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UPDATE: urgent prayers needed -


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lost wallet in a cab.  I don't even know the number.  it was late, I was tired, there were no shuttles running so we ended up sharing a cab with another couple.  I thought I heard something drop, thought it was my phone. then saw the seat belt banging against metal so thought that was what I heard.

prayers that it will be found and turned in (with my cash still inside would be nice.).  I've called two cab companies - dh said it was one, but I think it was a different one.  just too many things going on.  and since we paid cash, we don't even have a receipt.



UPDATE: thank you everyone for your prayers.  the  driver found it when he cleaned out his car for the day - after another 4 - 6 fares. (I wasn't quite sure.)  he wouldn't even let me give him a reward.  ds said I should have told him it was for making it possible to NOT have to go to the DMV.

he had to work to track down a phone number for me too.  fortunately, ds was home to answer the phone and give him my cell#. I was dropping dudeling off at a playmates house, and was going directly to the DMV afterwards.

I think I need to go sleep off the stress now . . . .

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