would speed up without letting me know)


• multiple hikes in Denali National Park; would loved to have stayed there a full week instead of two full and two partial days


But today, it's back to reality with my trainer and a cardio session :eek:

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Luckymama, that sounds like such a great vacation!  The hike sounds incredible.  



Today I had a 90 minute yoga Primary practice.  It was a bit slower paced, and so nice.  My arms are already feeling it.  I thinking of adding 300 kettlebell swings a day, just to keep up some cardio.  I'll see how it feels when I try it later today. :)

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Just a quick check in-


Luckymama your trip sounds unbelievable!


I'm still not feeling well, I crashed this weekend(I hardly even made it off the couch). I am feeling better so far this week but not good. I went yesterday to get a blood draw and should have the results within a couple of days and I made an appt with a new dr, I obviously need management close to home and the standard of care from my current dr is only getting worse. As far as activity my goal this week is just to be able to get the basics of life done and hopefully some walks. I'm terrified that I have Silks this weekend, I don't know what I will or won't be able to do by then with little strength or endurance but I guess I'll take it one day at a time.  


Fwiw though we had a great week of school, well we got in 4 good days, so that was a success :)

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Yoga primary again today.  It was a 90 minute practice, done a bit slowly, so only covering half primary.  Loved it.  I did get in 300 kettlebell swings in total yesterday.  And I've done 100 so far today.  It was much harder than it use to be.  I've been unsure about adding the swings while hitting yoga so hard, but I like how it raises my heart rate.  I'll give it another day or so and see how it works.  I don't want to overdo it.  I'm good at doing that. :)

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Started on my search for a new yoga teacher (grump, chocolate).  Went along to an expensive place with very small classes.  It was a bit odd, because it was trying to be all posh and spa-like, but it shares its premises with another business, so there was all this rubbish lying around in the entry hall, and the toilets were very basic (but with nice soap and towels).


Anyway, it turned out that the yoga class is being taught by a replacement teacher during the summer, and the replacement teacher had a minor family crisis, so the business owner took over.  Except that she is a Pilates teacher and, not knowing the students, she decided to do an extremely mimsy restorative set.  Perfectly pleasant but not very taxing, and I didn't learn anything about any yoga teacher.  Oh well, onwards and upwards.  I did learn that I didn't want to be taught by her again: she set up a slightly longer sequence then spent the time when we were doing it looking out the window.  I certainly needed someone keeping an eye that I was doing it right (I have the coordination of a baby giraffe) but she was just looking out to sea.


The rain had cleared by the time I got home, so I walked after supper.  11,600 steps.  Average for August: 13,148.

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- More flooring finished off (it's getting exciting!),

- tackled part of the master bedroom (doesn't feel quite so scary anymore),

- walked the poodle and took him flooring shopping,

- tidied up the front yard,

- finished off the day with some really great tennis!!  :hurray:

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Just yoga today, no kettlebell.  My back was hurting by the end of yesterday and  I had only done 200 swings.  I need to give it a rest for a bit.  In my head I think a month of just yoga, then add kettlebells, but maybe 6 weeks would be better.  I don't know.  I'm feeling old. :(  But on the up side, yoga has been great. I'm loving it. Full primary takes 90 minutes, following an online led class.  I think for now, that this needs to be it.  I would like to be able to get some walking in.  Maybe I will soon.  I'm adjusting to a new schedule that could end up changing again, so I'm having a hard time figuring out what I should or should do.  


Laura, so sorry you're having trouble finding a class.  I wish I could attend classes more often.  Classes are an hour from where I live.  There are very good ones in the city, but I can't get to them.  It is frustrating.  I hope you find something soon. 

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Laura, so sorry you're having trouble finding a class.  I wish I could attend classes more often.  Classes are an hour from where I live.  There are very good ones in the city, but I can't get to them.  It is frustrating.  I hope you find something soon. 


Thanks - I'm trying another one tomorrow.  For a small town, there are an awful lot of yoga options - the university students and staff support a lot of places.  So I'll find something in the end.  There aren't so many options in the evenings though: lots of academics and students go to classes during the day, but I don't have that option.

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It's been crazy busy week with our tutorials starting and homeschooling starting next week.  Just 4 kids to homeschool this year but they are all at intensive years where I have to really step it up.


Monday morning 5K walk with dh.  We keep picking up the pace and hope to get our walk done in 38 minutes.  My husband is not a runner so this is really big for him.  Right now we are at 50 minutes.  Monday night- 5 1/2 hours on the mats at MMA. 


Tuesday: 5K morning walk.  


Wednesday: 5 K morning walk.  4 1/2 hours on the mats at MMA.  


Today: I have one adult class at MMA and then kettle bell class.  I am also going to try this warmup/stretch.

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I went to the city today and went to a hot yoga class. I've missed going to class, and I especially enjoy that class and teacher.


Laura, sorry you're still striking out. I'm always impressed with your step count. Nicely done.


There's a new hot yoga class starting up in town.  I can't see the attraction at all: I didn't enjoy exercising in Hong Kong when I lived there, and I can't see wanting to exercise in that heat now.  Can you explain the allure?


My step count has gone up since I've been working in town and having longer lunch breaks: there are more places to go and there's more time in the middle of the day to walk.

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There's a new hot yoga class starting up in town.  I can't see the attraction at all: I didn't enjoy exercising in Hong Kong when I lived there, and I can't see wanting to exercise in that heat now.  Can you explain the allure?


My step count has gone up since I've been working in town and having longer lunch breaks: there are more places to go and there's more time in the middle of the day to walk.


I agree Laura- but my sister who lives in Colorado Springs loves it.  I wonder if it is because she's always cold?  


I snuck in an extra 5K walk yesterday with a dd.  Today?  The floppy comments describe me exactly.  I'm taking a rest day in prep for tomorrows open mat.

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There's a new hot yoga class starting up in town.  I can't see the attraction at all: I didn't enjoy exercising in Hong Kong when I lived there, and I can't see wanting to exercise in that heat now.  Can you explain the allure?


My step count has gone up since I've been working in town and having longer lunch breaks: there are more places to go and there's more time in the middle of the day to walk.



I always thought I would hate it.  I told a few people that I would never try it.  I would feel like I couldn't breathe.  But then I tried it.  Yes, it's very hot.  Humid and hot.  But I love the rhythm, and when it's over I feel amazing.  I can't describe it well.  But you may want to give it a shot.  There's no music, and you follow the same routine every time.  And, a bonus for a lot of people, no sun salutes, so you never put any pressure on your wrists.  It's definitely different, but I have found it a good different. It's not for everyone, but it may be worth giving it a try.  If you do start with the shorter class (17 postures, I think).  The full class is 90 minutes, which is a lot to get used to.  If you go, take water and take a towel.  

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Well my "rest" day turned out to be super busy paper work day punctuated by a 3.4 mile walk and and later by a 2 mile walk.  


Today is 2 hours of open mat training.  I'm trying out eating a cliff bar and drinking coconut water during training to see if it is effective in staving off both the shakes and muscle cramps.


Have a great weekend everyone!

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The tennis last night was really fun. We lasted 2.5 hours.


Today dh and I painted the master bedroom, and it looks great. I'm so thrilled that I was able to pick out a paint colour that I like when it's on the wall!!  :hurray:


Other than painting, I walked the dog a couple of good, long walks. Finished off the evening by ripping up some more carpeting on the stairs and pulling out staples. My arms are toast now. 

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